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The Principal as Leader of the Selfmanaging School in Australia

The Principal as Leader of the Selfmanaging School in Australia Briefly outlines the scope and pace of change in education inAustralia which is extraordinary and, for many, disconcerting if notdislocating there is virtually no aspect of the field that hasnot been touched by reform over the last decade, whether it be theprocesses of policy making among the different levels of government, orthe structures within which public education is administered, or theroles of leaders such as school principals. Briefly contrasts theemerging and traditional roles, then offers an outline of the broadcontext for education. Details the factors which are influencing changein education, with a description in each instance of the manner in whichthese are affecting the role of the principal. Describes scenarios forschooling as the nation moves towards the twentyfirst century, with afurther shift towards a market model foreshadowed. Proposes fourdimensions for leadership on the part of the principal. Journal of Educational Administration Emerald Publishing

The Principal as Leader of the Selfmanaging School in Australia

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Briefly outlines the scope and pace of change in education inAustralia which is extraordinary and, for many, disconcerting if notdislocating there is virtually no aspect of the field that hasnot been touched by reform over the last decade, whether it be theprocesses of policy making among the different levels of government, orthe structures within which public education is administered, or theroles of leaders such as school principals. Briefly contrasts theemerging and traditional roles, then offers an outline of the broadcontext for education. Details the factors which are influencing changein education, with a description in each instance of the manner in whichthese are affecting the role of the principal. Describes scenarios forschooling as the nation moves towards the twentyfirst century, with afurther shift towards a market model foreshadowed. Proposes fourdimensions for leadership on the part of the principal.


Journal of Educational AdministrationEmerald Publishing

Published: Mar 1, 1992

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