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R. Lucas (1989)
Minimum wages—strait-jacket or framework for the hospitality industry into the 1990s?International Journal of Hospitality Management, 8
C. Craig (1982)
Labour Market Structure, Industrial Organisation and Low Pay
Lawrence Katz, A. Krueger (1992)
The Effect of the Minimum Wage on the Fast-Food IndustryIndustrial & Labor Relations Review, 46
S. Bazen (1990)
On the Employment Effects of Introducing a National Minimum Wage in the UKBritish Journal of Industrial Relations, 28
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Remuneration practice in a wages council sector: some empirical observations in hotelsIndustrial Relations Journal, 22
G. Marshall, B. Mccormick (1985)
Minimum wages and unemployment: the reform of the Wages CouncilsIndustrial Relations Journal, 16
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Minimum Wages and the Labour Market – Recent and Contemporary Issues in the British Hotel IndustryEmployee Relations, 14
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Waiting for Change?: Working in Hotel and Catering
Reports a pilot study of parttime youth employment amongsixthformers in Greater Manchester and Cheshire which found that thevast majority of students worked in catering and retailing. Even thoughyouth wages are no longer regulated by wages councils, and the recessioncould be expected to exert a downward pressure on pay, the pay levelsfound were significantly higher than the junior wages council minimathat could have been expected to be in force in 1993. An overwhelmingmajority of the students were satisfied with their pay. For employers,the young constitute a relatively cheap and flexible labour source.Increasing numbers of students in sixth forms and higher educationthroughout the decade will apparently need to work, thus providing aninteresting scenario for further research into youth pay and employmentin the 1990s.
Personnel Review – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jul 1, 1993
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