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Work Planned for 195253 by A.S.T M.

Work Planned for 195253 by A.S.T M. ASTM D 128, Methods of Analysis of Grease. They Wor k Planned will also study low-temperature measurements of grease and oil separation of grease. This Committee for 1952/53 by sponsored the Symposium on Fretting Corrosion during the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Society. A.S.T M. Cutting Oils. Technical Committee K on Cutting Fluids antici­ TH E American Society for Testing Materials have pate publishing a report giving the results of a testing considerable work in hand and many of the activities programme involving Federal Stock Specification of their Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and W-O-283 , Determination of Active Sulphur in Lubricants are concerned with the latter. The Cutting Oils. This Committee is studying flank following are brief notes on work in hand on this wear and finish properties tests, film-strength testers, subject. and methods of stability of water emulsions of soluble The Technical Committee B on Lubricating Oils, oils and rust-preventing characteristics of water Section U-V, has a test programme in progress for emulsions of soluble oils. investigating the performance, spreading, corrosion, and oxidation characteristics of instrument oils. Graphit e Tests. Research Division XII on Graphite Tests is con­ Turbin e Oils. tinuing its activities on nomenclature, analysis, Section I on Oiling Systems plans a study of the abrasion, particle size determination, and sampling. rusting of turbine oil systems in service and is also The design of an abrasion tester will be completed and continuing studies preparatory to issuing "Recom­ a proposed method on particle size is to be revised for mended Practices on Design of Turbine Lubricating use. A proposed method for chemical analysis of Systems" and "Preparation of Turbine Lubricating graphite will be prepared as a basis for further Systems for Lay-Up". Revisions to D 665 and ASTM activity. D 943, Test for Oxidation Characteristics of Inhibited Steam-Turbine Oils are planned. Other projects by AST M and the IP. this committee include the correlation of neutrali­ The Co-ordinating Division on Research has as zation values with peroxide content, the development one of its projects the question of storage stability of of emulsion tests, and the prepartion of a report on oils containing pour point depressants under fluctu­ the compatibility of new and used turbine oils. ating temperature conditions. The close co-operation established between the Lubricating Grease. Committee D-2 and the Standardization Committee of the Institute of Petroleum with the object of Technical Committee G on Lubricating Grease are promoting international standards and test methods to develop improved methods for the chemical for petroleum and its products is very wel ome. analysis of constituents of greases not covered by Scientific LUBRICATION 19 November, 1952 Industrial Lubrication and Tribology Emerald Publishing

Work Planned for 195253 by A.S.T M.

Industrial Lubrication and Tribology , Volume 4 (11): 1 – Nov 1, 1952

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ASTM D 128, Methods of Analysis of Grease. They Wor k Planned will also study low-temperature measurements of grease and oil separation of grease. This Committee for 1952/53 by sponsored the Symposium on Fretting Corrosion during the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Society. A.S.T M. Cutting Oils. Technical Committee K on Cutting Fluids antici­ TH E American Society for Testing Materials have pate publishing a report giving the results of a testing considerable work in hand and many of the activities programme involving Federal Stock Specification of their Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and W-O-283 , Determination of Active Sulphur in Lubricants are concerned with the latter. The Cutting Oils. This Committee is studying flank following are brief notes on work in hand on this wear and finish properties tests, film-strength testers, subject. and methods of stability of water emulsions of soluble The Technical Committee B on Lubricating Oils, oils and rust-preventing characteristics of water Section U-V, has a test programme in progress for emulsions of soluble oils. investigating the performance, spreading, corrosion, and oxidation characteristics of instrument oils. Graphit e Tests. Research Division XII on Graphite Tests is con­ Turbin e Oils. tinuing its activities on nomenclature, analysis, Section I on Oiling Systems plans a study of the abrasion, particle size determination, and sampling. rusting of turbine oil systems in service and is also The design of an abrasion tester will be completed and continuing studies preparatory to issuing "Recom­ a proposed method on particle size is to be revised for mended Practices on Design of Turbine Lubricating use. A proposed method for chemical analysis of Systems" and "Preparation of Turbine Lubricating graphite will be prepared as a basis for further Systems for Lay-Up". Revisions to D 665 and ASTM activity. D 943, Test for Oxidation Characteristics of Inhibited Steam-Turbine Oils are planned. Other projects by AST M and the IP. this committee include the correlation of neutrali­ The Co-ordinating Division on Research has as zation values with peroxide content, the development one of its projects the question of storage stability of of emulsion tests, and the prepartion of a report on oils containing pour point depressants under fluctu­ the compatibility of new and used turbine oils. ating temperature conditions. The close co-operation established between the Lubricating Grease. Committee D-2 and the Standardization Committee of the Institute of Petroleum with the object of Technical Committee G on Lubricating Grease are promoting international standards and test methods to develop improved methods for the chemical for petroleum and its products is very wel ome. analysis of constituents of greases not covered by Scientific LUBRICATION 19 November, 1952


Industrial Lubrication and TribologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Nov 1, 1952

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