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An internal-combustion, jet-propulsion plant com prising a number of independent, rotatable compres sor sections, a combustion chamber to which com pressed air is supplied by said compressor sections, turbine sections respectively in driving relation with These abstracts of patents granted in the United States are taken, by permission of the Department of said compressor sections, a jet-augmenter, said jet- Commerce, from the 'Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office'. Printed copies of the full augmenter having rows of blades arranged to rotate specification can be obtained, price 10 cents each, from the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. , freely, turbine blades, in addition to said turbine U.S.A. They are usually available for inspection at The British Patent Office, Southampton Buildings, sections in driving relation with said rows of jet- augmenter blades, said compressor-driving turbine Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. sections comprising freely rotatable turbine blades Except where otherwise stated, the specification is unaccompanied by drawings if none is reproduced. intercalated with and adapted to rotate oppositely to said turbine blades which are in driving relation with said rows of jet-augmenter blades, means for supply 2,429,936. Turbine Mounting. Clarence E. Kenney, In a turbo-machine the combination of an axial ing hot compressed gas from said combustion cham West Allis, and John R. Hagemann, Wauwatosa, flow rotor, means for supplying fluid in a generally ber to said turbine sections and additional turbine Wis., assignors to Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing axial direction to the rotor including an inlet conduit blades to drive the same, and duct means in communi Company, Milwaukee, Wis., a corporation of Dela communicating with an arcuate chamber concentric cation with the turbine outlet, said jet-augmenter also ware. Application December 18, 1943. Serial No. with the rotor, said chamber containing a partition having an outlet in communication with said duct 514,808. 8 Claims. (C1. 253—39.) wall defining a radially inner arcuate nozzlebox having means and said duct means directing the combined nozzle means for conducting fluid to the rotor and a turbine exhaust and jet-augmeter output as a propul radially outer wastebox having an inlet opening com sion jet. municating with said inlet conduit and an outlet 2,430,399. Jet Augmenter for Combustion Turbine opening for bypassing fluid around the rotor to form Propulsion Plants. Fritz Albert Max Heppner, Leam a jet adjacent, substantially parallel to, and merging ington Spa, England, assignor to Armstrong Siddeley with the rotor discharge flow, a common exhaust Motors Limited, Coventry, England. Application conduit for receiving the turbine discharge flow and September 11, 1943. Serial No. 502,035. In Great the bypass flow, and valve means arranged to control Britain November 5, 1942. 8 Claims. (C1, 60—35.6.) the flow of fluid from said inlet conduit to said waste- box. 2,430,185. Turbine Rotor. Ford L. Prescott, Gainesville, Fla., assignor to Continental Aviation and Engineering Corporation, Detroit, Mich., a corporation of Virginia. Application July 25, 1946. Serial No. 686,240. 1 Claim. (CI. 253—77.) In combination in a turbine apparatus embodying a fixedly mounted bearing, a blade carrying rotor having a coaxial shaft portion rotatably supported in said bearing, and a fixed support, a plurality of mem A compound internal-combustion turbine plant for bers carried by and extending from said fixed support jet propulsion purposes including a plurality of inde with their free ends disposed in coaxial spaced relation pendent compressor sections through which the fluid to the turbine rotor, said members being substantially flows in series, a combustion chamber communicating in a circumferential direction and flexible in a with the end compressor section of said series, a radial direction relative to the turbine axis, a combined plurality of turbine sections arranged in series and annular inlet manifold and nozzle structure coaxially communicating with the outlet of said chamber, said supported by the free end portions of said members in turbine sections being respectively coupled to said spaced surrounding relation with respect to said shaft compressor sections to drive the same, a turbine mem portion with the nozzle opposing the blade carrying ber rotating in the direction opposite to said turbine portion of the rotor and for substantially free radial sections, blades coacting with all of said turbine movement both toward and away from the axis of the sections carried by said member, a jet augmenter in rotor as the combined structure expands and contracts cluding blades driven by said member, a jet duct, A turbine wheel comprising a rotatable support, in response to temperature changes, a substantially means for conveying fluid from the end turbine section a plurality of V-shaped notches in the periphery of rigid annular shield fixedly mounted on said support of said series to said jet duct, and means for conveying the support, the notches being divergent outwardly, a to extend in coaxially spaced relation between said fluid from said augmenter to said duct. plurality of turbine blades, a haft on each blade nozzle structure and the opposed parts of said fixed shaped to fit into one of the notches, each haft and the support, bearing, and shaft portion, said shield ter support having a plurality of holes drilled in the con minating in a disk portion presenting inner and outer tact surfaces such that approximately half of a hole is peripheral surfaces disposed in opposed proximate in the support and the other half in the haft, and a wire spaced relation with respect to a part of said shaft tightly driven into each hole to key the blades to the portion and with respect to a part of said structure, support, the wire being held in place solely by the respectively, and means sealing said inner surface and friction of the driving fit. the opposed part of said shaft portion and sealing said outer surface and the opposed part of said combined structure for relative radial movement. 2,430,398. Jet-Propulsion Internal-Combustion Tur bine Plant. Fritz Albert Max Heppner, Leaming ton Spa, England, assignor to Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Limited, Coventry, England. Application August 31, 1943. Serial No. 500,697. In Great Britain September 3, 1942. 1 Claim. (C1. 60—35.6.) 2,430,643. Wing Structure for Gliders. Lawrence J. Marhoefer, Haddon Heights, N.J., assignor to Vidal Corporation, Camden, N.J., a corporation of Delaware. Original application June 10, 1944. Serial No. 539,723. Divided and this application September 18, 1945. Serial No. 617,083. 5 Claims. (C1. 244—123.) In a wing structure adapted to be applied to the open top of a fuselage, the combination with a central frame of right and left wing sections abutting against each other on opposite sides of the central frame, each wing section comprising upper and lower front flanges, upper and lower rear plates, cross ribs connecting the upper plates, cross ribs connecting the lower flanges, a U-shaped leading edge overlapped by the front plates, a rear U-shaped channel section extending 2,429,990. Gas Turbine. Neil Burgess, Melrose, between the rear plates, and a wing former extending Mass., assignor to General Electric Company, a cor longitudinally between the leading edge and front poration of New York. Application July 17, 1944. plates. Serial No. 545,261.4 Claims. (C1. 253—39.) 62 Aircraft Engineering
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 1, 1948
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