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Ingemar Gustavsson

Ingemar Gustavsson Distinguished Cytogeneticist Cytogenet Genome Res 120:5–8 (2008) DOI: 10.1159/000118735 Dr. Ingemar Gustavsson is a pioneer in the field of mam- malian cytogenetics and considered to be one of the found- ers of modern veterinary cytogenetics. His long and pro- ductive career has focused on chromosomes and their fun- damental role in animal physiology, fertility, health and production in the context of agriculture and veterinary medicine. His thirst for knowledge and understanding, enhanced by an ability to envision and embrace new and relevant technology, enabled him to make important con- tributions to our understanding of mitosis, meiosis, chro- mosome integrity, and the transmission of chromosomal variation in domestic animals. In 1964, while conducting doctoral research at the Royal Veterinary College in Stock- holm, he reported three cases of what he termed the 1/29 Robertsonian translocation in Swedish Red and White cat- tle suffering from virally induced leucosis (Gustavsson and Rockborn, 1964). Subsequent field studies showed a 13–14% incidence of the translocation in the population. His rigor- ous analysis of breeding data resulted in the unequivocal identification of an association between heterozygosity for the 1/29 translocation and a 4–5% reduction in the fertility of the breed (Gustavsson, 1969). This extensive study, Cytogenetic and Genome Research Karger

Ingemar Gustavsson

Cytogenetic and Genome Research , Volume 120 (1-2): 4 – May 1, 2008

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Distinguished Cytogeneticist Cytogenet Genome Res 120:5–8 (2008) DOI: 10.1159/000118735 Dr. Ingemar Gustavsson is a pioneer in the field of mam- malian cytogenetics and considered to be one of the found- ers of modern veterinary cytogenetics. His long and pro- ductive career has focused on chromosomes and their fun- damental role in animal physiology, fertility, health and production in the context of agriculture and veterinary medicine. His thirst for knowledge and understanding, enhanced by an ability to envision and embrace new and relevant technology, enabled him to make important con- tributions to our understanding of mitosis, meiosis, chro- mosome integrity, and the transmission of chromosomal variation in domestic animals. In 1964, while conducting doctoral research at the Royal Veterinary College in Stock- holm, he reported three cases of what he termed the 1/29 Robertsonian translocation in Swedish Red and White cat- tle suffering from virally induced leucosis (Gustavsson and Rockborn, 1964). Subsequent field studies showed a 13–14% incidence of the translocation in the population. His rigor- ous analysis of breeding data resulted in the unequivocal identification of an association between heterozygosity for the 1/29 translocation and a 4–5% reduction in the fertility of the breed (Gustavsson, 1969). This extensive study,


Cytogenetic and Genome ResearchKarger

Published: May 1, 2008

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