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Recent research has addressed the marketing aspects incorporated in crowdfunding activity, establishing their relevance to campaign success. In line with this, research has begun to explore the behavioral aspects of crowdfunding participants, drawing on the buyer–seller interaction. The purpose of this paper is to expand on this trend by investigating the role of supporter engagement and its link to campaign success.Design/methodology/approachThe proposed model was tested using structural equation modeling analysis. Data collection was based on a survey of 116 supporters, combined with outcome data of 530 crowdfunding campaigns.FindingsThe study’s findings revealed that supporters distinguish between their engagement to the campaign and to the campaign’s creator. However, both aspects of engagement affect community establishment and supporters’ promotion efforts. The authors also found that these indicators of engagement are associated with campaign success.Originality/valueResearch on crowdfunding supporters have focused to date on criteria contributing to campaigns success, exploring the motivational aspects associated with such activity. The current study expands this perspective by examining supporters’ engagement, differentiating between engaging with the creator and engaging with the campaign. Recommendations for creators include making efforts to establish supporter engagement to facilitate active promotion and shape future support intentions, thus facilitating enhanced outcomes for both current and future campaigns.
Baltic Journal of Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 2, 2020
Keywords: Communication; Engagement; Crowdfunding; Active support; Future contribution; Campaign success
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