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In the dynamic landscape of the modern business world, the pursuit of employee well-being and satisfaction with life (SWL) has gained prominence. Yet, few studies exist on SWL among Indian working professionals. This study aims to investigate the impact of inclusive leadership (IL) on the employees’ SWL. Moreover, employing a mediation approach, the study also reveals the mediating role of workplace inclusion (WI) and career satisfaction (CS) in the relationship between IL and SWL.Design/methodology/approach The study involves a cross-sectional quantitative approach, drawing upon a sample of 279 professionals belonging to the Indian IT sector by administering standardized questionnaires. Data were analyzed using PLS through SmartPLS4.0 software.Findings The findings reveal a fully complementary mediating role of WI and CS in the IL–SWL relationship, supporting the hypothesized mediation model.Research limitations/implications This finding implies that leaders, with their inclusive behavior, can significantly influence employees’ SWL when accompanied by a sense of inclusiveness and CS among employees. The study offers valuable insights for organizations and leaders seeking to enhance employee satisfaction in the IT sector, emphasizing the significance of career-focused and inclusive practices in the workplace through leadership to promote a fulfilling workplace.Originality/value This study represents a pioneering effort to integrate the relationship between IL and SWL within the Indian context, going beyond the existing literature on WI and SWL. Additionally, the research model explores the influence of WI and CS in the IL–SWL relationship, a novel approach that has not been previously investigated.
Journal of Management Development – Emerald Publishing
Published: Sep 9, 2024
Keywords: Inclusive leadership; Workplace inclusion; Career satisfaction; Satisfaction with life
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