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Acta Cytologica Cytomorphology of Lipomatous Tumors of Soft Tissue Kusum Kapila, M.D., F.I.A.C., FRC Path, Nandita Ghosal, M.D., Satyajit Singh Gill, M.D., and Kusum Verma, M.D., M.I.A.C., FAMS OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cytomorphologic features the well-differentiated liposarcomas, 3 of the 10 pleo- of benign and malignant lipomatous tumors of soft tissue morphic liposarcomas and 8 of the 17 myxoid liposarco- on fine needle aspirates mas were diagnosed as such (FNA) and determine if the on FNA. Cytologic diagnosis variants of liposarcoma could of the remaining 9 cases of FNAC can be a useful diagnostic tool be identified. myxoid liposarcoma were STUDY DESIGN: FNA of pleomorphic liposarcoma (1); in the preoperative diagnosis of histologically documented liposarcoma, ?type (3); ma- benign and malignant lipomatous benign (51 cases) and malig- lignant mesenchymal tumor nant (39 cases) lipomatous (1); suspicious for malignan- tumors. tumors were reviewed. cy (2); and benign (2). There Twenty-six of the 51 FNA were no false positives, but from lipomas and 34 of the 39 there were 3 false nega- FNA from malignant lipomatous tumors were satisfacto- tive cases (1 well-differentiated and 2 myxoid liposarco- ry for evaluation. ma). RESULTS: FNA from 26 cases of lipomas were cellular, CONCLUSION:
Acta Cytologica – Karger
Published: Jan 1, 2011
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