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MOLECULAR TECHNIQUES Acta Cytologica Potential Applications to Diagnostic Cytopathology Robert T. Pu, M.D., Ph.D., and Douglas P. Clark, M.D. Inactivation of tumor suppressor genes is often the result ration biopsies of tumors. (Acta Cytol 2003;47:247– of genetic mutations or deletions. However, another 252) mechanism for silencing genes involves DNA methyl- Keywords: DNA methyl- ation. In this setting, a ation, cancer, laboratory Although the application of MSP is methyl group is added to cy- diagnosis. limited to date, future studies may tosine residues within the reveal an important adjunctive role gene promoter region; that DNA methylation is a prevents transcription. Tu- mechanism used by cells in cancer screening, diagnosis and mors usually contain multi- to regulate gene expres- therapeutic monitoring with ple genes that have been si- sion. It involves the addi- lenced by methylation, tion of a methyl group to cytologic specimens. unlike normal tissues, in cytosine nucleotides by which gene methylation enzymes called DNA 1,2 events are less common. The list of genes methylated in a methyltransferases in eukaryotes. Typically, the given tumor is often referred to as a gene methylation methylated cytosines are clustered in chromosomal profile. Gene methylation profiles may be almost unique regions rich in
Acta Cytologica – Karger
Published: Jan 1, 2011
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