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Trade Announcements

Trade Announcements at their Metal Works in Birmingham (Rotton Park Street). Monks and Crane Ltd. Monks & Crane Ltd., of Birmingham, have A monthly feature giving news of recent Government and professional opened new London offices with stock-carrying facili­ ties at 204-206 West End Lane, N.W.6. appointments, industrial developments and business changes, etc. Napier Appointments Mr Clifford Hollowell has been appointed Publicity Co. Ltd., at their factory at North Finchley. Corre­ Blackburn General Service Manager Manager in the Commercial Division of D. Napier & spondence for this division should be addressed to: Squadron-Leader A. Firth has been appointed Son, in succession to the late Mr A. V. Bellamy. He Cambridge Instrument Co. Ltd., Mechanical Thermo­ General Service Manager of Blackburn & General will be responsible for press relations and advertising. meter Division, Friern Park, North Finchley, Lon­ Aircraft Limited, and will be responsible to the don, N.12. Managing Director, Mr Eric Turner, for the aircraft Samuel Osborn & Co. Ltd.—New Company and engine post-production services of the Company. Convair Wind Tunnel This will include the supervision and control of the A new company, Titanium Metal & Alloys Ltd., This year Convair is to begin work on an intermittent has been formed to develop the forging and rolling field service representatives, the circulation of technical wind tunnel for testing models of aircraft and guided of titanium. It has its offices at the Clyde Steel Works, maintenance information and spares provisioning and missiles. The test section will be four feet square; data Sheffield, of Samuel Osborn & Co. Ltd., who arc supply. will be recorded electronically; air speeds will vary associated in the formation of the new company with Mr G. A. Kerr will continue as Service Manager from one-half to four-and-a-half times the speed of Henry Gardner & Co. Ltd., of Leadenhall Avenue, (Aircraft) with particular responsibility for liaison sound. The facility will include three spherical storage London, E.C.3. with the Royal Air Force when the Beverley is in tanks with a capacity of 20,500 cubic feet of air at a squadron service. pressure of more than 260 lbs. per square inch. Pirelli-General Appointment Bristol Appointment Mr W. W. Wood, A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., has Dowty Company's Change of Title Mr W. U. Snell, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.E.. retired from the position of General Manager of Dowty Nucleonics Limited has been registered as A.F.R.Ae.S., has been appointed Executive Assistant Pirelli-General Cable Works Ltd., which he has held the new trade name and title of the firm of Davis, to A./Cdre. F. R. Banks, Director of the Bristol since 1940, but remains a Director of the Company. Wynn & Andrews, makers of instruments used in Aeroplane Company. He has been succeeded as General Manager by Mr electronics, recently acquired by the Dowty Group. J. R. Harding, B.Sc.(Eng), M.I.E.E., hitherto the The new board of directors is: Mr G. H. Dowty British Glass Industry Research Association Assistant General Manager. (Chairman), Mr E. J. Nicholl, Mr L. T. P. Banbury, Since April 1, 1955, the British Glass Industry Re­ and Mr T. D. H. Andrews (Technical). search Association and the Department of Glass Plessey Appointment Technology arc separately administered, although EFCO Reorganization The Plessey Company Ltd. have appointed Mr they share the same university buildings at 'Elm- The EFCO group of companies has been reorgan­ Thomas P. Collier, of Chicago, to be their sole repre­ field', Northumberland Road, Sheffield, 10. ized in the form of a holding company and foursub- sentative in the U.S.A. Mr Collier will be responsible Dr R. G. Newton has been appointed Director of sidiary companies. The Holding Company will be for liaison between American industry and Plessey the Research Association and Dr D. K. Hill, Assistant known as EFCO Limited, and will provide general and for the servicing of present and future licensing Director. administrative services for the other companies of the contracts. Mr R. W. Douglas has been appointed to the Chair group. Electric Furnace Co. Ltd. will become a of Glass Technology at the University of Sheffield in Subsidiary Company, but will continue to design and succession to Professor H. Moore, who is retiring Smiths Appointment manufacture the same range of products as before. at the end of the session. Mr A. I. O. Davies has been appointed Technical The remaining subsidiaries, Electric Resistance Sales Manager to Smiths Aircraft Instruments Ltd. Furnace Co. Ltd., Electro-Chemical Engineering Co. British Industries Fair He will take over all the duties previously performed Ltd., and EFCO-Industrieofen, A.G., will not be The British Industries Fair is to be held at two by the late Mr G. T. Perkins. affected by the reorganization. different times of the year from 1956 onwards. The first show will be at Earls Court, London, from English Electric Appointments Society of Licensed Aircraft Engineers February 22 to March 2. The second will be at Olym- The English Electric Company has made the follow­ All the administrative offices of the Society of pia, London, and Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, ing appointments in the Aircraft Division: Licensed Aircraft Engineers have now been transferred from April 23 to May 4. Mr Roland P. Beamont will continue as Chief Test to Maidenhead, and the Finsbury Circus House office Mr Kenneth Home, one of the six directors of Pilot and is promoted to Manager, Flight Operations. has been closed. Correspondence and inquiries should British Industries Fair Ltd., has been appointed full- Mr D. de Villiers joins the Company as Chief be addressed to: The General Secretary, The Society time managing director of the Fair. Mr Home will Experimental Pilot and will be responsible to the of Licensed Aircraft Engineers, Secretariat, 1 Bell give up his position as Sales Director of Triplex Safety Manager, Flight Operations. He comes from de Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire. This transfer does not Glass Ltd., and will take over his new job after this Havilland Propellers Limited, where he has been affect the S.L.A.E. Publications Office, or the Library year's Fair from the present General Manager, Mr Chief Test Pilot. and Committee Rooms, which remain at Effingham J. L. Reading, who directed the two previous Fairs Mr J. W. C. Squier has been appointed Chief Pro­ House, London, W.C.2, and London Airport and was loaned by the Board of Trade to help the duction Test Pilot and will also be responsible to the respectively. new company in its first year. Manager, Flight Operations. Castrol Director Sugg Solar Ltd. Ferodo Associated Company C. C. Wakefield & Company Limited, makers of On March 14 Sugg Solar Ltd., a subsidiary of Ferodo Ltd. has transferred the manufacture and Castrol motor oils, announce the appointment to William Sugg & Co. Ltd., was formed for the manu­ sale of Ferobestos to their associated company, their Board of Directors of Mr Leonard G. Packham. facture of the Solar Aircraft Company's Mars gas J. W. Roberts Ltd., who have set up a new department for this purpose at Chorley New Road, Lostock, turbine engine, and its sale in the United Kingdom, College of Aeronautics: Chair of Aircraft Electrical Bolton. Europe and the Commonwealth countries, with the Engineering exception of Canada. The overhaul period of the The College of Aeronautics has recently created a engine has recently been extended from 500 hours to High Pressure Components Group Department of Aircraft Electrical Engineering and 750 hours. The Rt Hon Lord Kershaw, O.B.E., J.P., has been has appointed Mr G. A. Whitfield, B.Sc., as Professor appointed Chairman of the two major companies in and Head of Department. Mr Whitfield will take up the High Pressure Components Group, which includes Sunvic Controls Appointments his appointment on June 1, 1955. Sun Engineering (Richmond) Ltd., and its sub­ Sunvic Controls Ltd. have appointed the following sidiary, Davies Coleman Ltd. technical representatives: in the Scientific and Indus­ Compoflex Appointment trial Divisions, Mr W. F. Dorman for the London Kelvin Hughes Appointments Mr D. J. Saunders, B.Sc.(Eng), A.F.R.Ae.S., and Home Counties area, and Mr F. N. Yates for the formerly a principal scientific officer in the Rocket Mr F. A. King and Mr A. J. Hughes formally re­ North West England area; in the Process Control Propulsion Department of the Ministry of Supply, tired from the Board of Kelvin & Hughes Ltd. on Division, Mr F. C. Chaventre for the London and has joined the Compoflex Co. Ltd., as chief develop­ March 31, after some sixty years of service with the Home Counties area, and Mr D. M. Gill for the ment engineer (hydraulics). Company. North West England area. Mr F. W. Bates has been appointed to the Board. Expanded Metal Company Appointment Wellworthy Chairman Honoured Lancashire Dynamo Group The Expanded Metal Co. Ltd., of West Hartlepool On March 29 the town of Lymington bestowed the and London, has appointed Mr Frank Banfield, Sir Percy H. Mills, Bt., K.B.E., has this month Freedom of the Borough on Mr John Howlett, General Manager for the past year, as Managing joined the Board of Lancashire Dynamo Holdings O.B.E., Chairman of Wellworthy Ltd. Director of the Company. He succeeds Lt-Comdr Ltd., and Mr J. G. Shaw has resigned from the G. C. Hans Hamilton, who retains his position as Board. Mr Shaw remains a director of some com­ Chairman of the Company. Wickman Ltd. Appointments panies within the Lancashire Dynamo Group. Mr E. A. Hyde, M.I.I.A., has been appointed Cambridge Instrument Company's New Division McKechnie Brothers Appointment Deputy Managing Director, and Mr W. V. Hodgson, A new division, the Mechanical Thermometer Divi­ M.I.P.E., Assistant Managing Director, of Wickman McKechnie Brothers Ltd. have appointed Mr sion, has been set up by the Cambridge Instrument Ltd. E. G. Snelus, M.B.E., to the post of Sales Manager 168 Aircraft Engineering Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Emerald Publishing

Trade Announcements

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology , Volume 27 (5): 1 – May 1, 1955

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at their Metal Works in Birmingham (Rotton Park Street). Monks and Crane Ltd. Monks & Crane Ltd., of Birmingham, have A monthly feature giving news of recent Government and professional opened new London offices with stock-carrying facili­ ties at 204-206 West End Lane, N.W.6. appointments, industrial developments and business changes, etc. Napier Appointments Mr Clifford Hollowell has been appointed Publicity Co. Ltd., at their factory at North Finchley. Corre­ Blackburn General Service Manager Manager in the Commercial Division of D. Napier & spondence for this division should be addressed to: Squadron-Leader A. Firth has been appointed Son, in succession to the late Mr A. V. Bellamy. He Cambridge Instrument Co. Ltd., Mechanical Thermo­ General Service Manager of Blackburn & General will be responsible for press relations and advertising. meter Division, Friern Park, North Finchley, Lon­ Aircraft Limited, and will be responsible to the don, N.12. Managing Director, Mr Eric Turner, for the aircraft Samuel Osborn & Co. Ltd.—New Company and engine post-production services of the Company. Convair Wind Tunnel This will include the supervision and control of the A new company, Titanium Metal & Alloys Ltd., This year Convair is to begin work on an intermittent has been formed to develop the forging and rolling field service representatives, the circulation of technical wind tunnel for testing models of aircraft and guided of titanium. It has its offices at the Clyde Steel Works, maintenance information and spares provisioning and missiles. The test section will be four feet square; data Sheffield, of Samuel Osborn & Co. Ltd., who arc supply. will be recorded electronically; air speeds will vary associated in the formation of the new company with Mr G. A. Kerr will continue as Service Manager from one-half to four-and-a-half times the speed of Henry Gardner & Co. Ltd., of Leadenhall Avenue, (Aircraft) with particular responsibility for liaison sound. The facility will include three spherical storage London, E.C.3. with the Royal Air Force when the Beverley is in tanks with a capacity of 20,500 cubic feet of air at a squadron service. pressure of more than 260 lbs. per square inch. Pirelli-General Appointment Bristol Appointment Mr W. W. Wood, A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., has Dowty Company's Change of Title Mr W. U. Snell, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.E.. retired from the position of General Manager of Dowty Nucleonics Limited has been registered as A.F.R.Ae.S., has been appointed Executive Assistant Pirelli-General Cable Works Ltd., which he has held the new trade name and title of the firm of Davis, to A./Cdre. F. R. Banks, Director of the Bristol since 1940, but remains a Director of the Company. Wynn & Andrews, makers of instruments used in Aeroplane Company. He has been succeeded as General Manager by Mr electronics, recently acquired by the Dowty Group. J. R. Harding, B.Sc.(Eng), M.I.E.E., hitherto the The new board of directors is: Mr G. H. Dowty British Glass Industry Research Association Assistant General Manager. (Chairman), Mr E. J. Nicholl, Mr L. T. P. Banbury, Since April 1, 1955, the British Glass Industry Re­ and Mr T. D. H. Andrews (Technical). search Association and the Department of Glass Plessey Appointment Technology arc separately administered, although EFCO Reorganization The Plessey Company Ltd. have appointed Mr they share the same university buildings at 'Elm- The EFCO group of companies has been reorgan­ Thomas P. Collier, of Chicago, to be their sole repre­ field', Northumberland Road, Sheffield, 10. ized in the form of a holding company and foursub- sentative in the U.S.A. Mr Collier will be responsible Dr R. G. Newton has been appointed Director of sidiary companies. The Holding Company will be for liaison between American industry and Plessey the Research Association and Dr D. K. Hill, Assistant known as EFCO Limited, and will provide general and for the servicing of present and future licensing Director. administrative services for the other companies of the contracts. Mr R. W. Douglas has been appointed to the Chair group. Electric Furnace Co. Ltd. will become a of Glass Technology at the University of Sheffield in Subsidiary Company, but will continue to design and succession to Professor H. Moore, who is retiring Smiths Appointment manufacture the same range of products as before. at the end of the session. Mr A. I. O. Davies has been appointed Technical The remaining subsidiaries, Electric Resistance Sales Manager to Smiths Aircraft Instruments Ltd. Furnace Co. Ltd., Electro-Chemical Engineering Co. British Industries Fair He will take over all the duties previously performed Ltd., and EFCO-Industrieofen, A.G., will not be The British Industries Fair is to be held at two by the late Mr G. T. Perkins. affected by the reorganization. different times of the year from 1956 onwards. The first show will be at Earls Court, London, from English Electric Appointments Society of Licensed Aircraft Engineers February 22 to March 2. The second will be at Olym- The English Electric Company has made the follow­ All the administrative offices of the Society of pia, London, and Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, ing appointments in the Aircraft Division: Licensed Aircraft Engineers have now been transferred from April 23 to May 4. Mr Roland P. Beamont will continue as Chief Test to Maidenhead, and the Finsbury Circus House office Mr Kenneth Home, one of the six directors of Pilot and is promoted to Manager, Flight Operations. has been closed. Correspondence and inquiries should British Industries Fair Ltd., has been appointed full- Mr D. de Villiers joins the Company as Chief be addressed to: The General Secretary, The Society time managing director of the Fair. Mr Home will Experimental Pilot and will be responsible to the of Licensed Aircraft Engineers, Secretariat, 1 Bell give up his position as Sales Director of Triplex Safety Manager, Flight Operations. He comes from de Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire. This transfer does not Glass Ltd., and will take over his new job after this Havilland Propellers Limited, where he has been affect the S.L.A.E. Publications Office, or the Library year's Fair from the present General Manager, Mr Chief Test Pilot. and Committee Rooms, which remain at Effingham J. L. Reading, who directed the two previous Fairs Mr J. W. C. Squier has been appointed Chief Pro­ House, London, W.C.2, and London Airport and was loaned by the Board of Trade to help the duction Test Pilot and will also be responsible to the respectively. new company in its first year. Manager, Flight Operations. Castrol Director Sugg Solar Ltd. Ferodo Associated Company C. C. Wakefield & Company Limited, makers of On March 14 Sugg Solar Ltd., a subsidiary of Ferodo Ltd. has transferred the manufacture and Castrol motor oils, announce the appointment to William Sugg & Co. Ltd., was formed for the manu­ sale of Ferobestos to their associated company, their Board of Directors of Mr Leonard G. Packham. facture of the Solar Aircraft Company's Mars gas J. W. Roberts Ltd., who have set up a new department for this purpose at Chorley New Road, Lostock, turbine engine, and its sale in the United Kingdom, College of Aeronautics: Chair of Aircraft Electrical Bolton. Europe and the Commonwealth countries, with the Engineering exception of Canada. The overhaul period of the The College of Aeronautics has recently created a engine has recently been extended from 500 hours to High Pressure Components Group Department of Aircraft Electrical Engineering and 750 hours. The Rt Hon Lord Kershaw, O.B.E., J.P., has been has appointed Mr G. A. Whitfield, B.Sc., as Professor appointed Chairman of the two major companies in and Head of Department. Mr Whitfield will take up the High Pressure Components Group, which includes Sunvic Controls Appointments his appointment on June 1, 1955. Sun Engineering (Richmond) Ltd., and its sub­ Sunvic Controls Ltd. have appointed the following sidiary, Davies Coleman Ltd. technical representatives: in the Scientific and Indus­ Compoflex Appointment trial Divisions, Mr W. F. Dorman for the London Kelvin Hughes Appointments Mr D. J. Saunders, B.Sc.(Eng), A.F.R.Ae.S., and Home Counties area, and Mr F. N. Yates for the formerly a principal scientific officer in the Rocket Mr F. A. King and Mr A. J. Hughes formally re­ North West England area; in the Process Control Propulsion Department of the Ministry of Supply, tired from the Board of Kelvin & Hughes Ltd. on Division, Mr F. C. Chaventre for the London and has joined the Compoflex Co. Ltd., as chief develop­ March 31, after some sixty years of service with the Home Counties area, and Mr D. M. Gill for the ment engineer (hydraulics). Company. North West England area. Mr F. W. Bates has been appointed to the Board. Expanded Metal Company Appointment Wellworthy Chairman Honoured Lancashire Dynamo Group The Expanded Metal Co. Ltd., of West Hartlepool On March 29 the town of Lymington bestowed the and London, has appointed Mr Frank Banfield, Sir Percy H. Mills, Bt., K.B.E., has this month Freedom of the Borough on Mr John Howlett, General Manager for the past year, as Managing joined the Board of Lancashire Dynamo Holdings O.B.E., Chairman of Wellworthy Ltd. Director of the Company. He succeeds Lt-Comdr Ltd., and Mr J. G. Shaw has resigned from the G. C. Hans Hamilton, who retains his position as Board. Mr Shaw remains a director of some com­ Chairman of the Company. Wickman Ltd. Appointments panies within the Lancashire Dynamo Group. Mr E. A. Hyde, M.I.I.A., has been appointed Cambridge Instrument Company's New Division McKechnie Brothers Appointment Deputy Managing Director, and Mr W. V. Hodgson, A new division, the Mechanical Thermometer Divi­ M.I.P.E., Assistant Managing Director, of Wickman McKechnie Brothers Ltd. have appointed Mr sion, has been set up by the Cambridge Instrument Ltd. E. G. Snelus, M.B.E., to the post of Sales Manager 168 Aircraft Engineering


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing

Published: May 1, 1955

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