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This study aims to attempt to put forward a nuanced conceptual framework to develop a better understanding of the relationship between job crafting and employees’ turnover intention, by bringing in “social exchange theory” perspective and proposing the mediating role of perceived organizational support (POS).Design/methodology/approachAn extant review of literature was undertaken to identify and summarize the relevant findings on the topics of job crafting, POS and turnover intention, which further led to the development of hypotheses and the conceptual framework.FindingsResults indicate that job crafting has a significant relationship with turnover intention with POS as an underpinning variable.Practical implicationsThis study generates actionable insights and suggestions for the business leaders and practitioners, which can help them in handling the problem of rising employee turnover in today’s era marked by evolving attitudes and mindsets of the employees, along with the catalytic effects of pandemic and “Great Resignation”. Insights generated in this study for reducing dysfunctional employee turnover would have a stabilizing effect and lead society and business towards sustainable growth.Social implicationsInsights generated in this study for reducing dysfunctional employee turnover would have a stabilizing effect and lead society and business towards sustainable growth.Originality/valueThis study is original in three ways. Firstly, the study introduces a unique perspective by putting forward a conceptual framework nestled in the social exchange theory. Secondly, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, it is the first study to examine the role of POS as a mediator in the association between job crafting and turnover intention. Thirdly, by proposing POS as an outcome of job crafting, this study suggests a reciprocal relationship between job crafting and POS.
Industrial and Commercial Training – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 19, 2024
Keywords: Job crafting; Turnover intention; Perceived organisational support; Social exchange theory; Great resignation; Post-pandemic; Employee turnover
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