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E.H. Schein
Process Consultation: Volume II, Lessons for Managers and Consultants
S. Majaro
The Creative Gap
R. Stacey (1996)
Complexity and Creativity in Organizations
M.J. Wheatley
Leadership and New Science: Learning about Organization from an Orderly Universe
C. Hakes
Total Quality Management
D. Campbell, R. Draper, C. Huffington
A Systemic Approach to Consultation
김종식 (1999)
동아시아 문화와 경영, Geert Hofstede, Culture's Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values (Beverly Hills, CA:Sage Publications, 1980) ; and Cultures and Organizations : Software of the Mind (New York:McGraw-Hill, 1997)
G. Hofstede
Cultures and Organisations ‐ Software of the Mind
E.H. Schein
Process Consultation: Volume I, Its Role in Organization Development
M. Csikszentmihalyi
Flow: Optimaloplevelsens Psykologi
D. Campbell, T. Coldicott, K. Kinsella
Systemic Work with Organisations
R. Stacey (1993)
Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics
D. Mcgregor (1960)
The Human Side of Enterprise
The Stumbling Stone method is a practical way of establishing a learning organisation. Mobilising employees bridges the gap between the legitimate system and the shadow system of the company. The method takes into account the view of the organisation as a complex adaptive system and provides means to link the legitimate system and the shadow system of the organisation thus tapping into the creativity resource of the employees.
The Learning Organization – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 1, 1998
Keywords: Denmark; Learning organizations
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