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Recently new forms of telework emerged, such as the hybrid model; however, little is known about how and when it promotes performance. Based on the job demands-resources (JD-R) model, the authors developed a conceptual framework to demonstrate that the hybrid model of telework positively influences performance via positive affect. Furthermore, the authors identified both personal (emotional intelligence [EI]) and job resources (autonomy) as moderators of this relationship.Design/methodology/approachTo test the proposed model, the authors collected data from teleworkers who were in a hybrid telework regime from the telecommunications industry (N = 290).FindingsThe results showed that (1) telework positively influenced positive affect and, in turn, performance and (2) the indirect effect of telework on performance through positive affect was moderated by both EI and autonomy.Originality/valueThese results appear to be fundamental for a better conceptual and practical understanding of how and when hybrid telework can improve performance.
Kybernetes – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 30, 2024
Keywords: Telework; Positive affect; Contextual performance; Job resources; Personal resources; EI; Autonomy
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