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Book Reviews

Book Reviews Edited by Ahron L. Friedberg, M.D. The Marks of a Psychoanalysis, by Luis Izcovich, Karnac Books, London, 2017, 280 pp. I have been interested in the work of Jacques Lacan for about five years, and I still consider myself to be a novice with a relatively rudi- mentary appreciation of his ideas. My entrée into Lacan mostly came through the writing of Bruce Fink, and Lacan’s ideas have enhanced my clinical work by allowing me to pay more attention to my patients’ words themselves rather than to their consciously intended meanings, to the metaphor and metonymy in their verbal productions, and to find the humor expressed in irony and opposites often speaking to uncon- scious secondary gain and to passive aggressive actions. Luis Izcovich is a Lacanian psychiatrist, a founding member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field, and he has taught in the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Paris VIII and at the College of Clinical Psychoanalysis in Paris. He es- tablished Editions Stilus in Paris to disseminate works of psychoanaly- sis in France. The Marks of a Psychoanalysis was first published in 2015 and was recently translated into this English Psychodynamic Psychiatry Guilford Press

Book Reviews

Psychodynamic Psychiatry , Volume 46 (2): 27 – Jun 1, 2018

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Edited by Ahron L. Friedberg, M.D. The Marks of a Psychoanalysis, by Luis Izcovich, Karnac Books, London, 2017, 280 pp. I have been interested in the work of Jacques Lacan for about five years, and I still consider myself to be a novice with a relatively rudi- mentary appreciation of his ideas. My entrée into Lacan mostly came through the writing of Bruce Fink, and Lacan’s ideas have enhanced my clinical work by allowing me to pay more attention to my patients’ words themselves rather than to their consciously intended meanings, to the metaphor and metonymy in their verbal productions, and to find the humor expressed in irony and opposites often speaking to uncon- scious secondary gain and to passive aggressive actions. Luis Izcovich is a Lacanian psychiatrist, a founding member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field, and he has taught in the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Paris VIII and at the College of Clinical Psychoanalysis in Paris. He es- tablished Editions Stilus in Paris to disseminate works of psychoanaly- sis in France. The Marks of a Psychoanalysis was first published in 2015 and was recently translated into this English


Psychodynamic PsychiatryGuilford Press

Published: Jun 1, 2018

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