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Technological development has been a cornerstone of any emerging economy in the past few years. Blockchain has emerged as a promising technology in the past few years, revolutionizing business dynamics. There is always a concern or hesitation during such novel technological innovation. This paper aims to investigate the blockchain technology (BCT) implementation and acceptance in the supply chain function domain.Design/methodology/approachThe proposed model is based on the Technology Readiness Index (TRI) and extended theory of planned behavior (TPB). The responses were collected from information technology (IT) professionals working at management positions in various manufacturing industries. A total of 147 usable responses were collected for analyzing hypotheses using structural equation modeling.FindingsAs per the findings, perceived ease of use significantly impacts perceived usefulness and attitude toward technology acceptability. Perceived usefulness is significant to attitude toward use. Trust in technology has a significant impact on building up the attitude to use the technology.Originality/valueThe novelty of this work lies in gauging the acceptability of new ways and means of transacting among supply chain professionals and decision-makers. This study provides a broader perspective regarding reluctance and acceptance of the BCT in the developing country that may help the technologist to elucidate better for smooth adoption.
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 29, 2024
Keywords: Blockchain technology; Theory of planned behavior; Technology adoption; Technology Readiness Index
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