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of Bedford, for many years a Cutler-Hammer associate in the manufacture and sale of motor control and other heavy duty electrical apparatus. The licence agreement provides for the manufacture of such A monthly feature giving news of recent Government and professional appointments, Cutler-Hammer switches by British N.S.F. to Cutler- Hammer specifications and under the general super industrial developments and business changes, etc. vision of the Igranic Electric Co. Sales will be handled through the British N.S.F. distribution channels to British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association Timken Ltd., has been appointed Sales Manager, the United Kingdom, Eire, the British Common Fischer Bearings Co. Ltd., Upper Villiers Street, The British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Associa wealth (except Canada), and all other countries except Wolverhampton, a subsidiary of British Timken Ltd., tion announces the election of the following new U.S.A., South America, Mexico, Cuba and Egypt. as from January 16, 1950. officers: Lt.-Col. the Hon. R. M. Preston, D.S.O., as Chairman of Council, succeeding Lt.-Col. Sir John Dorothy Spicer Memorial Prize Essay Guggenheim School of Aeronautics Greenly, K.C.M.G.; Mr F. C. Braby, M.C., The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Guggenheim M.I.Mech.E., as Vice-Chairman and Hon. Treasurer; Following the conclusion of the 1949 contest the School of Aeronautics was observed at the New and Dr Maurice Cook, F.I.M., as Chairman of the Dorothy Spicer Memorial Prize Essay Committee York University College of Engineering on January 26 Research Board. announces the particulars of the 1950 contest. by the conferment of honorary degrees of Doctor of Four alternative subjects have been chosen, and The College of Aeronautics Engineering on Mr Harry F. Guggenheim, instru competitors may submit essays on any one of the We understand that Mr A. D. Young, M.A., mental in establishing the School; Professor Alexander subjects given. A.F.R.Ae.S., has been appointed to the post of Klemin, Director of the School for its first fifteen Papers submitted for the 1950 contest may be Professor of Aerodynamics at the College of Aero years; Dr Hugh L. Dryden, Director, National written on the Licensed Aircraft Engineer's approach nautics, Cranfield, in succession to Mr W. J. Duncan, Advisory Committee for Aeronautics; and Mr Robert to the problems, and possible solutions, associated D.Sc., F.R.Ae.S., who has been appointed Mechan Moses, developer of the New York City airport and with the installation and servicing of: Professor of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics in airport access programmes at LaGuardia and Idle- (a) Equipment for the prevention of fire, or the University of Glasgow. Both appointments take wild Airports. (b) Cabin pressurization and heating, or effect on October 1. (c) Airframe and engine de-icing, or William Jessop & Sons Ltd. Engineering Equipment Users' Association id) Radio and radar equipment. William Jessop & Sons Ltd., of Brightside Works, Five companies in the process industry field, Anglo- The closing date for receipt of entries was Sheffield, announce the appointments of Mr D. W. Iranian Oil Co. Ltd., Courtaulds Ltd., Imperial February 28, 1950. Hammond as Works Director and Mr C. Whitaker Chemical Industries Ltd., Lever Bros. & Unilever Entries should be sent to the General Secretary, the as Production Manager. Mr H. C. Stevens, Manager Ltd. and Shell Petroleum Co. Ltd., have formed an Society of Licensed Aircraft Engineers, Finsbury of their Heavy Forge, has recently been awarded the Association called the Engineering Equipment Users' Circus House, Blomfield Street, London, E.C.2, M.B.E. for his part in developing the necessary Association. marked: 'Dorothy Spicer Memorial Essay Com technique for manipulating the firm's modern high- petition.' Entries must be accompanied by a duly This organization will provide its members with a tempcrature alloys. means for exchanging information on standardiza completed Entry Form (obtainable on application to tion of engineering materials and equipment which S.L.A.E. Head Office). Marsh Brothers & Co. Ltd. they use in common. The new Association will work through the British Marsh Brothers & Co. Ltd., of Ponds Steel Works The Women's Legion Scholarship in Aeronautical Standards Institution on matters of general standardi (P.O. Box 82), Sheffield, announce that on January 30 Engineering zation and will assist that Institution by presenting, their London Office moved from Dashwood House, The Women's Legion and The Women's Engineer as far as possible, the co-ordinated views of its Old Broad Street, to Wardrobe Court and Chambers, ing Society announce that the second award of the 146A Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4. Tel.: CITY 2363/4. members' representatives who serve on B.S.I. Tech above Scholarship will be made in 1950. The Scholar nical Committees, etc. The move was due to the need of additional ware ship will be of the total value of £150. When experience has been gained, it is hoped that house room for the accommodation of a compre The Women's Engineering Society will administer arrangements can be made for other user firms, who hensive stock of Engineers' Small Tools from which the Scholarship, and candidates will therefore address may be interested, to take part in consultations of this the firm could supply promptly the orders of cus all letters to the Secretary, The Women's Engineering kind. tomers in the London area. The new premises give Society, 35 Grosvenor Place, London, S.W.1. ample stock room and attractive offices conveniently Brigadier L. F. S. Dawes, late Royal Engineers, Candidates must be women, who are British subjects situated. has been appointed Secretary, and the offices are at by birth, and both of whose parents are British 20 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I. subjects by birth. They must also have attained the Ministry of Civil Aviation Appointments English Electric Change age of 16 years and not have attained the age of The Ministry of Civil Aviation announces that It is announced by The English Electric Company 20 years on September 1, 1949. Mr B. A. Oakley, recently serving as Aerodrome of Queens House, Kingsway, W.C.2, that Mr F. W. A candidate will be required on the application form Commandant at Glasgow Airport, Renfrew, has been Page, B.A., A.F.R.Ae.S., has been appointed Chief to declare that it is her intention, if awarded the appointed Commandant of Northolt Airport in Engineer, Aircraft Division, following the resigna Scholarship, to undertake a course of whole-time succession to Air Vice Marshal Simpson, C.B., tion of Mr W. E. W. Petter, B.A., F.R.Ae.S. Mr D. L. training in aeronautical engineering. She will also be C.B.E., M.C. The new Commandant at Renfrew is Ellis, B.Sc., A.R.T.C., F.R.Ae.S., has been appointed required to send with her application form a medical Mr J. R. Neill, A.R.Ae.S. The Ministry also announces Deputy Chief Engineer. certificate as to her general health. the appointment of Mr G. J. H. Jeffs, M.V.O., O.B.E., Selected candidates will be interviewed by a Exactor Limited as Aerodrome Commandant, Prestwick Airport, in Selection Board (consisting of representatives of the With the addition of new products—such as the succession to Group Captain J. A. McDonald, C.B.E., Royal Aeronautical Society, the S.B.A.C., the Guild Exactor self-sealing pipe coupling and the Exactor A.F.C., R.A.F., retd., who has been transferred to of Air Pilots, the Women's Legion and the Women's fuel-flow test-rig—to its hydraulic remote controls it the Ministry's London and South-Eastern Divisional Engineering Society), and will be required to attend has been felt that the name of the Exactor Control Headquarters as Divisional Operations Officer. in London for this purpose. Reasonable expenses Co. Ltd. has ceased to be appropriate. incurred by the candidate in attending for interview It has, therefore, been decided to change the firm's N.S.F. Co. Ltd. and Cutler-Hammer Switches will be paid. name to EXACTOR LTD. The address and telephone Cutler-Hammer, Inc., Milwaukee, U.S.A., an Application forms may be obtained free of charge number remain unchanged at 108 Park Street, nounce the licensing of British N.S.F. Co. Ltd., of from the Secretary of The Women's Engineering London, W.l. Tel.: Mayfair 0252. Keighley, Yorks, to manufacture their line of ap Society at the address given above. All application pliance, tool handle, automotive and aircraft switches forms, duly completed, must be received before Fischer Bearings for European distribution. This licensing arrange April 30, 1950. C. R. Dunn, late European Representative British ment was made through the Igranic Electric Co. Ltd., Cabin Atmosphere Control [Normalair Ltd., Yeovil, Somerset] Trade Reviews This brochure is, in effect, a catalogue of all the latest Normalair equipment. It is, however, something 150 Million Engine Miles [Rolls Royce Ltd., Ambassador [Airspeed Limited, Christchurch, Hants] more than a catalogue because sectional drawings and Derby] descriptions make clear the function of each unit. The latest technical brochure on the Ambassador The book starts with a general note on atmosphere A brief, but interesting, survey of the 'activi deals with the production version of the aeroplane control and then goes on to describe the pressure con and includes information and estimates obtained ties' of the civil Merlin engine during 1948. The troller, discharge valve, master unit (military), cabin during eighteen months of intensive flight testing— booklet reveals to what a large extent the Merlin pressure control valve, constant flow valve, safety the book is dated July 1949. It follows the pattern of is used on civil duties and not only points out valve, inward relief valve, spill valve, non-return the earlier brochure and is once again an outstanding that the overhaul life is now 1,000 hours, but valve (flap type), mass flow controller humidifier, and example of technical literature. Apart from revised the humidifier pump and accessory unit that can be states that no less than 310 engines reached the data and performance curves the new edition includes supplied by the firm. Each item is illustrated by a full period in the year. Details of all civilian details and a coloured drawing of the new cabin air sectional drawing together with performance curves operators using Merlin engines are given and a control system. In a pocket at the back is included a and tabulated data in addition to a concise written map shows the world-wide distribution of the reprint Technical Features of the Ambassador' from description. AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING, February, 1949. routes. Aircraft Engineering
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 1, 1950
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