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thickness ordinate lies in major part within boundary curves whose mean curve is an elliptic quadrant passing through the nose point of the section and the end point of the said maximum thickness ordinate serving as the minor semi-axis of said quadrant, the outer curve of said boundary curves being an auxiliary These abstracts of patents granted in the United States are taken, by permission of the Department of elliptic quadrant passing through said nose point and Commerce, from the 'Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office'. Printed copies of the full the end of an auxiliary minor semi-axis at the 0.3 specification can be obtained, price 10 cents each, from the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. , point of the chord and extending on to the outer end U.S.A. They are usually available for inspection at The British Patent Office, Southampton Buildings, of said maximum thickness ordinate, said auxiliary Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. minor semi-axis being equal to one-half the said maximum thickness of the said airfoil section, means Except where otherwise stated, the specification is unaccompanied by drawings if none is reproduced. to rotate said blade with a high peripheral velocity to produce a large pressure ratio, and means placing with respect to the connexion of said lever to said the inlet of said compressor in communication with assembly, and shock absorber means for yieldingly said slot to induct said boundary layer' air and resisting compression of said gear. compress it, thereby retaining the large pressure ratio and reducing the need for a large volumetric range. 2,431,449. Airplane Yaw and Pitch Control. Irving L. Ashkenas and Stuart A. Krieger, Los Angeles, In combination in an axial flow compressor, a Calif., assignors to Northrop Aircraft, Inc., Haw plurality of axial flow compressor blades disposed in 2,431,184. Composite Blade. Erle Martin, West thorne, Calif., a corporation of California. Applica- tandem along the axis of the compressor, each said Hartford, Conn., assignor to United Aircraft Cor April 24, 1945. Serial No. 589,952. 3 Claims. blade having a blade section developed with respect to an arched mean camber line from a basic airfoil poration, East Hartford, Conn., a corporation of section whose maximum thickness lies aft of about the Delaware. Application September 23, 1943. Serial 0.4 point of the chord and whose upper contour ahead No. 503,519. 2 Claims. (CI. 170—159.) of the maximum thickness ordinate lies in major part In combination with a metal propeller blade, means within boundary curves whose mean curve is an elliptic for protecting said blade against abrasion, and for quadrant passing through the nose point of the section damping vibrations in said blade, comprising an and the end point of the said maximum thickness abrasion resisting metal sheet covering one side and ordinate serving as the minor semi-axis of said quad the leading edge of said blade said sheet being coex rant, the outer curve of said boundary curves being tensive in width with said blade and extending an auxiliary ellip throughout the active airfoil length of said blade tic quadrant pass and a resilient compressive non-metallic bonding ing through said material between said blade and sheet adhesively In a tailless aeroplane having a wing, a pitch control nose point and the securing said metal sheet to said metal blade for flap mounted on the outer end portion of said wing end of an auxiliary damping vibrations by distortion of said bonding ■ along the trailing edge thereof for vertical swinging minor semi-axis at material due to vibration induced relative movement movement, a pair of rudder flaps hinged to the top of said blade and sheet, said bonding material being the 0.3 point of the and bottom surfaces of said pitch flap and forming the sole securing means between said sheet and blade. chord and extend the trailing edge thereof, means co-operating with ing on to the outer said rudder flaps to form an expansible bellows, and end of said max means for varying the air pressure within said bellows 2,431,293. Airplane of Low Aspect Ratio. Charles imum thickness to open or close the same. H. Zimmerman, Nichols, Conn., assignor to United ordinate, said aux Aircraft Corporation, East Hartford, Conn., a cor iliary minor semi- 2,431,529. Elevator and Tab Control Mechanism. poration of Delaware. Application December 18, axis being equal to Harold O. Wendt, Columbus, Ohio, assignor to 1940. Serial No. 370,646. 15 Claims. (CI. 244—13.) one-half the max Curtiss-Wright Corporation, a corporation of Dela imum thickness of ware. Application April 9, 1946. Serial No. 660,703. saidairfoil section, 14 Claims. (CI. 244—82.) the maximum ordinates of the mean camber lines of the In an aircraft having a pair of airfoils each provided airfoil section of axially successive blades substantially at its trailing edge with a hinged tab, a torque tube increasing from blade to blade in the downstream pivoted to the aircraft and secured to said airfoils, direction, and a casing to house said blades and a bell crank pivoted to the torque tube on an axis direct a flow of fluid through successive blades. substantially normal to the torque tube pivot axis, said bell crank having an arm spaced from the torque tube axis connected to a control linkage whereby 2,431,660. Turbine Blade. Arthur Gaudenzi, Wet- movement of the latter may swing the airfoil assembly tingen, Switzerland, assignor to Aktiengesellschaft about the torque tube axis or swing the bell crank Brown, Boveri & Cie, Baden, Switzerland, a joint- relative to the torque tube, or both, an actuating stock company. Application December 6, 1945. bell crank for each tab carried by said torque tube Serial No. 633,196. In Switzerland December 1, 1944. and provided with an operating connexion to the Section 1, Public Law 690, August 8, 1946. 19 Claims. tab, link means connecting the first mentioned bell crank to each of the tab actuating bell cranks, and resilient means carried by each elevator connected to the related tab bell crank for resisting movement of the latter relative to the torque tube. A turbine blade or vane for use with high tempera ture pressure fluids said blade comprising a metal foot portion for attachment to a rotor or stator ring, In an aeroplane, a wing including forward and and a working portion carried by and extending from rearward portions forming a low aspect ratio wing, said foot portion, the working portion of the blade said forward portion providing the leading edge and that is impinged upon by said fluids being a fritted having said leading edge merging into laterally ex mixture of metal and ceramic powders, the metal content of the blade decreasing as the distance from tended wing tips, and said rearward portion having the foot portion increases. a convex margin including the trailing edge and also merging with said wing tips, and a pair of oppositely laterally extending stabilizing vanes secured to the 2,432,315. Bladed Rotor. Alan Howard, Schenec margin of said rearward portion rearwardly of the tady, N.Y., assignor to General Electric Company, centre of lift of said wing and extending outwardly a corporation of New York. Application August 14, substantially beyond the maximum span. 1943. Serial No. 498, 643. 1 Claim. (CI. 253—39.) A composite bucket wheel for a high temperature high speed gas turbine comprising a hub portion, 2,431,302. Aircraft Landing Gear. Fred E. Bach- a web portion fabricated of a ferrous alloy material man and Lawrence Gothberg, Chicago, III., assignors 2,431,592. Aircraft Having Axial Flow Com which is easily worked and has good strength pro to American Steel Foundries, Chicago, III., a corpora pressor' and Boundary Layer Intake. Edward A. perties at operating temperatures below 1,000° F., tion of New Jersey. Application July 22, 1944. Serial Stalker, Bay City, Mich. Application August 9, 1945. an annular rim portion welded to the outer circum No. 546,092. 6 Claims. (CI. 244—104.) Serial No. 609,847. 11 Claims. (CI. 244—15.) ference of the web portion, and an annular row of In a landing gear for aircraft, a wheel and axle In combination in an aircraft having a slot in its buckets secured to the rim portion, the rim portion assembly, a diagonal lever pivotally connected thereto external surface for the induction of boundary layer being fabricated of an austenitic material having good and sloping upwardly and forwardly therefrom, a pair air having a substantially lower velocity range relative strength properties above 1,000° F. and being of a of links pivotally connected at to the aircraft than the speed of flight, an axial flow radial width spaced points to said aircraft and compressor having a blade across which the flow substantially at different spaced points to said travels with substantially no increase in velocity from less than the lever, one of said first-mention its leading to its trailing edge thereby limiting the radius of the ed spaced points being disposed volumetric range with increasing pressure ratio, said combine d forwardly of the other, both of blade having a basic airfoil section whose maximum hub and web said different spaced points being thickness lies aft of about the 0.4 point of the chord portions. disposed forwardly and upwardly and whose upper contour ahead of the maximum 126 Aircraft Engineering
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Apr 1, 1948
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