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wall portions of different diameters and with a con necting portion having substantially conical spaced U.S. Patent Specifications walls, a plurality of sleeve valve members mounted in annular recesses in said vanes and each slidable from a forward recess in one vane across the air passage These details and drawings of patents granted in the United States are taken, by permission of the between two adjacent vanes to a rear recess in an in Department of Commerce, from the 'Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office'. Printed copies wardly adjacent vane, said sleeve valve members of the full specifications can be obtained, price 10 cents each, from the Commissioner of Patents, closing said air passages when in mid position, and Washington, D.C., U.S.A. They are usually available for inspection at the British Patent Office, means connected to the sleeve valve members, and operative to move each of said sleeve valve numbers Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. axially between two extreme positions which arc on company. Application December 13, 1947. In Great opposite sides of one continuous air passage. Britain September 16, 1947. In combination a fuel nozzle the jet from which is to be ignited, an electromagnetically operated valve operative when energized to permit fuel to flow to said nozzle, an electrically heated filament disposed in the path of the jet from said nozzle, a two-position switch, means operative to change said switch from a first position to a second position when said filament at tains a predetermined temperature, a first electric supply, a second electric supply of lower voltage than said first electric supply and electric connexions con nected to provide a first electric circuit comprising said 2,545,205. Control System for Reversible Pitch first electric supply, said two-position switch in its said Propellers. Thomas C. Hill, Aberdeen, and Paul R, first position and said filament in scries with one Coulson, Essex, Md., assignors to The Glenn L. another, a second electric circuit comprising said Martin Company, Middle River, Md., a corporation second electric supply, said two-position switch in its of Maryland. Application May 26, 1949. said second position and said filament in series with In combination with a propeller of the reversible- one another, and a third electric circuit comprising pitch type having pitch adjusting mechanism for vary said second electric supply, said two-position switch ing the pitch thereof, lever means for controlling said in its said second position and said elcctromagnetically pitch adjusting mechanism, mounted for movement operated valve in series with one another. within a forward pitch range to vary the forward pitch setting of said propeller and movable beyond 2,548,481. Flying Control for Aircraft. Henry one limit of the forward pitch range to a reverse pitch Knowler, Ryde, and Arthur Edward Swain, East position for reversing the pitch of said propeller, Cowes, Isle of Wight) England, assignors to Saunders- manual control means for moving said lever means, Roe Limited, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, England. stop means positioned to oppose movement of said Application November 29, 1947. In Great Britain lever means beyond said one limit, and a power actu October 16, 1946. ator operatively connected to said lever means and In an aircraft, the combination with a control mem operative when energized to move said lever means to ber, movable in opposite directions from a neutral reverse pitch position against the opposition of said position for the purpose of imparting movement to a stop means. 2,547,959. Centrifugal Fuel Feeding System for control surface, of a hydraulic feel generator, said feel Annular Combustion Chambers'. Ernest F. Miller, generator comprising a piston, a housing containing Lansdownc, Pa., assignor to Westinghouse Electric and shaped to fit said piston, outlets in said housing at Corporation, East Pittsburgh, Pa., a corporation of opposite sides of said piston, a connexion between Pennsylvania. Application January 27, 1948. said control member and said piston for moving said Fuel combustion apparatus comprising a substanti piston in said housing in a direction determined by the ally cylindrical casing structure providing an annular direction of movement of said control member to ex air flow passage, combustion basket means supported pel liquid through one of said outlets, valve mechan in said passage and having an annular extension wall ism for controlling the effective areas of said outlets, encompassing an entryway communicating therewith, an operative connexion between said control member a rotary shaft disposed axially within said casing and said valve mechanism, for imparting movement to structure, fuel supply means, and a centrifuge fuel said valve mechanism to reduce, progressively with impeller mounted on said shaft and having an inner movement of said control member from neutral posi annular recess and a plurality of radial ducts com tion, the effective area of that outlet through which municating therewith and disposed normal to said said piston is expelling liquid, a device responsive to 2,545,495. Annular Combustion Chamber Air Flow extension wall, said recess being adapted to receive changes in airspeed of the aircraft, and a member Arrangement about the Fuel Nozzle End. Robert A. fuel from said supply means, said ducts being adapted operated by movement of said responsive device for Sforzini, Toledo, Ohio, assignor to Westinghouse to throw fuel under centrifugal pressure against said modifying said operative connexion in accordance Electric Corporation, East Pittsburgh, Pa., a corpora extension wall of said basket structure for thereby with changes in airspeed, so as to increase, pro tion of Pennsylvania. Application August 6, 1947. effecting initial atomization and mixture of fuel with gressively with increase in airspeed, the movement Combustion apparatus for a gas turbine engine air flowing from said passage into said basket imparted to said valve mechanism by said control having inner and outer casing sections defining an structure. member. annular inlet passage for fluid under pressure flowing at high velocity, an annular combustor structure sup ported therein comprising telescoped inner and outer walls graduated inwardly at the upstream end joined by an annular flat end section to provide an annular combustion chamber, said end section being disposed normal to the path of fluid flowing through said pas sage, a plurality of circumferentially spaced fuel atom izing nozzles mounted in said end section for injecting fuel into the upstream end of said combustion cham ber, radially spaced annular baffles mounted on said inner and outer walls adjacent and parallel to said end section, and a plurality of apertures formed in said end section for directing streams of fluid under pressure 2,548,794. Aircraft Engine Cooling System. Harry from said inlet flow passage against said baffles and E. Hotz and Robert B. Gelbard, Columbus, Ohio, said nozzles for minimizing accumulation thereon of assignors to Curtiss-Wright Corporation, a corpora fuel deposits. tion of Delaware. Application April 8, 1948. An aircraft having an engine compartment; a gas turbine engine disposed in said compartment; a first passage for delivering ram air to the engine; a second passage for delivering ram air to one end of said com 2,548,430. Sleeve Valve for Resonance Combustion partment for cooling the latter, an air-operated check Apparatus. Robert H. Goddard, deceased, late of valve arranged to prevent airflow through the second Annapolis, Md., by Esther C. Goddard, executrix, passage from the engine compartment; a conduit pro Worcester, Mass., assignor of one-half to The Daniel viding for passage of air from said one end of the and Florence Guggenheim Foundation, New York, engine compartment into said first passage, an air- N.Y., a corporation of New York. Application Febru operated check valve arranged to prevent airflow 2,546,919. Electrical Ignition Device for Jets from ary 1, 1947. through said conduit from said first passage; and a Fuel Nozzles. Charles Molyneux Carington and port in the wall of said compartment at the opposite In a resonance combustion apparatus, a plurality George William Shoobert, London, and Ennis Jack of hollow annular vanes extending in the direction of end thereof, said port serving as an inlet or as an out Blight, Banstead, England, assignors to K. L. G. air flow and defining annular air-admitting passages let for air depending upon which of said check valves Sparking Plugs Limited, London, England, a British between axially spaced and substantially cylindrical is opened by air flow. 290 Aircraft Engineering
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Sep 1, 1951
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