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Mario Barchi, Marco Greco (2018)
Negotiation in Open Innovation: A Literature ReviewGroup Decision and Negotiation, 27
Shirli Kopelman, A. Rosette (2008)
Cultural variation in response to strategic emotions in negotiationsGroup Decision and Negotiation, 17
Steven Schnaars (1987)
How to develop and use scenariosLong Range Planning, 20
K. Tasa, Anthony Celani, C. Bell (2013)
Goals in Negotiation Revisited: The Impact of Goal Setting and Implicit Negotiation BeliefsNegotiation and Conflict Management Research, 6
J. Graham (1985)
Cross-Cultural Marketing Negotiations: A Laboratory ExperimentMarketing Science, 4
Through the lens: megatrends shaping our future
Cisco annual internet report (2018–2023
J. Curhan, Hillary Elfenbein, Heng Xu (2006)
What Do People Value When They Negotiate? Mapping the Domain of Subjective Value in NegotiationConflict & Dispute Resolution
Jan Heide (1994)
Interorganizational Governance in Marketing ChannelsJournal of Marketing, 58
Five forces reshaping the global economy
J. Breaugh, M. Starke (2000)
Research on Employee Recruitment: So Many Studies, So Many Remaining QuestionsJournal of Management, 26
Hiroyuki Okamuro (2007)
Determinants of successful R&D cooperation in Japanese small businesses: The impact of organizational and contractual characteristicsResearch Policy, 36
H. Klein, Michael Wesson, J. Hollenbeck, Bradley Alge (1999)
Goal commitment and the goal-setting process: conceptual clarification and empirical synthesis.The Journal of applied psychology, 84 6
R. Fells, H. Rogers, P. Prowse, Ursula Ott (2015)
Unraveling business negotiations using practitioner dataNegotiation and Conflict Management Research, 8
R. Korobkin (2002)
Aspirations and SettlementCornell Law Review, 88
Bardi Matturdi, Zhou Xianwei, L. Shuai, Lin Fuhong (2014)
Big Data security and privacy: A reviewChina Communications, 11
M. Sinaceur, M. Neale (2005)
Not All Threats are Created Equal: How Implicitness and Timing Affect the Effectiveness of Threats in NegotiationsGroup Decision and Negotiation, 14
Nitish Singh, Boris Bartikowski, Yogesh Dwivedi, Michael Williams (2009)
Global megatrends and the web: convergence of globalization, networks and innovationData Base, 40
Itzhak Gnizy (2020)
Applying big data to guide firms’ future industrial marketing strategiesJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Daniel McQuiston (1989)
Novelty, Complexity, and Importance as Causal Determinants of Industrial Buyer BehaviorJournal of Marketing, 53
Steffen Schuckmann, Tobias Gnatzy, Inga-Lena Darkow, Heiko Gracht (2012)
Analysis of factors influencing the development of transport infrastructure until the year 2030 — A Delphi based scenario studyTechnological Forecasting and Social Change, 79
M. Godet (2000)
The Art of Scenarios and Strategic Planning - Tools and PitfallsTechnological Forecasting and Social Change, 65
Management Science, 60
M. Bogers, Rudi Bekkers, O. Granstrand (2012)
Intellectual Property and Licensing Strategies in Open Collaborative InnovationInterorganizational Networks & Organizational Behavior eJournal
G. Kersten, Hsiangchu Lai (2007)
Negotiation Support and E-negotiation Systems: An OverviewGroup Decision and Negotiation, 16
Pedro Reyes, M. Raisinghani, Manoj Singh (2002)
Global Supply Chain Management in the Telecommunications Industry: The Role of Information Technology in Integration of Supply Chain EntitiesJournal of Global Information Technology Management, 5
S. Vollset, Emily Goren, Chun-Wei Yuan, Jackie Cao, Amanda Smith, Thomas Hsiao, C. Bisignano, G. Azhar, E. Castro, Julian Chalek, A. Dolgert, Tahvi Frank, K. Fukutaki, S. Hay, R. Lozano, A. Mokdad, Vishnu Nandakumar, Maxwell Pierce, Martin Pletcher, Toshana Robalik, Krista Steuben, H. Wunrow, Bianca Zlavog, C. Murray (2020)
Fertility, mortality, migration, and population scenarios for 195 countries and territories from 2017 to 2100: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease StudyLancet (London, England), 396
M. Hobday (1998)
Product complexity, innovation and industrial organisationResearch Policy, 26
Anticipating problems, finding solutions, global annual review 2014
Lujie Chen, Mengqi Jiang, F. Jia, Guoquan Liu (2021)
Artificial intelligence adoption in business-to-business marketing: toward a conceptual frameworkJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing
E. Ngai, T. Cheng, S. Ho (2004)
Critical success factors of web-based supply-chain management systems: an exploratory studyProduction Planning & Control, 15
A. Cox (2001)
Understanding Buyer and Supplier Power: A Framework for Procurement and Supply CompetenceJournal of Supply Chain Management, 37
I. Chen, Fang-Tai Tseng (2016)
The relevance of communication media in conflict contexts and their effectiveness: A negotiation experimentComput. Hum. Behav., 59
Matthew Grennan (2013)
Bargaining Ability and Competitive Advantage: Empirical Evidence from Medical DevicesStrategy & Microeconomic Policy eJournal
S. White, M. Neale (1994)
The Role of Negotiator Aspirations and Settlement Expectancies in Bargaining OutcomesOrganizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 57
M. Piecyk, A. McKinnon (2010)
Forecasting the carbon footprint of road freight transport in 2020International Journal of Production Economics, 128
T. Ingram (2004)
Future Themes in Sales and Sales Management: Complexity, Collaboration, and AccountabilityJournal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 12
S. Moran, I. Ritov (2007)
Experience in Integrative Negotiations: What Needs to Be Learned?Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43
W. Perkins, J. Hershauer, A. Foroughi, M. Delaney (1996)
Can a Negotiation Support System Help a Purchasing ManagerJournal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 32
D. Griffith, Michael Harvey, R. Lusch (2006)
Social exchange in supply chain relationships: The resulting benefits of procedural and distributive justiceJournal of Operations Management, 24
B. Barry, R. Friedman (1998)
Bargainer Characteristics in Distributive and Integrative NegotiationJournal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74
William Cohen (2003)
The importance of expectations on negotiation resultsEuropean Business Review, 15
What’s after, what’s next? The upside of disruption. Megatrends shaping 2018 and beyond
G. Burt (2007)
Why are we surprised at surprises? Integrating disruption theory and system analysis with scenario methodology to help identify surprises, disruptions and discontinuitiesTechnological Forecasting and Social Change, 74
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Purchasing and Supply Management: Trends and Changes Throughout the 1990sJournal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 34
Eman Elshenawy (2010)
Does negotiation training improve negotiators' performance?Journal of European Industrial Training, 34
Five megatrends and their implications for global defense and security
Deborah Zetik, Alice Stuhlmacher (2002)
Goal Setting and Negotiation Performance: A Meta-AnalysisGroup Processes & Intergroup Relations, 5
H. Saunders (1985)
We need a larger theory of negotiation: The importance of pre-negotiating phasesNegotiation Journal, 1
Infinite possibilities: procurement in 2025
Deepak Puthal, N. Malik, S. Mohanty, E. Kougianos, Chia-Teng Yang (2018)
The Blockchain as a Decentralized Security Framework [Future Directions]IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 7
N. Reynolds, A. Simintiras, Efi Vlachou (2003)
International business negotiations: present knowledge and direction for future researchInternational Marketing Review, 20
Deepak Nayyar (2016)
BRICS, developing countries and global governanceThird World Quarterly, 37
C. Dreu, L. Weingart, S. Kwon (2000)
Influence of social motives on integrative negotiation: a meta-analytic review and test of two theories.Journal of personality and social psychology, 78 5
Mandrita Banerjee, Junghee Lee, Kim-Kwang Choo (2017)
A blockchain future for internet of things security: a position paperDigit. Commun. Networks, 4
Soumaya Letaifa (2014)
The uneasy transition from supply chains to ecosystems: The value-creation/value-capture dilemmaManagement Decision, 52
Jukka-Pekka Bergman, S. Viljainen, T. Kässi, J. Partanen, Petteri Laaksonen (2006)
Managing the exploration of new operational and strategic activities using the scenario method--assessing future capabilities in the field of electricity distribution industryInternational Journal of Production Economics, 104
Gartner forecasts worldwide security and risk management spending growth to slow but remain positive in 2020
Samuel Bacharach, E. Lawler (1981)
Power and Tactics in BargainingIndustrial & Labor Relations Review, 34
M. Buelens, M. Woestyne, S. Mestdagh, D. Bouckenooghe (2008)
Methodological Issues in Negotiation Research: A State-of-the-Art-ReviewGroup Decision and Negotiation, 17
Martin Geissdoerfer, Doroteya Vladimirova, S. Evans (2018)
Sustainable Business Model Innovation: A ReviewDiversification Strategy & Policy eJournal
M. Henckens, E. Ierland, P. Driessen, E. Worrell (2016)
Mineral resources: Geological scarcity, market price trends, and future generationsResources Policy, 49
Megatrends of the 21st century
A. Oussous, Fatima-Zahra Benjelloun, A. Lahcen, Samir Belfkih (2017)
Big Data technologies: A surveyJ. King Saud Univ. Comput. Inf. Sci., 30
P. Banting, P. Dion (1988)
The purchasing agent: Friend or foe to the salesperson?Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16
W. Halal (2013)
Through the megacrisis: the passage to global maturityForesight, 15
Chanchai Tangpong, Michael Michalisin, Arlyn Melcher (2008)
Toward a Typology of Buyer-Supplier Relationships: A Study of the Computer IndustryDecis. Sci., 39
Jens Eklinder-Frick, Lars-Johan Åge (2020)
Relational business negotiation – propositions based on an interactional perspectiveJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 35
M. Neale, G. Northcraft (1989)
Behavioral negotiation theory : a framework for conceptualizing dyadic bargaining
IT trends 2020
M. Buelens, Dirk Poucke (2004)
Determinants of a Negotiator's Initial Opening OfferJournal of Business and Psychology, 19
A. Runfola, M. Milanesi, S. Guercini (2021)
Rethinking interaction in social distancing times: implications for business-to-business companiesJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Tatu Virtanen, P. Parvinen, Minna Rollins (2015)
Complexity of sales situation and sales lead performance: An empirical study in business-to-business companyIndustrial Marketing Management, 45
L. Warren (2012)
Scenario Analysis for S&OPJournal of Business Forecasting, 31
E. Ferris (2011)
Megatrends and the future of humanitarian actionInternational Review of the Red Cross, 93
Ohbyung Kwon, Namyeon Lee, Bongsik Shin (2014)
Data quality management, data usage experience and acquisition intention of big data analyticsInt. J. Inf. Manag., 34
Ingmar Geiger (2020)
From Letter to Twitter: A Systematic Review of Communication Media in NegotiationGroup Decision and Negotiation, 29
P. Kumar, P. Raj, P. Jelciana (2018)
Exploring Data Security Issues and Solutions in Cloud ComputingProcedia Computer Science, 125
Åsa Fast-Berglund, L. Gong, Dan Li (2018)
Testing and validating Extended Reality (xR) technologies in manufacturingProcedia Manufacturing, 25
Tuomo Kuosa (2011)
Evolution of futures studiesFutures, 43
John Butler (1996)
Two Integrative Win-Win Negotiating StrategiesSimulation & Gaming, 27
C. Vidal, M. Goetschalckx (1997)
Strategic production-distribution models: A critical review with emphasis on global supply chain modelsEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 98
R. Davidson (2008)
The war for talent
Future state 2030: the global megatrends shaping governments
H. Agndal, Lars-Johan Åge, Jens Eklinder-Frick (2017)
Two decades of business negotiation research: an overview and suggestions for future studiesJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32
I. Fulmer, B. Barry (2004)
Robert Dwyer, P. Schurr, Sejo Oh (1987)
Developing Buyer-Seller RelationshipsJournal of Marketing, 51
S. Gates (2006)
Time to take negotiation seriouslyIndustrial and Commercial Training, 38
S. Boumphrey, Z. Brehmer (2017)
Megatrend analysis: putting the consumer at the heart of business
H. Kosow, B. Luber (2008)
Methoden der Zukunfts- und Szenarioanalyse Überblick, Bewertung und Auswahlkriterien
Manohar Kalwani, N. Narayandas (1995)
Long-Term Manufacturer-Supplier Relationships: Do They Pay off for Supplier Firms?Journal of Marketing, 59
Shirli Kopelman, A. Rosette, Leigh Thompson (2006)
The three faces of Eve: Strategic displays of positive, negative, and neutral emotions in negotiations.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 99
Alice Stuhlmacher, Maryalice Citera (2005)
Hostile Behavior and Profit in Virtual Negotiation: a Meta-AnalysisJournal of Business and Psychology, 20
Alice Stuhlmacher, Matthew Champagne (2000)
The Impact of Time Pressure and Information on Negotiation Process and DecisionsGroup Decision and Negotiation, 9
T. Noordewier, G. John, J. Nevin (1990)
Performance Outcomes of Purchasing Arrangements in Industrial Buyer-Vendor RelationshipsJournal of Marketing, 54
Hadiyan Ibrahim, S. Zailani, K. Tan (2015)
A content analysis of global supply chain researchBenchmarking: An International Journal, 22
Ingmar Geiger, Christoph Laubert (2018)
Situational strategic versus personal influences on negotiation medium choice: Media synchronicity theory and affect for communication channelInternational Journal of Conflict Management, 29
Wiktoria Wilkowska, M. Ziefle (2012)
Privacy and data security in E-health: Requirements from the user’s perspectiveHealth Informatics Journal, 18
Justin Kitzes, Audrey Peller, Steve Goldfinger, Mathis Wackernagel (2007)
Current Methods for Calculating National Ecological Footprint Accounts 【特集論文 エコロジカル・フットプリント指標の現状と課題】, 4
Nathaniel Hartmann, Bruno Lussier (2020)
Managing the sales force through the unexpected exogenous COVID-19 crisisIndustrial Marketing Management, 88
Hajo Adam, Aiwa Shirako, W. Maddux (2010)
Cultural Variance in the Interpersonal Effects of Anger in NegotiationsPsychological Science, 21
L. Thompson (1990)
The influence of experience on negotiation performanceJournal of Experimental Social Psychology, 26
M. Dalziel (1998)
Building Competitive Advantage Through People
A. Saks (2017)
The Impracticality of Recruitment Research
Beyond the noise. The megatrends of tomorrow´s world
G. Vaidyanathan, Sarv Devaraj, J. D'Arcy (2012)
Does Security Impact E-procurement Performance? Testing a Model of Direct and Moderated EffectsDecis. Sci., 43
Ying Zhang, Longwei Wang, Jie Gao, Xin Li (2019)
Servitization and business performance: the moderating effects of environmental uncertaintyJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing
K. Hjaila, J. Laínez, L. Puigjaner, Antonio Camarasa (2016)
Scenario-based dynamic negotiation for the coordination of multi-enterprise supply chains under uncertaintyComput. Chem. Eng., 91
I. Hashem, Ibrar Yaqoob, N. Anuar, Salimah Mokhtar, A. Gani, S. Khan (2015)
The rise of "big data" on cloud computing: Review and open research issuesInf. Syst., 47
Annual Review of Psychology, 51
Kestutis Peleckis (2014)
International Business Negotiations: Innovation, Negotiation Team, PreparationProcedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 110
S. Ashcroft (2004)
Commercial negotiation skillsIndustrial and Commercial Training, 36
Steven Wilson, Linda Putnam (1990)
Interaction Goals in NegotiationAnnals of the International Communication Association, 13
C. Dreu, S. Koole, W. Steinel (2000)
Unfixing the fixed pie: a motivated information-processing approach to integrative negotiation.Journal of personality and social psychology, 79 6
J. Graham (2019)
A third theory: inventive negotiationJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Lars-Johan Åge, Jens Eklinder-Frick (2017)
Goal-oriented balancing: happy–happy negotiations beyond win–win situationsJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32
J. Barney (1991)
Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive AdvantageJournal of Management, 17
J. Salacuse (1999)
Intercultural Negotiation in International BusinessGroup Decision and Negotiation, 8
Lars-Erik Gadde, I. Snehota (2000)
Making the Most of Supplier RelationshipsIndustrial Marketing Management, 29
Hillary Elfenbein, J. Curhan, Noah Eisenkraft, Aiwa Shirako, Lucio Baccaro (2008)
Are Some Negotiators Better Than Others? Individual Differences in Bargaining Outcomes.Journal of research in personality, 42 6
Joseph Cannon, Patricia Doney, Michael Mullen, K. Petersen (2010)
Building long-term orientation in buyer–supplier relationships: The moderating role of cultureJournal of Operations Management, 28
J. Curhan, Hillary Elfenbein, G. Kilduff (2007)
Getting Off on the Right Foot: Subjective Value versus Economic Value in Predicting Longitudinal Job Outcomes from Job Offer NegotiationsHuman Resource Management & Personnel
R. Volkema, M. Fleury (2002)
Alternative Negotiating Conditions and the Choice of Negotiation Tactics: A Cross-cultural ComparisonJournal of Business Ethics, 36
S. Mouzas (2016)
A Network Perspective on Negotiation: What Is New and Why It MattersNegotiation Journal, 32
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 15
M. Beer, Magnus Finnström, Derek Schrader (2016)
Why Leadership Training Fails—and What to Do about ItHarvard Business Review, 94
Larry Crump, I. Zartman (2003)
Multilateral Negotiation and the Management of ComplexityInternational Negotiation, 8
Ebru Yildirim (2016)
The Importance of Information Security Awareness for the Success of Business Enterprises
U. Herbst, M. Voeth, Christoph Meister (2011)
What do we know about buyer–seller negotiations in marketing research? A status quo analysisIndustrial Marketing Management, 40
Jennifer Parlamis, Ingmar Geiger (2015)
Mind the Medium: A Qualitative Analysis of Email NegotiationGroup Decision and Negotiation, 24
Rachel Croson (1999)
Look at Me When You Say That: An Electronic Negotiation SimulationSimulation & Gaming, 30
L. Weingart, R. Bennett, J. Brett (1993)
The impact of consideration of issues and motivational orientation on group negotiation process and outcome.Journal of Applied Psychology, 78
Communication process in negotiation: frequencies, sequences and phases
Kalim Siddiqui (2016)
Will the Growth of the BRICs Cause a Shift in the Global Balance of Economic Power in the 21st Century?International Journal of Political Economy, 45
Global trends 2030: alternative worlds
H. Bowles, Linda Babcock, Lei Lai (2007)
Social incentives for gender differences in the propensity to initiate negotiations: Sometimes it does hurt to askOrganizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 103
B. Beckley, P. Callahan, D. Hancock, G. Mitchum, R. Ray (2017)
On the "Cal-Mode" Correction to TOPEX Satellite Altimetry and Its Effect on the Global Mean Sea Level Time SeriesJournal of Geophysical Research, 122
Dirk Holtbrügge (2004)
Management of international strategic business cooperation: Situational conditions, performance criteria, and success factorsThunderbird International Business Review, 46
D. Bright, W. Parkin (1998)
How negotiators work in teamsManagement Research News, 21
H. Agndal (2007)
Current trends in business negotiation research
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Effects of supplier trust on performance of cooperative supplier relationshipsJournal of Operations Management, 22
M. Missler-Behr (1993)
Methoden der Szenarioanalyse
Shana Gillette, B. Lamb (2005)
Research Article: Core Competencies for Natural Resource NegotiationEnvironmental Practice, 7
Danny Ertel (1999)
Turning negotiation into a corporate capability.Harvard business review, 77 3
J. Eliashberg, G. Lilien, N. Kim (1995)
Searching for Generalizations in Business Marketing NegotiationsMarketing Science, 14
Victor Tiberius, Caroline Siglow, Javier Sendra-García (2020)
Scenarios in business and management: The current stock and research opportunitiesJournal of Business Research, 121
L. Thompson (1991)
Information exchange in negotiationJournal of Experimental Social Psychology, 27
Alfred Zerres, J. Hüffmeier, P. Freund, K. Backhaus, Guido Hertel (2013)
Does it take two to tango? Longitudinal effects of unilateral and bilateral integrative negotiation training.The Journal of applied psychology, 98 3
Mara Olekalns, Philip Smith (2000)
Understanding Optimal Outcomes: The Role of Strategy Sequences in Competitive Negotiations.Human Communication Research, 26
F. Krausmann, S. Gingrich, N. Eisenmenger, K. Erb, H. Haberl, Marina Fischer-Kowalski (2009)
Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th centuryEcological Economics, 68
R. Monczka, K. Petersen, R. Handfield, G. Ragatz (1998)
Success factors in strategic supplier alliances: The buying company perspectiveDecision Sciences, 29
David Fleming, Jon Hawes (2017)
The negotiation scorecard: a planning tool in business and industrial marketingJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32
Meetings and conventions 2030: a study of megatrends shaping our industry
M. Mannermaa (1991)
In search of an evolutionary paradigm for futures researchFutures, 23
David Reid, E. Pullins, Richard Plank (2002)
The impact of purchase situation on salesperson communication behaviors in business marketsIndustrial Marketing Management, 31
John Butler (1999)
Trust Expectations, Information Sharing, Climate of Trust, and Negotiation Effectiveness and EfficiencyGroup & Organization Management, 24
The upside of disruption. Megatrends shaping 2016 and beyond
A. Brem, Petra Nylund, E. Hitchen (2017)
Open innovation and intellectual property rights: How do SMEs benefit from patents, industrial designs, trademarks and copyrights?Management Decision, 55
Jacob Bercovitch, R. Jackson (2001)
Negotiation or Mediation?: An Exploration of Factors Affecting the Choiceof Conflict Management in International ConflictNegotiation Journal, 17
Christoph Bronder, Rudolf Pritzl (1992)
Developing strategic alliances: A conceptual framework for successful co-operationEuropean Management Journal, 10
M. Vollmer, M. Eberhard (2018)
Procurement 2025 – an SAP perspective
Ingmar Geiger (2014)
Media Effects on the Formation of Negotiator Satisfaction: The Example of Face-to-Face and Text Based Electronically Mediated NegotiationsGroup Decision and Negotiation, 23
M. Beeson, J. Zeng (2018)
The BRICS and global governance: China’s contradictory roleThird World Quarterly, 39
Toby Stuart (2000)
Interorganizational alliances and the performance of firms: A study of growth and innovation rates i
K. Hjaila, Lluís Corbella, Antonio Camarasa (2015)
Scenario-based price negotiations vs. game theory in the optimization of coordinated supply chainsComputer-aided chemical engineering, 37
B. Jain, J. Solomon (2000)
The effect of task complexity and conflict handling styles on computer-supported negotiationsInf. Manag., 37
D. Shmueli, S. Kaufman, C. Ozawa (2008)
Mining Negotiation Theory for Planning InsightsJournal of Planning Education and Research, 27
A. Foroughi (2011)
Minimizing Negotiation Process Losses With Computerized Negotiation Support SystemsJournal of Applied Business Research, 14
M. Schoop, A. Jertila, T. List (2003)
Negoisst: a negotiation support system for electronic business-to-business negotiations in e-commerceData Knowl. Eng., 47
C. Varum, Carla Melo (2010)
Directions in scenario planning literature – A review of the past decadesFutures, 42
E. Chapman, E. Miles, T. Maurer (2017)
A proposed model for effective negotiation skill developmentJournal of Management Development, 36
K. Backhaus, Bernd Erichson, S. Gensler, Rolf Weiber, T. Weiber (2021)
Multivariate Analysemethoden
E. Miles (2010)
Gender differences in distributive negotiation: When in the negotiation process do the differences occur?European Journal of Social Psychology, 40
Christoph Laubert, Ingmar Geiger (2018)
Disentangling complexity: how negotiators identify and handle issue-based complexity in business-to-business negotiationJournal of Business Economics, 88
M. Bichler, G. Kersten, Stefan Strecker (2003)
Towards a Structured Design of Electronic NegotiationsGroup Decision and Negotiation, 12
J. Meehan, D. Bryde (2011)
Sustainable procurement practiceBusiness Strategy and The Environment, 20
Responding to megatrends, investment institutions trend index 2017
Andrea Caputo (2016)
Overcoming judgmental biases in negotiations: A scenario-based survey analysis on third party direct interventionJournal of Business Research, 69
S. Roper (1997)
Product Innovation and Small Business Growth: A Comparison of the Strategies of German, U.K. and Irish CompaniesSmall Business Economics, 9
Charles Patton, P. Balakrishnan (2010)
The impact of expectation of future negotiation interaction on bargaining processes and outcomesJournal of Business Research, 63
A. Mehmood, Iynkaran Natgunanathan, Yong Xiang, Guang Hua, Song Guo (2016)
Protection of Big Data PrivacyIEEE Access, 4
Lewis Froman, Michael Cohen (1970)
Research reports. Compromise and logroll: Comparing the efficiency of two bargaining processesSystems Research and Behavioral Science, 15
Pierre Dussauge, Bernard Garrette, W. Mitchell (2000)
Learning from competing partners: outcomes and durations of scale and link alliances in Europe, North America and AsiaStrategic Management Journal, 21
R. Money (1998)
International Multilateral Negotiations and Social NetworksJournal of International Business Studies, 29
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Trend compendium 2030
R. Baldwin, Eiichi Tomiura (2020)
Thinking ahead about the trade impact of COVID-19
M. Elahee, Charles Brooks (2004)
Trust and negotiation tactics: perceptions about business‐to‐business negotiations in MexicoJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 19
L. Weingart, Leigh Thompson, M. Bazerman, J. Carroll (1990)
TACTICAL BEHAVIOR AND NEGOTIATION OUTCOMESInternational Journal of Conflict Management, 1
J. Murnighan, Linda Babcock, Leigh Thompson, M. Pillutla (1999)
Karl Aquino (1998)
Journal of Applied Psychology, 94
Nicholas Jennings, P. Faratin, A. Lomuscio, Simon Parsons, Carles Sierra, M. Wooldridge (2001)
Automated Negotiation: Prospects, Methods and ChallengesGroup Decision and Negotiation, 10
F. López, T. Bastein, A. Tukker (2019)
Business Model Innovation for Resource-efficiency, Circularity and Cleaner Production: What 143 Cases Tell UsEcological Economics
J. Salo, Teck Tan, H. Makkonen (2020)
Digitalization of the buyer–seller relationship in the steel industryJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Dina Ribbink, C. Grimm (2014)
The impact of cultural differences on buyer–supplier negotiations: An experimental studyJournal of Operations Management, 32
Big Data - Bedeutung nutzen mehrwert
G. Hunter, Daniel Goebel (2008)
Salespersons’ Information Overload: Scale Development, Validation, and its Relationship to Salesperson Job Satisfaction and PerformanceJournal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 28
Gábor Rekettye (2013)
Global trends and their influence on future business performanceInternational Journal of Business Performance Management, 14
J. Curhan, Hillary Elfenbein, Noah Eisenkraft (2008)
The Objective Value of Subjective Value: A Multi-round Negotiation StudyMIT Sloan School of Management Working Paper Series
L. Thompson, Erika Peterson, S. Brodt (1996)
Team Negotiation: An Examination of Integrative and Distributive BargainingJournal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70
C. Martin (1994)
SA science and technology indicatorsZimbabwe engineer, 59
Vandra Huber, M. Neale (1986)
Effects of cognitive heuristics and goals on negotiator performance and subsequent goal settingOrganizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 38
G. Kersten, E. Roszkowska, T. Wachowicz (2017)
The Heuristics and Biases in Using the Negotiation Support Systems
A. Simintiras, Andrew Thomas (1998)
Cross‐cultural sales negotiationsInternational Marketing Review, 15
H. Schiele, Niels Pulles, K. Möller (2012)
Megatrends 2022: Implikationen für den EinkaufSupply Chain Management, 2012
R. Lamming, N. Caldwell, W. Phillips, D. Harrison (2005)
Sharing Sensitive Information in Supply Relationships:: The Flaws in One-way Open-book Negotiation and the Need for TransparencyEuropean Management Journal, 23
Methoden der Datenerhebung in der Verhandlungsforschung
Wendi Adair, J. Brett, A. Lempereur, Tetsushi Okumura, Peter Shikhirev, C. Tinsley, Anne Lytle (2017)
Culture and Negotiation StrategyNegotiation Journal, 20
Chanchai Tangpong, Michael Michalisin, R. Traub, Arlyn Melcher (2015)
A review of buyer-supplier relationship typologies: progress, problems, and future directionsJournal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 30
W. Torgerson (1952)
Multidimensional scaling: I. Theory and methodPsychometrika, 17
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32
J. Rubin (1983)
NegotiationAmerican Behavioral Scientist, 27
Andrew Jorgenson, Shirley Fiske, Klaus Hubacek, Jia Li, T. McGovern, T. Rick, J. Schor, W. Solecki, Richard York, A. Zycherman (2018)
Social science perspectives on drivers of and responses to global climate changeWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Climate Change, 10
R. Peterson, G. Lucas (2001)
Expanding the Antecedent Component of the Traditional Business Negotiation Model: Pre-Negotiation Literature Review and Planning-Preparation PropositionsJournal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 9
Major global megatrends: implications for advanced and emerging countries
Weiss, Tinsley (1999)
Examining International Business Negotiations and Directions for the FutureInternational Negotiation, 4
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40
C. Dreu, P. Carnevale (2005)
Disparate methods and common findings in the study of negotiationEuropean Journal of Psychology of Education
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This study aims to provide probable future developments in the form of holistic scenarios for business negotiations. In recent years, negotiation research did not put a lot of emphasis on external changes. Consequently, current challenges and trends are scarcely integrated, making it difficult to support negotiation practice perspectively.Design/methodology/approachThis paper applies the structured, multi-method approach of scenario analysis. To examine the future space of negotiations, this combines qualitative and quantitative measures to base our analysis on negotiation experts’ assessments, estimations and visions of the negotiation future.FindingsThe results comprise an overview of five negotiation scenarios in the year 2030 and of their individual drivers. The five revealed scenarios are: digital intelligence, business as usual, powerful network – the route to collaboration, powerful network – the route to predominance and system crash.Originality/valueThe scenario analysis is a suitable approach that enables to relate various factors of the negotiation environment to negotiations themselves and allows an examination of future changes in buyer–seller negotiations and the creation of possible future scenarios. The identified scenarios provide an orientation for business decisions in the field of negotiation.
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 21, 2023
Keywords: Negotiating; Scenario analysis; Future scenarios; COVID-19; Business negotiation; Buyer–seller negotiations
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