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This research examines the extent overall supervisor injustice reduces self-control resources while simultaneously enhancing anticipatory injustice beliefs. Minimized self-control resources, in turn, are expected to alter the anticipatory supervisor injustice beliefs’ impact on subsequent unjust encounters. Self-control resources therefore act as boundary conditions in the continued receipt of unjust treatment, potentially highlighting Pygmalion effects (self-fulfilling prophecies) connected with subordinates’ overall injustice judgments.Design/methodology/approachUsing a two-survey, time-separated design, we test our hypothesized model in structural equation modeling (SEM) in MPlus with a sample of 163 US-employed adults recruited through online panel services. Main, interactive, and conditional indirect effects were used to examine our proposed relationships.FindingsEmpirical results showed that lower self-control resources and higher ASI beliefs resulted from subordinates holding high overall supervisor injustice judgments. Further, ASI beliefs were found to only explain the relationships of overall supervisor injustice with interpersonal injustice encounters, not informational justice encounters. This effect emerged when the subordinate’s self-control resources were low, not high.Originality/valueThis paper integrates fairness heuristics and ego depletion theories to highlight a previously understudied phenomenon–Pygmalion effects (e.g. expectations or anticipations becoming reality) pertaining to subordinates who hold high overall supervisor injustice judgments. The theoretical contribution and results offer a tantalizing lens regarding how anticipation may adversely affect future supervisor-subordinate interactions.
Management Decision – Emerald Publishing
Published: Dec 5, 2024
Keywords: Injustice heuristics; Injustice treatment; Self-control; Anticipatory beliefs
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