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The purpose of the study is to comprehend medical service quality, information quality and system quality toward actual use of Tele-Health in rural India. The study further validates the impact of the actual use of Tele-Health on sustainable development, thus providing implications to improve upon the Tele-Health penetration in India.Design/methodology/approachData was collected from 326 healthcare practitioners practicing Tele-Health in North Indian states and Structural Equation Modeling was applied to validate the conceptual framework.FindingsThe results indicated that medical service quality, information quality and system quality influence Tele-Health behavioral intentions which in turn impact actual use and sustainable development. This research draws upon a conceptual framework to deepen our understanding of Tele-Health by providing an all-inclusive overview.Originality/valueThe massive topography of India with a prime rural populace instills the need for timely healthcare facilities. Tele-Health is a solution to all these problems but is at a nascent stage. Therefore, there is a vital need to study the factors which improve the penetration of Tele-Health in the Indian context. The model that emerged from the study may be validated by other Indian sub-continental countries so that Tele-Health may be implemented hassle-free.
Kybernetes – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 30, 2024
Keywords: Tele-health; Medical service quality; Information quality; System quality; Sustainable development
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