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Trade Announcements

Trade Announcements R.Ae.S. LECTURES The Royal Aeronautical Society, of 4 Hamilton Place, W.l, announces the following lectures: A monthly feature giving news of recent Government and professional appointments, Thirty-ninth Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture industrial developments and business changes, etc. The Thirty-ninth Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture will be held at the Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, W.1, on September 10, 1951, at Bakelitc Ltd. with the aircraft industry and the services. 6 p.m. The lecture will be read by Mr A. E. Sir James Swinburne, F.R.S., has resigned his Directorship and, in recognition of his long service, Raymond, of the Douglas Aircraft Corporation, Lodge Plugs Ltd. has been appointed Honorary President. This and Mr Bernard Hopps has retired from the position California, on 'The Well-Tempered Aircraft'. other vacancies on the Board, created at an Extra­ of Managing Director, but will continue to act as Tea will be served at 5.30 p.m. at the Royal ordinary General Meeting, have been filled by Mr P. Chairman of the Board and as Technical Director. Institution. Huffman, Mr N. H. Docker, Mr C. C. Last and Mr Mr F. M. Sayers, General Manager, will be re­ A Reception following this lecture will be G. W. Hodds, the last two being Joint General sponsible to the Board for the management of the held in the offices of the Society from 8-11 p.m. Managers. company. Seventh British Commonwealth and Empire Lecture B.O.A.C. and Saundcr.s-Roc Macrome Ltd. Captain H. W. C. Alger has been seconded by the MacromceLtd. of Wolverhampton announce that The Seventh British Commonwealth and Corporation to Saunders-Roe in connexion with Mr R. A. Harding has been appointed General Empire Lecture, established in 1945, will be held development of the Princess flying boats. Manager and Mr N. D. Pentland, Sales Manager. at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great Mr P. N. Rogers has been appointed Directors' George Street, S.W.1, on October 4, 1951, at Special Representative. Dagenite Design Approval 6 p.m. The lecture will be read by Air Vice- Pcto & Radford Ltd., makers of Dagcnite Aircraft Marshal Sir L. M. Isitt, K.B.E., R.N.Z.A.F., Batteries, have been recognized under the Ministry of Ministry of Civil Aviation Supply Design Approval Scheme for instrument and Mr George Thomas, M.P., has been appointed of New Zealand, on 'Air Transport in New electrical equipment for aircraft. Parliamentary Private Secretary to Mr Frank Zealand and the South Pacific'. Beswick, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the M.C.A. Tea will be served at 5.30 p.m. at the Institution Douglas Aircraft Co. Mr R. S. S. Dickinson has been selected as Civil of Civil Engineers. Mr John C. Buckwaltcr has been appointed Chief Air Attache at Washington and will take up his Engineer to the Douglas Aircraft Company's Long duties in succession to Group Captain Christopher Beach Division. Mr Buckwaltcr has for six years Clarkson, A.M.C., early in 1952. TRADE PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED been assistant to Mr A. E. Raymonde, engineering vice-president, and he succeeds the late Mr Fred J. Ministry of Supply From Bleriot to Brabazon. Elastic Shock Absorber Stcinman, who died suddenly on July 7. The Minister has made known the names of two Cords and A.G.S. Components. additional members of the Iron and Steel Consumers' [Whitely Products Ltd., Ravensbury Mills, Mit- The English Electric Co. Ltd. Council: Sir Harry Railing, of the General Electric cham] Sir John H. Woods, G.C.B., M.V.O., is to take up Co. Ltd., London, and Mr R. J. D. Ryder, of Thomas Bulletin No. 22A. Patented Inventions Concerning the an appointment with the English Electric Group. Ryder & Sons Ltd., Bolton, both of whom represent Aircraft Industry Sir John has been Permanent Secretary of the Board the iron and steel consuming industry. [Société Nationale de Constructions Aéro-nau- of Trade since 1945 and previously held senior Civil tiques de Sud-Ouest, 105 Av. R. Poincaré, Paris, Service appointments in the Treasury and Ministry Power Jets (Research and Development) Ltd. XVI] of Production. Mr G. C. R. Mathieson, B.Sc, D.R.T.C., has been M.S 732-733. M.S. 700-703. Type Petrol] appointed Senior Lecturer at the School of Gas [Morane-Saulnier, 3 and 5 Rue Volta, Le Puteaux The Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co. Ltd. Turbine Technology, Famborough, Hants. Mr (Seine), France] Wing-Commander Harry Proctor Powell has joined Mathicson was previously a Senior Scientific Officer in Automatic Test-loading Installation the Aircraft Division of the Lockheed Hydraulic the Aerodynamics Department of the National Gas [Office National d'Etudes et de Rechcrchcs Brake Co. Ltd. of Leamington Spa for liaison duties Turbine Establishment at Pyestock. Aéronautiqucs, 3 Rue Leon Bonnat, Paris, XVI] 288 Aircraft Engineering Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald Publishing

Trade Announcements

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology , Volume 23 (9): 1 – Sep 1, 1951

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R.Ae.S. LECTURES The Royal Aeronautical Society, of 4 Hamilton Place, W.l, announces the following lectures: A monthly feature giving news of recent Government and professional appointments, Thirty-ninth Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture industrial developments and business changes, etc. The Thirty-ninth Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture will be held at the Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, W.1, on September 10, 1951, at Bakelitc Ltd. with the aircraft industry and the services. 6 p.m. The lecture will be read by Mr A. E. Sir James Swinburne, F.R.S., has resigned his Directorship and, in recognition of his long service, Raymond, of the Douglas Aircraft Corporation, Lodge Plugs Ltd. has been appointed Honorary President. This and Mr Bernard Hopps has retired from the position California, on 'The Well-Tempered Aircraft'. other vacancies on the Board, created at an Extra­ of Managing Director, but will continue to act as Tea will be served at 5.30 p.m. at the Royal ordinary General Meeting, have been filled by Mr P. Chairman of the Board and as Technical Director. Institution. Huffman, Mr N. H. Docker, Mr C. C. Last and Mr Mr F. M. Sayers, General Manager, will be re­ A Reception following this lecture will be G. W. Hodds, the last two being Joint General sponsible to the Board for the management of the held in the offices of the Society from 8-11 p.m. Managers. company. Seventh British Commonwealth and Empire Lecture B.O.A.C. and Saundcr.s-Roc Macrome Ltd. Captain H. W. C. Alger has been seconded by the MacromceLtd. of Wolverhampton announce that The Seventh British Commonwealth and Corporation to Saunders-Roe in connexion with Mr R. A. Harding has been appointed General Empire Lecture, established in 1945, will be held development of the Princess flying boats. Manager and Mr N. D. Pentland, Sales Manager. at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great Mr P. N. Rogers has been appointed Directors' George Street, S.W.1, on October 4, 1951, at Special Representative. Dagenite Design Approval 6 p.m. The lecture will be read by Air Vice- Pcto & Radford Ltd., makers of Dagcnite Aircraft Marshal Sir L. M. Isitt, K.B.E., R.N.Z.A.F., Batteries, have been recognized under the Ministry of Ministry of Civil Aviation Supply Design Approval Scheme for instrument and Mr George Thomas, M.P., has been appointed of New Zealand, on 'Air Transport in New electrical equipment for aircraft. Parliamentary Private Secretary to Mr Frank Zealand and the South Pacific'. Beswick, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the M.C.A. Tea will be served at 5.30 p.m. at the Institution Douglas Aircraft Co. Mr R. S. S. Dickinson has been selected as Civil of Civil Engineers. Mr John C. Buckwaltcr has been appointed Chief Air Attache at Washington and will take up his Engineer to the Douglas Aircraft Company's Long duties in succession to Group Captain Christopher Beach Division. Mr Buckwaltcr has for six years Clarkson, A.M.C., early in 1952. TRADE PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED been assistant to Mr A. E. Raymonde, engineering vice-president, and he succeeds the late Mr Fred J. Ministry of Supply From Bleriot to Brabazon. Elastic Shock Absorber Stcinman, who died suddenly on July 7. The Minister has made known the names of two Cords and A.G.S. Components. additional members of the Iron and Steel Consumers' [Whitely Products Ltd., Ravensbury Mills, Mit- The English Electric Co. Ltd. Council: Sir Harry Railing, of the General Electric cham] Sir John H. Woods, G.C.B., M.V.O., is to take up Co. Ltd., London, and Mr R. J. D. Ryder, of Thomas Bulletin No. 22A. Patented Inventions Concerning the an appointment with the English Electric Group. Ryder & Sons Ltd., Bolton, both of whom represent Aircraft Industry Sir John has been Permanent Secretary of the Board the iron and steel consuming industry. [Société Nationale de Constructions Aéro-nau- of Trade since 1945 and previously held senior Civil tiques de Sud-Ouest, 105 Av. R. Poincaré, Paris, Service appointments in the Treasury and Ministry Power Jets (Research and Development) Ltd. XVI] of Production. Mr G. C. R. Mathieson, B.Sc, D.R.T.C., has been M.S 732-733. M.S. 700-703. Type Petrol] appointed Senior Lecturer at the School of Gas [Morane-Saulnier, 3 and 5 Rue Volta, Le Puteaux The Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co. Ltd. Turbine Technology, Famborough, Hants. Mr (Seine), France] Wing-Commander Harry Proctor Powell has joined Mathicson was previously a Senior Scientific Officer in Automatic Test-loading Installation the Aircraft Division of the Lockheed Hydraulic the Aerodynamics Department of the National Gas [Office National d'Etudes et de Rechcrchcs Brake Co. Ltd. of Leamington Spa for liaison duties Turbine Establishment at Pyestock. Aéronautiqucs, 3 Rue Leon Bonnat, Paris, XVI] 288 Aircraft Engineering


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Sep 1, 1951

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