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Trade Announcements

Trade Announcements TRADE PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED First Annual Report [The Motor Industry Research Assn., Gt. West Road, Brentford, Mddx.] Under this heading are published monthly news of recent professional appointments, The Future of the Flying Boat—The SR/45—The SR/A1 Jet-Propelled Fighter Flying Boat industrial developments and business changes, etc. [Saunders-Roe Ltd., East Cowes, Isle of Wight] PERA World List of Scientific Periodicals between the M. of S., the R.A.F. and the [Production Engineering Research Assn., Staveley Lodge, Melton Mowbray, Leics] U.S.A.A.F., on all matters relating to cold Active preparations are being made for the Cambridge Optical Bench weather operation of aircraft, de-icing, cabin issue of a third edition of the World List of [Cambridge Instrument Co. Ltd., 13 Grosvenor heating and pressured cabin research. From Scientific Periodicals. The last edition of this Place, London, S.W.I] 1943 until his release from the R.A.F. in Sep­ scientific reference work, issued in 1934 and Integral' Aircraft Hydraulic Pumps and Equipment tember of last year he was M. of S. liaison officer covering the years 1900-1933, is now out of print [Integral Ltd., Cousins Street, Wolverhampton] covering the winter research work which the though still in constant demand. It contains The 'Anglon' Hand Turning Lathe R.C.A.F. are carrying out in North-West Canada. upwards of 33,000 titles of journals and includes [E. H. Jones (Machine Tools) Ltd., The Hyde, London, N.W.9] the holdings of some 180 libraries in Great Britain The Flowline Conveyor System and Ireland. The new edition, which is designed E. C. Hopkins Ltd. [Fisher & Ludlow Ltd., Gridway Division, Rolfe to include all the scientific and technical periodi­ E. C. Hopkins Ltd., makers of Flexible Shaft Street, Smethwick, Staffs.] cals that appeared during the period 1900-1947 The New Airport Gasporter Machines, Portable and Bench Tools, some time as well as the holdings of additional libraries, will [Engineering Research Associates Inc., St. Paul 4, ago opened a Demonstration Workshop and therefore be considerably larger. Librarians are Minn., U.S.A.] Showroom at 99/100 Broad Street, Birmingham, being asked to co-operate as before by sending 'Euco' Micrometric Expanding Milling Spacers to which they invited engineers and operatives particulars of all those journals on their shelves [Euco Tools Ltd., 30 Udney Park Road, Tedding- who were seeking new or improved methods of that do not appear in the second edition or are ton, Mddx.] dealing with grinding, rotary filing, fettling or The Delco News, Vol. I, No. 1, January 1947 shown there as having no location in this country scratch brushing to bring along a batch of work [Delco-Remy & Hyatt Ltd., 111 Grosvenor Road, to : The Secretary, World List of Scientific to see it dealt with by Hopkins Machine Methods London, S.W.I] Periodicals, c/o The Zoological Society of Lon­ under actual workshop conditions. Aero Research Technical Notes don, Regent's Park, London, N.W.8, from which Bulletin No. 49. A New Way With Furniture The experiment proved so successful that it office further information may be obtained. [Aero Research Ltd., Duxford, Cambs] was decided to extend the service to London and similar demonstration workshops and show­ Specialloid Ltd. rooms have been opened at 323 Grays Inn Road, London, W.C.I (opposite Kings Cross Station, TRADE REVIEWS Mr. L. H. Maidman, Secretary of Specialloid Tel.: Terminus 4098), and engineers and opera­ Ltd., has been appointed to the Board of the First in War, First in Peace . . . Heston Aircraft tives in the London area are invited to make use Company. Mr. Maidman is also a Director of Co. Ltd., Heston Airport, Middlesex. of the service (which is quite free) by taking along Specialloid (Canada) Ltd. A small well-set-out brochure giving the history any work which presents a finishing or cleaning Messrs. A. W. Roebuck Ltd., main conces­ of the Heston Company. It is of interest as it problem likely to be solved by the Hopkins sionaires of Specialloid pistons, have moved from outlines the now wide activities of the firm, in­ machine methods. Alternatively, where the jo b is 194 Great Portland Street to 172 Great Portland cluding as they do suitcase, dinghy and yacht too heavy to be moved, a technician will be sent Street, London, W.1. The telephone numbers manufacture. to deal with the problem on site. remain unchanged at Museum 7155-6-7. By Singleness of Purpose. J. Stone & Co. Ltd., Deptford, London, S.E.14. One of the many books produced to give an E . H . Jones (Machine Tools) P.A.Y.E. idea of the activities of manufacturers during' E. H . Jones (Machine Tools) Ltd. of Edgware In connexion with the introduction of the new the war, this is both a lavish and an effective Road, The Hyde, London, N.W.9, announce the P.A.Y.E. Single-Table plan, The Shannon Ltd. volume. The very great diversity of this firm's opening of an office and stores devoted exclusively announces a system of weekly, and monthly products (which include light metal castings of all to machine tool equipment, under the control of visible records which simplifies the operation of descriptions, bombs, electrical components, rivets Mr. S. Rowden. the plan by business firms and costs only a few and the propellers of the Queen Elizabeth) are They can now offer a comprehensive automatic pence per record for both cards and cabinets or admirably presented. The very large range of and capstan tooling equipment service, in addi­ books to house them. Interested readers are aero-engine and undercarriage castings are of tion to which they have available for early de­ invited to communicate with Shannon Systems particular interest. livery, the new Offen Boring Tools, ground and Research Department, 1 Shannon Corner, New Equipment and Components Manufactured by cut thread taps for Thiel Tapping Machines and Maiden, Surrey. Fairey. The Fairey Aviation Co. Ltd., Hayes, the following equipment: metal cutting saws for Middlesex. bandsaw and die-sawing machines, Eclipse non­ Cincinnati Milling Machines A small, neatly produced booklet in English, electric magnetic chucks, machine files, lathe French and Spanish illustrating, and briefly Cincinnati Milling Machines Ltd. announce the chucks (3 and 4 jaw), machine vices (plain and describing, ancillary parts produced by Faireys. acquisition of the share capital of their immediate swivel base), universal ball joints, selection of Forming of Aluminium and its Alloys by the Drop neighbours, Hordern, Mason and Edwards Ltd., V belts and endless woven belts an d miscellaneous Stamp. 1s. 0d. The Aluminium Development power press manufacturers. supplies. Association, 67 Brook Street, London, \V.\. Mr. W. G. Edwards, formerly managing direc­ This, the twelfth in the Association's series of tor of the latter company, has accepted the posi­ Information Bulletins, is a well-written and illus­ Five-day Working Week tion of chairman of the reconstituted board of trated outline of the capabilities of drop stamping Hordern, Mason and Edwards Ltd., and will Wellworthy Piston Rings Ltd. announce that light alloys. It is a subject of great interest to the actively continue his former interest in the design, their two factories and service department at aircraft engineer and this booklet provides excel­ manufacture and sale of power presses. Lymington, the foundry at Ringwood, and the lent background information for the designer Salisbury factory, will in future be closed on and draughtsman. Press Guards Ltd. Saturday. Apprenticeship Scheme. H. W. Ward & Co. Ltd., This does not affect their 21 service branches The new offices and works of Press Guards Ltd., Selly Oak, Birmingham. throughout the country, which will as usual be necessitated by the continued increase in demand This booklet gives particulars of the revised open until 12.30 p.m. for the firm's products, are now ready for occu­ apprenticeships available at this firm and details Tufnol Ltd. of Perry Barr, Birmingham 22B, pation, and with effect from January 1st, 1947, the the scholarships available to students. It is illus­ announce that their offices and works will be address is 372 Farm Street, Birmingham, 19. trated and provides full information to the would- closed from Friday evening to Monday morning Telephone No. : Northern 3354/5. be candidate. each week a s from Saturday, January 18th, inclu­ sive, and that no goods will be received or dis­ The Hymatic Engineering Co. patched during this period. Squadron Leader J. Wallis has been appointed Handley Page Ltd. of Cricklewood also an­ AIR REGISTRATION BOARD NOTICES by the Hymatic Engineering Co. Ltd. as its nounce that they have instituted a five-day work­ The Council of the Air Registration Board an­ representative for North America with an office ing week. nounces the issue of the undermentioned: in Washington, D.C . The Hymatic Portable Com­ Specialloid Ltd. of Chester Road, Boreham Notices to Licensed Aircraft Engineers and to Owners pressor and Aircraft Pneumatic Equipment have Road, Elstree, Herts, send a similar announce­ of Civil Aircraft. created considerable interest in these countries. ment that their works and offices at Finchley Notice No. 4, Issue 3. February 1, 1947. Propellers Squadron Leader Wallis was until recently on the and Boreham Wood are now closed on Saturday approved for use on Civil Aircraft. permanent staff of the British Air Commission in mornings, though their area branches will re­ Notice No. 11, Issue 2. February 1, 1947. Cirrus Washington where he acted as Liaison Officer main open as hitherto. Minor Scries II Aero Engine. 108 Aircraft Engineering Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald Publishing

Trade Announcements

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology , Volume 19 (3): 1 – Mar 1, 1947

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TRADE PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED First Annual Report [The Motor Industry Research Assn., Gt. West Road, Brentford, Mddx.] Under this heading are published monthly news of recent professional appointments, The Future of the Flying Boat—The SR/45—The SR/A1 Jet-Propelled Fighter Flying Boat industrial developments and business changes, etc. [Saunders-Roe Ltd., East Cowes, Isle of Wight] PERA World List of Scientific Periodicals between the M. of S., the R.A.F. and the [Production Engineering Research Assn., Staveley Lodge, Melton Mowbray, Leics] U.S.A.A.F., on all matters relating to cold Active preparations are being made for the Cambridge Optical Bench weather operation of aircraft, de-icing, cabin issue of a third edition of the World List of [Cambridge Instrument Co. Ltd., 13 Grosvenor heating and pressured cabin research. From Scientific Periodicals. The last edition of this Place, London, S.W.I] 1943 until his release from the R.A.F. in Sep­ scientific reference work, issued in 1934 and Integral' Aircraft Hydraulic Pumps and Equipment tember of last year he was M. of S. liaison officer covering the years 1900-1933, is now out of print [Integral Ltd., Cousins Street, Wolverhampton] covering the winter research work which the though still in constant demand. It contains The 'Anglon' Hand Turning Lathe R.C.A.F. are carrying out in North-West Canada. upwards of 33,000 titles of journals and includes [E. H. Jones (Machine Tools) Ltd., The Hyde, London, N.W.9] the holdings of some 180 libraries in Great Britain The Flowline Conveyor System and Ireland. The new edition, which is designed E. C. Hopkins Ltd. [Fisher & Ludlow Ltd., Gridway Division, Rolfe to include all the scientific and technical periodi­ E. C. Hopkins Ltd., makers of Flexible Shaft Street, Smethwick, Staffs.] cals that appeared during the period 1900-1947 The New Airport Gasporter Machines, Portable and Bench Tools, some time as well as the holdings of additional libraries, will [Engineering Research Associates Inc., St. Paul 4, ago opened a Demonstration Workshop and therefore be considerably larger. Librarians are Minn., U.S.A.] Showroom at 99/100 Broad Street, Birmingham, being asked to co-operate as before by sending 'Euco' Micrometric Expanding Milling Spacers to which they invited engineers and operatives particulars of all those journals on their shelves [Euco Tools Ltd., 30 Udney Park Road, Tedding- who were seeking new or improved methods of that do not appear in the second edition or are ton, Mddx.] dealing with grinding, rotary filing, fettling or The Delco News, Vol. I, No. 1, January 1947 shown there as having no location in this country scratch brushing to bring along a batch of work [Delco-Remy & Hyatt Ltd., 111 Grosvenor Road, to : The Secretary, World List of Scientific to see it dealt with by Hopkins Machine Methods London, S.W.I] Periodicals, c/o The Zoological Society of Lon­ under actual workshop conditions. Aero Research Technical Notes don, Regent's Park, London, N.W.8, from which Bulletin No. 49. A New Way With Furniture The experiment proved so successful that it office further information may be obtained. [Aero Research Ltd., Duxford, Cambs] was decided to extend the service to London and similar demonstration workshops and show­ Specialloid Ltd. rooms have been opened at 323 Grays Inn Road, London, W.C.I (opposite Kings Cross Station, TRADE REVIEWS Mr. L. H. Maidman, Secretary of Specialloid Tel.: Terminus 4098), and engineers and opera­ Ltd., has been appointed to the Board of the First in War, First in Peace . . . Heston Aircraft tives in the London area are invited to make use Company. Mr. Maidman is also a Director of Co. Ltd., Heston Airport, Middlesex. of the service (which is quite free) by taking along Specialloid (Canada) Ltd. A small well-set-out brochure giving the history any work which presents a finishing or cleaning Messrs. A. W. Roebuck Ltd., main conces­ of the Heston Company. It is of interest as it problem likely to be solved by the Hopkins sionaires of Specialloid pistons, have moved from outlines the now wide activities of the firm, in­ machine methods. Alternatively, where the jo b is 194 Great Portland Street to 172 Great Portland cluding as they do suitcase, dinghy and yacht too heavy to be moved, a technician will be sent Street, London, W.1. The telephone numbers manufacture. to deal with the problem on site. remain unchanged at Museum 7155-6-7. By Singleness of Purpose. J. Stone & Co. Ltd., Deptford, London, S.E.14. One of the many books produced to give an E . H . Jones (Machine Tools) P.A.Y.E. idea of the activities of manufacturers during' E. H . Jones (Machine Tools) Ltd. of Edgware In connexion with the introduction of the new the war, this is both a lavish and an effective Road, The Hyde, London, N.W.9, announce the P.A.Y.E. Single-Table plan, The Shannon Ltd. volume. The very great diversity of this firm's opening of an office and stores devoted exclusively announces a system of weekly, and monthly products (which include light metal castings of all to machine tool equipment, under the control of visible records which simplifies the operation of descriptions, bombs, electrical components, rivets Mr. S. Rowden. the plan by business firms and costs only a few and the propellers of the Queen Elizabeth) are They can now offer a comprehensive automatic pence per record for both cards and cabinets or admirably presented. The very large range of and capstan tooling equipment service, in addi­ books to house them. Interested readers are aero-engine and undercarriage castings are of tion to which they have available for early de­ invited to communicate with Shannon Systems particular interest. livery, the new Offen Boring Tools, ground and Research Department, 1 Shannon Corner, New Equipment and Components Manufactured by cut thread taps for Thiel Tapping Machines and Maiden, Surrey. Fairey. The Fairey Aviation Co. Ltd., Hayes, the following equipment: metal cutting saws for Middlesex. bandsaw and die-sawing machines, Eclipse non­ Cincinnati Milling Machines A small, neatly produced booklet in English, electric magnetic chucks, machine files, lathe French and Spanish illustrating, and briefly Cincinnati Milling Machines Ltd. announce the chucks (3 and 4 jaw), machine vices (plain and describing, ancillary parts produced by Faireys. acquisition of the share capital of their immediate swivel base), universal ball joints, selection of Forming of Aluminium and its Alloys by the Drop neighbours, Hordern, Mason and Edwards Ltd., V belts and endless woven belts an d miscellaneous Stamp. 1s. 0d. The Aluminium Development power press manufacturers. supplies. Association, 67 Brook Street, London, \V.\. Mr. W. G. Edwards, formerly managing direc­ This, the twelfth in the Association's series of tor of the latter company, has accepted the posi­ Information Bulletins, is a well-written and illus­ Five-day Working Week tion of chairman of the reconstituted board of trated outline of the capabilities of drop stamping Hordern, Mason and Edwards Ltd., and will Wellworthy Piston Rings Ltd. announce that light alloys. It is a subject of great interest to the actively continue his former interest in the design, their two factories and service department at aircraft engineer and this booklet provides excel­ manufacture and sale of power presses. Lymington, the foundry at Ringwood, and the lent background information for the designer Salisbury factory, will in future be closed on and draughtsman. Press Guards Ltd. Saturday. Apprenticeship Scheme. H. W. Ward & Co. Ltd., This does not affect their 21 service branches The new offices and works of Press Guards Ltd., Selly Oak, Birmingham. throughout the country, which will as usual be necessitated by the continued increase in demand This booklet gives particulars of the revised open until 12.30 p.m. for the firm's products, are now ready for occu­ apprenticeships available at this firm and details Tufnol Ltd. of Perry Barr, Birmingham 22B, pation, and with effect from January 1st, 1947, the the scholarships available to students. It is illus­ announce that their offices and works will be address is 372 Farm Street, Birmingham, 19. trated and provides full information to the would- closed from Friday evening to Monday morning Telephone No. : Northern 3354/5. be candidate. each week a s from Saturday, January 18th, inclu­ sive, and that no goods will be received or dis­ The Hymatic Engineering Co. patched during this period. Squadron Leader J. Wallis has been appointed Handley Page Ltd. of Cricklewood also an­ AIR REGISTRATION BOARD NOTICES by the Hymatic Engineering Co. Ltd. as its nounce that they have instituted a five-day work­ The Council of the Air Registration Board an­ representative for North America with an office ing week. nounces the issue of the undermentioned: in Washington, D.C . The Hymatic Portable Com­ Specialloid Ltd. of Chester Road, Boreham Notices to Licensed Aircraft Engineers and to Owners pressor and Aircraft Pneumatic Equipment have Road, Elstree, Herts, send a similar announce­ of Civil Aircraft. created considerable interest in these countries. ment that their works and offices at Finchley Notice No. 4, Issue 3. February 1, 1947. Propellers Squadron Leader Wallis was until recently on the and Boreham Wood are now closed on Saturday approved for use on Civil Aircraft. permanent staff of the British Air Commission in mornings, though their area branches will re­ Notice No. 11, Issue 2. February 1, 1947. Cirrus Washington where he acted as Liaison Officer main open as hitherto. Minor Scries II Aero Engine. 108 Aircraft Engineering


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Mar 1, 1947

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