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This paper aims to examine 611 values statements to determine if values statements contain characteristics of organizational culture as provided by Denison and Mishra (1995). The general hypothesis given is there is a relationship between values statements and culture characteristics. Four testable hypotheses, one for each of Denison and Mishra’s (1995) characteristics, are created and tested.Design/methodology/approachThe process in testing the hypotheses had two components. First, a taxonomy of the values statements had to be determined. This involved using natural language characteristics rather than predetermined classes to create a taxonomy based on the language itself. Second, a custom dictionary for each characteristic had to be created based on Neuendorf (2017) to perform content analysis. Once the values statements were coded with a taxonomic classification and with culture characteristics, a Chi-Square test was performed to determine a relationship between the statement type and the cultural characteristic, and then a multinomial regression test was performed to determine strength and direction of the relationships.FindingsThe tests for all four hypotheses produced significant results in the Chi-Square test. The multinomial regression tests showed primarily that Business statements types often lack adaptability and stakeholder involvement cultural elements. Additionally, Religion statement types are positively related to adaptability and mission.Research limitations/implicationsThis paper creates a taxonomy and supplies the rules for classification. Values statements can now be classified using those rules and the classification used in analysis. Additionally, as values statements span over organizational culture, strategic management and strategic communication, these statements become a focal point for studying multiple topics across these fields. More particularly, finding the negative relationship between the Adaptability characteristic with the Business statement type and the involvement characteristic with the Business statement type may provide a cultural explanation for many mixed result studies on organizational success.Practical implicationsOrganizational culture can be displayed by way of values statements and can potentially affect organizational strategy and organizational communication. Wording is extremely important in creating a values statement, and that statement must clearly reflect the cultural values of the organization.Originality/valueFirst, this paper creates a taxonomy of values statements that is far more complete than anything created before. Second, by examining language, this paper discovers a link between organizational culture, strategic management and strategic communication.
International Journal of Organizational Analysis – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jul 8, 2019
Keywords: Organizational culture; Strategic management; Taxonomy; Text mining; Text analytics; Values statements
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