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Announcement Kcnnedy/loncscu-Matiu/Adler-Storthz/Henkcl/Sanchez/Dreesman 19 Sanchez, Y.; lonescu-Matiu, I.; Hollinger, F. B.; B surface antigen after a single inoculation of un­ Melnick.J. L .;D reesm an,G . R .: Antigenic relation­ coupled synthetic HBsAg peptides. Nature, Lond. ship o f a hepatitis B surface antigen-derived poly­ 295: 158-160(1982). peptide and human serum albumin. J. gen. Virol. 24 Lerner, R. A .;G ree n ,N .: Alexander, H.; Liu, F .T .; 48: 273-283 (1980). Sutclilfe, J .G .; Shinnick, T. M.: Chemically syn­ 20 Neurath, A .R .; Prince, A. M.; Lippin, A.: Hepa­ thesized peptides predicted from the nucleotide titis B antigen: antigenic sites related lo human sequence o f the hepatitis B virus genome elicit anti­ serum proteins revealed by affinity chromatogra­ bodies reactive with the native envelope protein of phy. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA 71: 2663-2667 Dane particles. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA 78: (1974). 3403-3407(1981). 21 Houwen, E .N .B .; Merrink, J.; Vos, J.; Molenaar, 25 Vyas, G .N .: Molecular immunology of the hepa­ I.; Nieweg, H .O .: Use of immunoadsorbents in the titis B surface antigen (HBsAg); in Maupas, isolation o f Australia antigen. Vox Sang. 24: suppl., Guesry, Hepatitis B vaccine, pp.227-237 (Elsevier/ pp. 114-122(1973). North-Holland, Amsterdam 1981). 22 Schurs, A .H .W .M .; Wolters, G .: Hepatitis B sur­ 26 Prince, A. M.: Ikram, H.; Hopp, T. P .: Hepatitis B face antigen and human serum proteins. Am. J. virus vaccine: identification o f HBsAg/a and mcd. Sci. 270: 173-177(1975). HBsAg/d but not HBsAg/y subtype antigenic deter­ 23 Dreesman, G .R .: Sanchez, Y.: lonescu-Matiu. I.; minants on a synthetic immunogenic peptide. Proc. Sparrow, J.T .; Six, H .R .; Peterson, D .L .; Hol­ natn. Acad. Sci. USA 79: 579-582 (1982). linger, F. B.; Melnick, J.L .: Antibody to hepatitis Sixth International Congress o f Virology Sendai, Japan, September 1-7, 1984 The Virology Division of the International Those virologists who plan to attend this Union of Microbiological Societies is organ­ Congress should send their name and mailing izing the Sixth International Congress o f Virol­ address immediately to: ogy which will be held from 1 to 7 September, Congress Secretariat 1984, in Sendai, Japan. Sixth International Congress of Virology The scientific program will include 5 sym­ c/o International Congress Service posia on subjects o f general interest, about Chikusen Bldg. 2-7-4 Nihombashi 50 workshops on specific subjects, and poster Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103 sessions that will cover all areas of virology. Japan The Congress will run for 5 days with a 1-day intermission. Accommodations of varying cost Respondents will be placed on a mailing will be reserved, including some inexpensive list for all further communications, including hotel rooms, and attempts are being made to the First Announcement/Preliminary Program significantly reduce traveling costs. which will be distributed in May 1983. Intervirology Karger


Intervirology , Volume 19 (3): 1 – Jan 1, 2008

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© 1983 S. Karger AG, Basel
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Kcnnedy/loncscu-Matiu/Adler-Storthz/Henkcl/Sanchez/Dreesman 19 Sanchez, Y.; lonescu-Matiu, I.; Hollinger, F. B.; B surface antigen after a single inoculation of un­ Melnick.J. L .;D reesm an,G . R .: Antigenic relation­ coupled synthetic HBsAg peptides. Nature, Lond. ship o f a hepatitis B surface antigen-derived poly­ 295: 158-160(1982). peptide and human serum albumin. J. gen. Virol. 24 Lerner, R. A .;G ree n ,N .: Alexander, H.; Liu, F .T .; 48: 273-283 (1980). Sutclilfe, J .G .; Shinnick, T. M.: Chemically syn­ 20 Neurath, A .R .; Prince, A. M.; Lippin, A.: Hepa­ thesized peptides predicted from the nucleotide titis B antigen: antigenic sites related lo human sequence o f the hepatitis B virus genome elicit anti­ serum proteins revealed by affinity chromatogra­ bodies reactive with the native envelope protein of phy. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA 71: 2663-2667 Dane particles. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA 78: (1974). 3403-3407(1981). 21 Houwen, E .N .B .; Merrink, J.; Vos, J.; Molenaar, 25 Vyas, G .N .: Molecular immunology of the hepa­ I.; Nieweg, H .O .: Use of immunoadsorbents in the titis B surface antigen (HBsAg); in Maupas, isolation o f Australia antigen. Vox Sang. 24: suppl., Guesry, Hepatitis B vaccine, pp.227-237 (Elsevier/ pp. 114-122(1973). North-Holland, Amsterdam 1981). 22 Schurs, A .H .W .M .; Wolters, G .: Hepatitis B sur­ 26 Prince, A. M.: Ikram, H.; Hopp, T. P .: Hepatitis B face antigen and human serum proteins. Am. J. virus vaccine: identification o f HBsAg/a and mcd. Sci. 270: 173-177(1975). HBsAg/d but not HBsAg/y subtype antigenic deter­ 23 Dreesman, G .R .: Sanchez, Y.: lonescu-Matiu. I.; minants on a synthetic immunogenic peptide. Proc. Sparrow, J.T .; Six, H .R .; Peterson, D .L .; Hol­ natn. Acad. Sci. USA 79: 579-582 (1982). linger, F. B.; Melnick, J.L .: Antibody to hepatitis Sixth International Congress o f Virology Sendai, Japan, September 1-7, 1984 The Virology Division of the International Those virologists who plan to attend this Union of Microbiological Societies is organ­ Congress should send their name and mailing izing the Sixth International Congress o f Virol­ address immediately to: ogy which will be held from 1 to 7 September, Congress Secretariat 1984, in Sendai, Japan. Sixth International Congress of Virology The scientific program will include 5 sym­ c/o International Congress Service posia on subjects o f general interest, about Chikusen Bldg. 2-7-4 Nihombashi 50 workshops on specific subjects, and poster Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103 sessions that will cover all areas of virology. Japan The Congress will run for 5 days with a 1-day intermission. Accommodations of varying cost Respondents will be placed on a mailing will be reserved, including some inexpensive list for all further communications, including hotel rooms, and attempts are being made to the First Announcement/Preliminary Program significantly reduce traveling costs. which will be distributed in May 1983.



Published: Jan 1, 2008

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