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U.S. Patent Specifications

U.S. Patent Specifications 2,522,284. Mechanical Device Forming a Control Assembly Applicable in Steering Elements, more particularly as used in Aircraft Production. Jacques Andre Marie Lecarme, Aix-en-Provence, France, assignor to Société Anonyme: Société Nationale de These details and drawings of patents granted in the United States are taken, by permission of the Constructions Aeronautiques du Sud-Est, Paris, Department of Commerce, from the 'Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office'. Printed copies France. Application October 30, 1946. In France of the full specifications can be obtained, price 10 cents each, from the Commissioner of Patents, January 16, 1946. Washington, D.C., U.S.A. They are usually available for inspection at-the-British-Patent-Office, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. end to its discharge end and means to admit fuel to said tube adjacent the intake end, the diameter of the discharge end of said tube being less than the diameter of the annular path of said fuel supply means. 2,520,434. Control System for Turbojet Engines with Reheat Fuel Supply System. Arthur Rynyon Devereux Robson, Peterborough, England, assignor to Power Jets (Research and Development) Limited, London, England, a British Company. Application 2,519,522. Aircraft Having a Plurality of Fluidly March 18, 1947. In Great Britain March 15, 1946. Interconnected Laterally Disposed Landing Gear Units. Edward C. Wells, Seattle, Wash., assignor to Boeing Airplane Company, a corporation of Dela­ ware. Application January 29, 1946. A landing gear arrangement for an aeroplane having In an aircraft having a main control surface of a fuselage and a pair of laterally extending wings, a relatively large dimensions and a laterally disposed major central landing gear unit attached to the fuse­ supplemental control surface of relatively small lage, a pair of outboard stabilizing landing gear dimensions distinct from said main surface, manual units each attached to its respective wing and dis­ control means connected with said supplemental posed laterally with respect to said central unit, each control surface for actuating the same, a power means said landing gear unit including a piston-cylinder connected with said manual control means and said type hydraulic shock absorber, a hydraulic fluid main control surface for actuating said main surface conduit interconnecting the cylinders of each said according to the actuation of said manual means and shock absorber arranged in such manner that each of the stress exerted thereon, and a control system inter­ said laterally disposed units absorbs a predetermined posed between said manual means and said power portion of the laterally distributed load of the air­ means and comprising a first means connected with A gas turbine jet propulsion engine for aircraft plane while at rest upon the ground, cut-off valve said manual means and said power means for corre­ comprising a turbine providing propelling power, means interposed within said fluid conduit adjacent spondingly determining the amplitude and the compressor means including a compressor driven by its connection to said cylinders arranged to prevent said turbine and always operating therewith to direction of their movements, a dynamometer means loss of fluid from said cylinders in the event of rupture compress air for use in the motive fluid delivered to interposed between said manual means and said of said fluid conduit at rates of fluid flow beyond the said turbine, combustion chamber means to which supplemental control surface responsive to the stress normal equalizing flow between said shock absorber exerted on said manual means, and a second means the compressed air is supplied and from which motive units, and a further central landing gear unit longi­ connected with said dynamometer means and said fluid is delivered to said turbine, fuel supplying tudinally disposed with respect to said major central power means for determining the rate of movement of system for supplying fuel to said combustion chamber unit for absorbing a portion of the longitudinally said power means according to the stress exerted on means to produce said motive fluid, jet pipe means for distributed load of the aeroplane while at rest upon said manual means. directing the exhaust motive fluid from said turbine the ground. away from said engine at high velocity to provide jet propulsion, variable area jet nozzle means in said jet pipe, re-heat fuel supply system and burners for supplying heat to the exhaust motive fluid in said jet pipe, an engine throttle control controlling the fuel to the combustion chamber means and control means interconnecting said throttle and said variable area jet nozzle means for operating said variable area jet nozzle means at low power throttle settings and inter­ connecting said throttle, variable area jet nozzle means and said reheat supply system and burners for operating said variable area jet nozzle means and 2,520,373. Turbine Blade and Method of Making controlling said re-heat burners at the highest power the Same. Nathan C. Price, Los Angeles, Calif., throttle setting. assignor to Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif. Application January 24, 1945. A high temperature gas turbine blade comprising 2,524,605. Arrangement for Securing and Control­ a root portion for anchoring the blade and a blade ling a Movable Flap at the Trailing Edge of an Air­ portion to be acted upon by the high temperature plane Wing. Lucien Servanty, Paris, France, assignor turbine actuating gases, said portions including a to Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques common core of molded and sintered powdered du Sud-Ouest (Société Anonyme), Paris, France, tantalum, and a coating of chromium electroplated . a company of France. Application May 15, 1945. directly on the core and hot forged to size, said coating In France November 23, 1944. covering those surfaces of the core subject to abrasion The combination with an aircraft wing, of a and high temperature conditions. movable flap located at the trailing edge of the wing and having its forward portion normally nesting in the trailing portion of the wing, a pair of spanwise spaced links connecting the flap to the wing in sus­ pended relation, said links at their lower ends being 2,522,081. Combustion Chamber with Fuel Vapor­ connected by universal joints to the flap, one of said izing Pipes for Internal-Combustion Turbine Plants. link connections with the wing being a hinge joint Sidney Allen, Coventry, England, assignor to Arm­ the axis of which is parallel to the leading edge of the strong Siddeley Motors Limited, Coventry, England. flap and the other of said link connections with the Application August 19, 1947. In Great Britain June wing being a universal joint the centre of which lies 23, 1947. in the axis of the hinge joint, both links being arranged A combustion chamber, for an internal-combustion to move wholly within the aerofoil rear tip portion 2,520,388. Apparatus for Supporting Combustion turbine plant, for burning a high-flash-point liquid of the wing, a flap turning connecting rod within the in Fast-Moving Air Streams. Allan Gilbert Earl, fuel such as kerosene, including an elongated outer wing disposed between said links and movable in a South Farnborough, England, assignor to Power Jets casing of substantially circular cross-section, a shorter fore and aft direction, one end of said connecting (Research and Development) Limited, London, elongated inner casing spaced radially therefrom, a rod being connected by a universal joint to the flap England, a British company. Application November baffle means at one end of said inner casing, a plur­ at a point above and to the rear of the pivotal axis 19, 1947. ality of J-like pipes supported within said inner casing of the connexions between the links and the flap, with the free ends of their main portions engaged with Combustion apparatus comprising a duct, means additional connecting rods within said wing, each of a circle of holes in said baffle means and with their to supply fuel to said duct in a plurality of circum- said connecting rods having one end connected to curved ends outwardly of said free ends and directed ferentially spaced points in an annular path lying one of the universal joints between one of said links substantially in a single plane normal to the axis of towards places in said baffle means substantially mid­ and the flap and means within the wing for simul­ said duct, a tube coaxially arranged in said duct, said way between another circle of holes in said baffle taneously moving all of the connecting rods in a tube having an intake end and a discharge end located means, slit-type nozzles in said other circle of holes direction fore and aft of the wing to move the flap adjacent said fuel supply means, said tube having respectively, and means for injecting the liquid fuel in a curved path fore and aft relatively to the wing. conicity of increasing cross section from its intake into said free ends. Aircraft Engineering Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald Publishing

U.S. Patent Specifications

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology , Volume 23 (1): 1 – Jan 1, 1951

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2,522,284. Mechanical Device Forming a Control Assembly Applicable in Steering Elements, more particularly as used in Aircraft Production. Jacques Andre Marie Lecarme, Aix-en-Provence, France, assignor to Société Anonyme: Société Nationale de These details and drawings of patents granted in the United States are taken, by permission of the Constructions Aeronautiques du Sud-Est, Paris, Department of Commerce, from the 'Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office'. Printed copies France. Application October 30, 1946. In France of the full specifications can be obtained, price 10 cents each, from the Commissioner of Patents, January 16, 1946. Washington, D.C., U.S.A. They are usually available for inspection at-the-British-Patent-Office, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. end to its discharge end and means to admit fuel to said tube adjacent the intake end, the diameter of the discharge end of said tube being less than the diameter of the annular path of said fuel supply means. 2,520,434. Control System for Turbojet Engines with Reheat Fuel Supply System. Arthur Rynyon Devereux Robson, Peterborough, England, assignor to Power Jets (Research and Development) Limited, London, England, a British Company. Application 2,519,522. Aircraft Having a Plurality of Fluidly March 18, 1947. In Great Britain March 15, 1946. Interconnected Laterally Disposed Landing Gear Units. Edward C. Wells, Seattle, Wash., assignor to Boeing Airplane Company, a corporation of Dela­ ware. Application January 29, 1946. A landing gear arrangement for an aeroplane having In an aircraft having a main control surface of a fuselage and a pair of laterally extending wings, a relatively large dimensions and a laterally disposed major central landing gear unit attached to the fuse­ supplemental control surface of relatively small lage, a pair of outboard stabilizing landing gear dimensions distinct from said main surface, manual units each attached to its respective wing and dis­ control means connected with said supplemental posed laterally with respect to said central unit, each control surface for actuating the same, a power means said landing gear unit including a piston-cylinder connected with said manual control means and said type hydraulic shock absorber, a hydraulic fluid main control surface for actuating said main surface conduit interconnecting the cylinders of each said according to the actuation of said manual means and shock absorber arranged in such manner that each of the stress exerted thereon, and a control system inter­ said laterally disposed units absorbs a predetermined posed between said manual means and said power portion of the laterally distributed load of the air­ means and comprising a first means connected with A gas turbine jet propulsion engine for aircraft plane while at rest upon the ground, cut-off valve said manual means and said power means for corre­ comprising a turbine providing propelling power, means interposed within said fluid conduit adjacent spondingly determining the amplitude and the compressor means including a compressor driven by its connection to said cylinders arranged to prevent said turbine and always operating therewith to direction of their movements, a dynamometer means loss of fluid from said cylinders in the event of rupture compress air for use in the motive fluid delivered to interposed between said manual means and said of said fluid conduit at rates of fluid flow beyond the said turbine, combustion chamber means to which supplemental control surface responsive to the stress normal equalizing flow between said shock absorber exerted on said manual means, and a second means the compressed air is supplied and from which motive units, and a further central landing gear unit longi­ connected with said dynamometer means and said fluid is delivered to said turbine, fuel supplying tudinally disposed with respect to said major central power means for determining the rate of movement of system for supplying fuel to said combustion chamber unit for absorbing a portion of the longitudinally said power means according to the stress exerted on means to produce said motive fluid, jet pipe means for distributed load of the aeroplane while at rest upon said manual means. directing the exhaust motive fluid from said turbine the ground. away from said engine at high velocity to provide jet propulsion, variable area jet nozzle means in said jet pipe, re-heat fuel supply system and burners for supplying heat to the exhaust motive fluid in said jet pipe, an engine throttle control controlling the fuel to the combustion chamber means and control means interconnecting said throttle and said variable area jet nozzle means for operating said variable area jet nozzle means at low power throttle settings and inter­ connecting said throttle, variable area jet nozzle means and said reheat supply system and burners for operating said variable area jet nozzle means and 2,520,373. Turbine Blade and Method of Making controlling said re-heat burners at the highest power the Same. Nathan C. Price, Los Angeles, Calif., throttle setting. assignor to Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif. Application January 24, 1945. A high temperature gas turbine blade comprising 2,524,605. Arrangement for Securing and Control­ a root portion for anchoring the blade and a blade ling a Movable Flap at the Trailing Edge of an Air­ portion to be acted upon by the high temperature plane Wing. Lucien Servanty, Paris, France, assignor turbine actuating gases, said portions including a to Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques common core of molded and sintered powdered du Sud-Ouest (Société Anonyme), Paris, France, tantalum, and a coating of chromium electroplated . a company of France. Application May 15, 1945. directly on the core and hot forged to size, said coating In France November 23, 1944. covering those surfaces of the core subject to abrasion The combination with an aircraft wing, of a and high temperature conditions. movable flap located at the trailing edge of the wing and having its forward portion normally nesting in the trailing portion of the wing, a pair of spanwise spaced links connecting the flap to the wing in sus­ pended relation, said links at their lower ends being 2,522,081. Combustion Chamber with Fuel Vapor­ connected by universal joints to the flap, one of said izing Pipes for Internal-Combustion Turbine Plants. link connections with the wing being a hinge joint Sidney Allen, Coventry, England, assignor to Arm­ the axis of which is parallel to the leading edge of the strong Siddeley Motors Limited, Coventry, England. flap and the other of said link connections with the Application August 19, 1947. In Great Britain June wing being a universal joint the centre of which lies 23, 1947. in the axis of the hinge joint, both links being arranged A combustion chamber, for an internal-combustion to move wholly within the aerofoil rear tip portion 2,520,388. Apparatus for Supporting Combustion turbine plant, for burning a high-flash-point liquid of the wing, a flap turning connecting rod within the in Fast-Moving Air Streams. Allan Gilbert Earl, fuel such as kerosene, including an elongated outer wing disposed between said links and movable in a South Farnborough, England, assignor to Power Jets casing of substantially circular cross-section, a shorter fore and aft direction, one end of said connecting (Research and Development) Limited, London, elongated inner casing spaced radially therefrom, a rod being connected by a universal joint to the flap England, a British company. Application November baffle means at one end of said inner casing, a plur­ at a point above and to the rear of the pivotal axis 19, 1947. ality of J-like pipes supported within said inner casing of the connexions between the links and the flap, with the free ends of their main portions engaged with Combustion apparatus comprising a duct, means additional connecting rods within said wing, each of a circle of holes in said baffle means and with their to supply fuel to said duct in a plurality of circum- said connecting rods having one end connected to curved ends outwardly of said free ends and directed ferentially spaced points in an annular path lying one of the universal joints between one of said links substantially in a single plane normal to the axis of towards places in said baffle means substantially mid­ and the flap and means within the wing for simul­ said duct, a tube coaxially arranged in said duct, said way between another circle of holes in said baffle taneously moving all of the connecting rods in a tube having an intake end and a discharge end located means, slit-type nozzles in said other circle of holes direction fore and aft of the wing to move the flap adjacent said fuel supply means, said tube having respectively, and means for injecting the liquid fuel in a curved path fore and aft relatively to the wing. conicity of increasing cross section from its intake into said free ends. Aircraft Engineering


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Jan 1, 1951

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