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U.S. Patent Specifications

U.S. Patent Specifications 2,702,985. Gas Turbine Power Plant with Power Take-off from Rotatable Guide Blading. Alun Ray­ U.S. Patent Specifications mond Howell, Cove, Farnborough, England, assignor to Power Jets (Research and Development) Limited, London, England. This application May 26, 1952. These details and drawings of patents granted in the United States are taken, by permission of the A gas turbine power plant comprising an axial flow compressor assembly including a rotor, a row of com­ Department of Commerce, from the 'Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office'. Printed copies pressor rotor blades carried thereby, and a row of of the full specifications can be obtained, price 25 cents each, from the Commissioner of Patents, compressor guide blades co-operating with the com­ pressor rotor blades; an axial flow turbine assembly Washington, D.C., U.S.A. They are usually available for inspection at the British Patent Office, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. 2,702,454. Transition Piece Providing a Connexion 2,702,679. Means for the Deployment of Parachutes between the Combustion Chambers and the Turbine at High Speeds. Irven H. Culver, La Canada, Calif., Nozzle in Gas Turbine Power Plants. Edmund D. assignor to Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Brown, Manchester, Conn., assignor to United Air­ Calif. Application November 15, 1949. craft Corporation, East Hartford, Conn. Application Apparatus for controlling the descent of an aerial June 7, 1951. vehicle comprising a main parachute having suspen­ including a rotor coaxial with and axially spaced from sion lines connected with the vehicle, an openable bag In a gas turbine power plant, a plurality of substan­ said compressor rotor, a row of turbine rotor blades for containing the main parachute so as to have a tially parallel flame tubes, an annular duct for said carried thereby, and a row of turbine guide blades co­ scries of successive folds and to have said lines extend tubes, and a turbine inlet nozzle ring concentric to the operating with the turbine rotor blades; a shaft duct, in combination with a transition piece extending coupling said rotors; a combustion system lying be­ from the flame tubes located in the annular duct to the tween the compressor and turbine assemblies and turbine inlet nozzle ring concentric to the duct, said annularly surrounding said shaft; bladed rotary pro­ duct having inner and outer walls, said transition piece pulsion means drivingly connected to said compressor including a ring-shaped frusto-conical member guide blades; further bladed rotary propulsion means adapted to extend from one of said walls to the nozzle drivingly connected to said turbine guide blades; said ring, a plurality of duct extensions which are substan­ rows of compressor and turbine guide blades and the tially cylindrical at one end and which converge to a bladed rotary propulsion means connected thereto segment shaped opening at the other end, said duct being mounted for rotation mechanically independ­ extensions being secured together to form a ring shape, ently of each other and of said compressor and and said extensions being secured at their segment turbine rotors. shaped ends to one end of said ring-shaped member, the latter being substantially co-extensive axially with 2,702,986. Device for Deflecting a Fluid from its said extensions. from one end of the bag, the bag including a plurality Normal Direction of Flow. Marcel Kadosch, Paris, of panels having adjacent margins and break cords Francois G. Paris, Chaville, Jean H. Berlin, Neuilly- connecting said adjacent margins and trained about sur-Seine, and Raymond H. Marchal, Paris, France, said folds to retain the main parachute in the bag in a assignors to Société Nationale d'Etude et de Construc­ folded condition and to break and open the bag when tion de Moteurs d'Aviation, Paris, France. Applica­ the main parachute is subjected to tension which tion August 5, 1949. straightens said folds, a pilot parachute to be deployed In a jet propulsion nozzle adapted to form a flow of from the vehicle, and a line connecting the other end of motive fluid in an axial direction with respect thereto, the bag with the pilot parachute so that the deployed a device for deflecting at least a fraction of said flow pilot parachute is operable to deploy the bag from the from said axial direction comprising in combination a vehicle and then tension the main parachute to convex extension merging with and tangent to the wall A transition piece for a gas turbine power plant, straighten said folds and thus break said cords. said transition piece including a ring-shaped frusto- conical member, one end of which is smaller than the 2,702,680. Pilot's Escape Capsule. Edward H. other, a plurality of duct extensions which are sub­ Heinemann, Alfred M. Mayo, and Harold L. Walpole, stantially cylindrical at one end and which converge Los Angeles, Calif., assignors, by mesne assignments, to a segment shaped opening at the other end, said to the United States of America as represented by the duct extensions being secured together to form a ring Secretary of the Navy. Application February 23, 1951. shape and said extensions being secured at their seg­ An aeroplane having a closed pilot escape cockpit of said nozzle and extending outwardly with respect to ment shaped ends to the smaller end of the ring- fitted therein, means supporting and releasably locking the axis thereof, the convexity of said extension facing shaped member, the ring-shaped member surrounding said cockpit in said aeroplane, cockpit ejection means downstream of the nozzle and obstacle means having and being substantially coextensive axially with said connected with the aeroplane and including a pro­ a fluid intercepting surface extending generally oppo­ extensions. site the part of the wall of said nozzle merging with pulsion unit for providing thrust to release the locking said convex extension for urging said flow towards said means and to separate the cockpit from the aeroplane, part of the wall of said nozzle, said surface being 2,702,601. Jet Driven Helicopter Rotor System. adapted to intercept some of the streamlines of said Bruno Nagler, Boston, Mass., assignor to Nagler flow while leaving unobstructed the greater portion Helicopter Company, Inc. Application April 26, 1952. of the cross-section of said nozzle, the fluid-inter­ In an aircraft of the rotary wing type, a plurality of cepting surface of said obstacle means extending in a blades mounted for rotation in a horizontal plane, a direction lying between a generally perpendicular suspension rig in which said blades are journaled, a direction with respect to the axis of said nozzle and an series of rocket motors mounted upon said rig, solid- upstream direction generally parallel to said axis. fuel rocket charges within said rocket motors, a mani­ fold common to all of said rocket motors, fluid con­ 2.705,397. Fire Risk Reducing Means for Aircraft ducting passages connecting said manifold with said means supporting and positioning said cockpit rela­ Turbines. Stuart Bertram Blackman, Westbury-on- tive to the propulsion unit for movement of the cock­ Trym, near Bristol, and John Ernest Bell, Mangots- pit upwardly and rearwardly during the ejection, said field, near Bristol, England, assignors to the Bristol cockpit having stabilizing means which fair into the Aeroplane Company Limited, Bristol, England. aeroplane during normal flight, means connected with Application April 12, 1952. the stabilizing means for extending the stabilizing means after separation of the cockpit and compart­ ment so that the aerodynamic flight of the cockpit will be controlled, a drogue parachute and a main para­ chute connected to the cockpit, automatic means con­ nected to the drogue parachute for releasing the drogue parachute subsequent to the initiation of operation of the propulsion unit, and force sensitive means connecting the drogue parachute and the main parachute to draw out the main parachute after the drogue parachute has been opened so that the main A gas turbine engine of the type having at least one parachute may float the compartment downwardly, fuel ejector, a fuel supply system connected to said said force sensitive means including a cocking portion blades to supply rotative energy to said blades upon injector to supply fuel thereto, and parts adjacent said which is activated by a strong pull of the opened ignition of any of said rocket units, an automatic blade fuel injector, which parts are liable, during operation drogue parachute moving at high speed, and a re­ of the engine, to cause ignition of fuel coming into pitch control means responsive to the pressure in said leasing portion movable after the force of the pull has contact with them, characterized by the combination manifold adapted to produce increased blade pitch in been reduced to release a part of the force sensitive with said engine of a substantially gas-tight casing the rotating blades during the power output of the means and thus transfer the reduced pull to the main rocket motors, and means for igniting and expending enclosing said parts and only that portion of the fuel parachute to draw out the main parachute. said solid-fuel rocket charges in sequence. system adjacent said parts. Aircraft Engineering Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald Publishing

U.S. Patent Specifications

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology , Volume 27 (8): 1 – Aug 1, 1955

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2,702,985. Gas Turbine Power Plant with Power Take-off from Rotatable Guide Blading. Alun Ray­ U.S. Patent Specifications mond Howell, Cove, Farnborough, England, assignor to Power Jets (Research and Development) Limited, London, England. This application May 26, 1952. These details and drawings of patents granted in the United States are taken, by permission of the A gas turbine power plant comprising an axial flow compressor assembly including a rotor, a row of com­ Department of Commerce, from the 'Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office'. Printed copies pressor rotor blades carried thereby, and a row of of the full specifications can be obtained, price 25 cents each, from the Commissioner of Patents, compressor guide blades co-operating with the com­ pressor rotor blades; an axial flow turbine assembly Washington, D.C., U.S.A. They are usually available for inspection at the British Patent Office, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. 2,702,454. Transition Piece Providing a Connexion 2,702,679. Means for the Deployment of Parachutes between the Combustion Chambers and the Turbine at High Speeds. Irven H. Culver, La Canada, Calif., Nozzle in Gas Turbine Power Plants. Edmund D. assignor to Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Brown, Manchester, Conn., assignor to United Air­ Calif. Application November 15, 1949. craft Corporation, East Hartford, Conn. Application Apparatus for controlling the descent of an aerial June 7, 1951. vehicle comprising a main parachute having suspen­ including a rotor coaxial with and axially spaced from sion lines connected with the vehicle, an openable bag In a gas turbine power plant, a plurality of substan­ said compressor rotor, a row of turbine rotor blades for containing the main parachute so as to have a tially parallel flame tubes, an annular duct for said carried thereby, and a row of turbine guide blades co­ scries of successive folds and to have said lines extend tubes, and a turbine inlet nozzle ring concentric to the operating with the turbine rotor blades; a shaft duct, in combination with a transition piece extending coupling said rotors; a combustion system lying be­ from the flame tubes located in the annular duct to the tween the compressor and turbine assemblies and turbine inlet nozzle ring concentric to the duct, said annularly surrounding said shaft; bladed rotary pro­ duct having inner and outer walls, said transition piece pulsion means drivingly connected to said compressor including a ring-shaped frusto-conical member guide blades; further bladed rotary propulsion means adapted to extend from one of said walls to the nozzle drivingly connected to said turbine guide blades; said ring, a plurality of duct extensions which are substan­ rows of compressor and turbine guide blades and the tially cylindrical at one end and which converge to a bladed rotary propulsion means connected thereto segment shaped opening at the other end, said duct being mounted for rotation mechanically independ­ extensions being secured together to form a ring shape, ently of each other and of said compressor and and said extensions being secured at their segment turbine rotors. shaped ends to one end of said ring-shaped member, the latter being substantially co-extensive axially with 2,702,986. Device for Deflecting a Fluid from its said extensions. from one end of the bag, the bag including a plurality Normal Direction of Flow. Marcel Kadosch, Paris, of panels having adjacent margins and break cords Francois G. Paris, Chaville, Jean H. Berlin, Neuilly- connecting said adjacent margins and trained about sur-Seine, and Raymond H. Marchal, Paris, France, said folds to retain the main parachute in the bag in a assignors to Société Nationale d'Etude et de Construc­ folded condition and to break and open the bag when tion de Moteurs d'Aviation, Paris, France. Applica­ the main parachute is subjected to tension which tion August 5, 1949. straightens said folds, a pilot parachute to be deployed In a jet propulsion nozzle adapted to form a flow of from the vehicle, and a line connecting the other end of motive fluid in an axial direction with respect thereto, the bag with the pilot parachute so that the deployed a device for deflecting at least a fraction of said flow pilot parachute is operable to deploy the bag from the from said axial direction comprising in combination a vehicle and then tension the main parachute to convex extension merging with and tangent to the wall A transition piece for a gas turbine power plant, straighten said folds and thus break said cords. said transition piece including a ring-shaped frusto- conical member, one end of which is smaller than the 2,702,680. Pilot's Escape Capsule. Edward H. other, a plurality of duct extensions which are sub­ Heinemann, Alfred M. Mayo, and Harold L. Walpole, stantially cylindrical at one end and which converge Los Angeles, Calif., assignors, by mesne assignments, to a segment shaped opening at the other end, said to the United States of America as represented by the duct extensions being secured together to form a ring Secretary of the Navy. Application February 23, 1951. shape and said extensions being secured at their seg­ An aeroplane having a closed pilot escape cockpit of said nozzle and extending outwardly with respect to ment shaped ends to the smaller end of the ring- fitted therein, means supporting and releasably locking the axis thereof, the convexity of said extension facing shaped member, the ring-shaped member surrounding said cockpit in said aeroplane, cockpit ejection means downstream of the nozzle and obstacle means having and being substantially coextensive axially with said connected with the aeroplane and including a pro­ a fluid intercepting surface extending generally oppo­ extensions. site the part of the wall of said nozzle merging with pulsion unit for providing thrust to release the locking said convex extension for urging said flow towards said means and to separate the cockpit from the aeroplane, part of the wall of said nozzle, said surface being 2,702,601. Jet Driven Helicopter Rotor System. adapted to intercept some of the streamlines of said Bruno Nagler, Boston, Mass., assignor to Nagler flow while leaving unobstructed the greater portion Helicopter Company, Inc. Application April 26, 1952. of the cross-section of said nozzle, the fluid-inter­ In an aircraft of the rotary wing type, a plurality of cepting surface of said obstacle means extending in a blades mounted for rotation in a horizontal plane, a direction lying between a generally perpendicular suspension rig in which said blades are journaled, a direction with respect to the axis of said nozzle and an series of rocket motors mounted upon said rig, solid- upstream direction generally parallel to said axis. fuel rocket charges within said rocket motors, a mani­ fold common to all of said rocket motors, fluid con­ 2.705,397. Fire Risk Reducing Means for Aircraft ducting passages connecting said manifold with said means supporting and positioning said cockpit rela­ Turbines. Stuart Bertram Blackman, Westbury-on- tive to the propulsion unit for movement of the cock­ Trym, near Bristol, and John Ernest Bell, Mangots- pit upwardly and rearwardly during the ejection, said field, near Bristol, England, assignors to the Bristol cockpit having stabilizing means which fair into the Aeroplane Company Limited, Bristol, England. aeroplane during normal flight, means connected with Application April 12, 1952. the stabilizing means for extending the stabilizing means after separation of the cockpit and compart­ ment so that the aerodynamic flight of the cockpit will be controlled, a drogue parachute and a main para­ chute connected to the cockpit, automatic means con­ nected to the drogue parachute for releasing the drogue parachute subsequent to the initiation of operation of the propulsion unit, and force sensitive means connecting the drogue parachute and the main parachute to draw out the main parachute after the drogue parachute has been opened so that the main A gas turbine engine of the type having at least one parachute may float the compartment downwardly, fuel ejector, a fuel supply system connected to said said force sensitive means including a cocking portion blades to supply rotative energy to said blades upon injector to supply fuel thereto, and parts adjacent said which is activated by a strong pull of the opened ignition of any of said rocket units, an automatic blade fuel injector, which parts are liable, during operation drogue parachute moving at high speed, and a re­ of the engine, to cause ignition of fuel coming into pitch control means responsive to the pressure in said leasing portion movable after the force of the pull has contact with them, characterized by the combination manifold adapted to produce increased blade pitch in been reduced to release a part of the force sensitive with said engine of a substantially gas-tight casing the rotating blades during the power output of the means and thus transfer the reduced pull to the main rocket motors, and means for igniting and expending enclosing said parts and only that portion of the fuel parachute to draw out the main parachute. said solid-fuel rocket charges in sequence. system adjacent said parts. Aircraft Engineering


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Aug 1, 1955

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