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This study aims to explore the consumers’ choices of mobile payments (m-payments) using a comprehensive unified model. The financial technology for digital m-payment has been increasingly introduced in the market, yet their acceptance has remained low.Design/methodology/approachThis study uses the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with additional constructs of social influence, trust, anxiety, personal innovativeness and grievance redressal (GR). Structural equation modeling is used to evaluate the predictive model of attitudes toward m-payment. Individuals’ responses to questions regarding their attitude and intention to accept m-payment were gathered and examined through the lens of extended UTAUT model.FindingsWhile the model supports TAM classical role, empirical examination of the model revealed that users’ attitudes and intentions are influenced by trust, personal innovativeness and social influence. Moreover, intention to use and GR are significant positive predictors of m-payment usage behavior.Originality/valueM-payment provides customers with new digital payment platforms while providing businesses and marketing agents with more alternatives for online marketing. However, there is not much reported about m-payment adoption in Pakistan. This research introduces and evaluates new constructs that were not included in the original model. In Pakistan, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is a first of its kind of research which is purely based on the customers’ perspective of m-payment adoption.
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 29, 2024
Keywords: Mobile payment; Acceptance; UTAUT; Pakistan
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