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The Library World Volume 52 Issue 10

The Library World Volume 52 Issue 10 REPORTS that reach us do not bear out the assertion we have heard rather frequently of late that the issues from libraries are declining. There is no evidence that this is so with nonmunicipal libraries and the circulation from county public libraries grows, it would seem, almost phenomenally it is even doubtful if they are as yet anywhere near their full possibilities. The centenary announcements brought correspondence in at least one London Sunday newspaper deploring the lack of library facilities in at least three districts, all of them we understand in a county's area. Where, as here appears to be the case, there are such deficiencies, it might be considered if the Library Association could make direct representations of the need to the authorities concerned and not wait until a new Libraries Act has produced the inspection and direction that seem to be wanted. Our charter gives us definite dutiesor such are impliedto promote better service. We do not think they have been followed in the way of direct approach. In spite of our propaganda, there are still many places where what is good library service is not known or not understood, where those with power might do something if they did know and understand. A candid picture of their shortcomings in comparison with towns or counties, definitely indicated to them, might induce them to overcome them for the one thing a council member does not like is to learn that his own services are poor compared with those of similar places. New Library World Emerald Publishing

The Library World Volume 52 Issue 10

New Library World , Volume 52 (10): 24 – May 1, 1950

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REPORTS that reach us do not bear out the assertion we have heard rather frequently of late that the issues from libraries are declining. There is no evidence that this is so with nonmunicipal libraries and the circulation from county public libraries grows, it would seem, almost phenomenally it is even doubtful if they are as yet anywhere near their full possibilities. The centenary announcements brought correspondence in at least one London Sunday newspaper deploring the lack of library facilities in at least three districts, all of them we understand in a county's area. Where, as here appears to be the case, there are such deficiencies, it might be considered if the Library Association could make direct representations of the need to the authorities concerned and not wait until a new Libraries Act has produced the inspection and direction that seem to be wanted. Our charter gives us definite dutiesor such are impliedto promote better service. We do not think they have been followed in the way of direct approach. In spite of our propaganda, there are still many places where what is good library service is not known or not understood, where those with power might do something if they did know and understand. A candid picture of their shortcomings in comparison with towns or counties, definitely indicated to them, might induce them to overcome them for the one thing a council member does not like is to learn that his own services are poor compared with those of similar places.


New Library WorldEmerald Publishing

Published: May 1, 1950

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