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Strategic Human Resource Management
Reviews the literature on strategic human resource development (SHRD) and explores the concept specifically in the context of the work of Garavan (1991), which highlighted nine key characteristics of SHRD. Garavan's seminal paper is used as a starting point from which to examine the development of the concept of SHRD. By examining and reviewing the literature, the nine characteristics are redefined and enhanced, thus moving towards a new model and definition of SHRD. Concludes by defining SHRD as the creation of a learning culture, within which a range of training, development and learning strategies both respond to corporate strategy and also help to shape and influence it. It is the reciprocal, mutually enhancing, nature of the relationship between HRD and corporate strategy which lies at the heart of SHRD and at the heart of the development of a learning culture.
Journal of European Industrial Training – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jul 1, 2000
Keywords: HRD; Learning organisations; Training
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