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A Symposium on Signal Transduction in the Endothelium

A Symposium on Signal Transduction in the Endothelium Introduction ta™ ,",V a s e u la r Received : March 11. 1997 J Vase Res 1997;34:149-151 R e s e a r c h Accepted after revision: April 14, 1997 C. van Breemen A Symposium on Signal X iaodong Wang Transduction in the Endothélium Department o f Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University o f British Vancouver, Septem ber9-11,1996 Columbia, Vancouver, Canada This symposium was dedicated to Dr. Robert Furch- coupled receptors are characterized by the presence o f gott for his discovery o f the endothelium-derived relaxing seven hydrophobic regions which are thought to be the factor [l] and subsequent identification o f its probable membrane-spanning domains. The characteristics o f cou­ structure as nitric oxide (NO) [2], pling o f receptors to different families o f G proteins Furchgott’s original work on endothelium-dependent define several categories o f physiological significance. acetylcholine induced relaxation focuses interest on the Thus, the pertussis-toxin-sensitive G protein (Gi) is cou­ central role the endothelium plays in regulating the circu­ pled to endothelial serotonin, cb-adrenergic, leukotriene lation and has stimulated many studies o f the signal trans­ and thrombin receptors, while Gp is coupled to bradyki- duction pathways in endothelial cells. C a2+ Journal of Vascular Research Karger

A Symposium on Signal Transduction in the Endothelium

Journal of Vascular Research , Volume 34 (3): 3 – Jan 1, 1997

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© 1997 S. Karger AG, Basel
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Introduction ta™ ,",V a s e u la r Received : March 11. 1997 J Vase Res 1997;34:149-151 R e s e a r c h Accepted after revision: April 14, 1997 C. van Breemen A Symposium on Signal X iaodong Wang Transduction in the Endothélium Department o f Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University o f British Vancouver, Septem ber9-11,1996 Columbia, Vancouver, Canada This symposium was dedicated to Dr. Robert Furch- coupled receptors are characterized by the presence o f gott for his discovery o f the endothelium-derived relaxing seven hydrophobic regions which are thought to be the factor [l] and subsequent identification o f its probable membrane-spanning domains. The characteristics o f cou­ structure as nitric oxide (NO) [2], pling o f receptors to different families o f G proteins Furchgott’s original work on endothelium-dependent define several categories o f physiological significance. acetylcholine induced relaxation focuses interest on the Thus, the pertussis-toxin-sensitive G protein (Gi) is cou­ central role the endothelium plays in regulating the circu­ pled to endothelial serotonin, cb-adrenergic, leukotriene lation and has stimulated many studies o f the signal trans­ and thrombin receptors, while Gp is coupled to bradyki- duction pathways in endothelial cells. C a2+


Journal of Vascular ResearchKarger

Published: Jan 1, 1997

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