Total Capability Contracting for a Flight Critical Structure
Total Capability Contracting for a Flight Critical Structure
Wardrop, Duncan J.; Allanson, Robert M.
1990-09-01 00:00:00
COMPONENTS using aluminium skins, ribs and honeycomb or graphiteepoxy and Nomex honeycomb bonded into an assembly, have been manufactured for some years. Major aircraft companies queried the use of honeycombs and expressed the need for other techniques to be developed. Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyEmerald Publishing
Total Capability Contracting for a Flight Critical Structure
COMPONENTS using aluminium skins, ribs and honeycomb or graphiteepoxy and Nomex honeycomb bonded into an assembly, have been manufactured for some years. Major aircraft companies queried the use of honeycombs and expressed the need for other techniques to be developed.
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology
– Emerald Publishing
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