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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to survey the various measurement instruments of the learning organization on offer, leading to the adoption of a tool that was considered most suitable for gauging progress towards the learning organization in two sectors of the Lebanese economy, namely banking and information technology (IT). Design/methodology/approach – The paper capitalized on a literature review to identify the various measurement instruments on offer in the context of learning organizations. The Dimensions of the Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ) by Watkins and Marsick was adopted in light of the review to gauge the progress towards learning organizations in two progressive sectors of the Lebanese economy, namely banking and IT. The questionnaire was administered to a sample of six organizations from each sector, respectively, drawing on responses from a total sample of 227 employees and managers to benchmark progress towards the learning organization in a developing country context. Findings – The findings suggest the integration of learning organization best practices in both sectors with good progress and evolution towards learning organizations in the IT sector in particular. The strengths of both sectors seemed to lie in individual level and global level dimensions (particularly strategic leadership) while their weaknesses lay in people empowerment and the creation of systems to share learning at the organizational level. The findings are explained in turn in light of the peculiarities of those two sectors, qualified in relation to relevant contextual realities, and analyzed capitalizing on a systems theory approach or perspective. Originality/value – The paper turns attention to the various measurement instruments of learning organizations on offer and their respective strengths and weaknesses and presents an empirically grounded investigation of learning organization practices in a developing country context using the DLOQ. The value added is in highlighting the usefulness of a systems theory perspective in research on learning organizations.
The Learning Organization – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 6, 2009
Keywords: Learning organizations; Diagnostic testing; Measurement; Developing countries; Lebanon
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