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McCarthy′s 4Ps mix has increasingly come under attack with the result that different marketing mixes have been put forward for different marketing contexts. Contends that the numerous and ad hoc conceptualizations undermine the concept of the marketing mix and proposes that Booms and Bitner′s (1981) 7Ps mix for services be extended to other areas of marketing. Shows how the 7Ps framework can be applied to consumer goods and reports the results of a survey of UK and European marketing academics which suggest that there is a high degree of dissatisfaction with 4Ps. Also suggests that the 7Ps framework has already achieved a high degree of acceptance as a generic marketing mix among both groups of respondents. Overall provides fairly strong support for the view that Booms and Bitner′s 7Ps framework should replace McCarthy′s 4Ps framework.
Marketing Intelligence & Planning – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 1, 1995
Keywords: Europe; Four Ps; Marketing mix; United Kingdom
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