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This paper aims to provide empirically derived insights into trust and its predictors within a cyber-physical system context of a household service.Design/methodology/approachThe methodology comprises an innovative mixed methods design encompassing a videographic animated film portraying a potential “slice of life” household service-system scenario that was subsequently incorporated into a quantitative survey. A total of 400 responses were then used to examine trust dimensions and their hypothesised predictors.FindingsFindings suggest trust is two-dimensional, with “online networking competency”, “perceptions of risk”, “propensity to trust technology in general” and “concerns about security” being significant predictors. Surprisingly, “concerns about privacy” do not have a significant effect.Originality/valueThe contribution of this research is twofold. Firstly, from a theoretical perspective, the paper offers empirical insights into trust and its predictors within a cyber-physical system context of a household service. Secondly, and from a pragmatic perspective, the model derived from this study may aid practitioners in developing trust strategies and trust management systems within such contexts.
Journal of Services Marketing – Emerald Publishing
Published: Sep 18, 2019
Keywords: Internet of things (IoT); Service systems; Trust; Cyber-physical systems (CPS)
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