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Purpose– This study aims to examined the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI), self-efficacy and two outcome variables: in-role performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The study also examined whether burnout mediates this relationship. The target population included Arab teachers in Israel. Design/methodology/approach– A survey was performed. Usable questionnaires were returned by 221 teachers; therefore, the response rate was 88 per cent. Findings– Hierarchical linear models and mediation analyses showed that EI and self-efficacy are related to OCB, and in-role performance and burnout have a strong and negative relationship with the outcome variables. Mediation analysis using Preacher and Hayes’s (2004, 2008) approach showed that burnout mediates the relationship of EI and self-efficacy with the three outcome variables. Practical implications– The findings emphasize the role of the two personal variables examined here as important determinants of job performance and OCB, and demonstrate the importance of burnout in understanding OCB. Originality/value– This study will contribute to the literature on OCB and work performance by examining the rarely researched relationships between EI and self-efficacy, on the one hand, and between OCB and in-role performance, on the other. Further, this study will argue that burnout mediates the relationship between these personal and outcome variables.
Management Research Review – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jan 19, 2015
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