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Commercialising energy technology innovations: case of waste heat recovery for power generation

Commercialising energy technology innovations: case of waste heat recovery for power generation The conversion of industrial waste heat to power represents a significant opportunity for society to reduce the impact of industry processes on the environment, as well as an opportunity for entrepreneurs to develop new and innovative renewable energy businesses models. Through systematic analysis and comparison to geothermal energy, this paper will show that waste heat is a superior energy source that should be considered an independent and specific renewable energy. The change in status to a recognised renewable energy will stimulate significant investment in industrial waste heat, with the potential to provide electricity to 10 million homes from the current industrial waste heat stream, reducing pollution and improving industry profitability. Additionally, this status change would allow investors and developers to collect all available incentives, such as incentive tax credits, production tax credits and renewable energy credits. International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship Inderscience Publishers

Commercialising energy technology innovations: case of waste heat recovery for power generation

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The conversion of industrial waste heat to power represents a significant opportunity for society to reduce the impact of industry processes on the environment, as well as an opportunity for entrepreneurs to develop new and innovative renewable energy businesses models. Through systematic analysis and comparison to geothermal energy, this paper will show that waste heat is a superior energy source that should be considered an independent and specific renewable energy. The change in status to a recognised renewable energy will stimulate significant investment in industrial waste heat, with the potential to provide electricity to 10 million homes from the current industrial waste heat stream, reducing pollution and improving industry profitability. Additionally, this status change would allow investors and developers to collect all available incentives, such as incentive tax credits, production tax credits and renewable energy credits.


International Journal of TechnoentrepreneurshipInderscience Publishers

Published: Jan 1, 2017

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