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The Last Word

The Last Word Productivity: A Bee in Our Bonnet Productivity. A word man y promise but few delive r upon. To get a handle on one of strategic planning' s hottest but­ tons, we cast a wide net and found a range of defi­ nitions: "Productivity is a measure­ ment of the efficiency of production; a ratio of out­ put to input (e.g., 10 units per man-hour)." Jerry M. Rosenberg, Ph.D. pro­ fessor, Graduate School of Management, Chairman produces honey with a "America is suffering from Department of Business higher sugar content. Right overwork. We propose that Administration, Newark (NJ) now the biggest threat to a 6-hour day/30-hour week College of Art & Sciences, Rut­ productivity is the African­ be made the new standard gers University. ized bee coming up from for full-time work.' This South America." new policy would not only "The corporation takes John Harbo, research entomol­ give America's workers inputs, processes them, ogist, Honey Bee Breeding more time to devote to their adds value to them, pre­ Genetics and Physiology families, friends, and per­ sumably, and produces out­ Research Laboratory, Baton sonal and community lives, puts. If everybody is doing Rouge, LA. but would also provide ben­ his or her job correctly, the efits to employers in value of the outputs will be "Managing productivity is increased efficiency and greater than the value of an essential part of being productivity, reduced the inputs." competitive. Yet too often, accidents and absenteeism, F. Michael Hruby, president, productivity improvement improved morale, lower Technology Marketing Group, efforts are measured only turnover, and better reten­ Acton, MA. by output per labor hour, tion of valuable employees." and rewards constitute Barbara Brandt, political orga­ "To increase productivity such things as walnut-and- nizer, Women for Economic we look at a heritable char­ brass plaques displayed Justice, Boston, MA acteristic (such as honey between Softball trophies. production, pollination, Real productivity requires "No comment." resistance to mites and dis­ active top management Kevin Winston, aide (Labor and ease), find it, pull it out, support to survive and to Human Resources) to Senator breed for it or possibly move forward." Edward M. Kennedy, chairman, work with genetic engi­ David C. Shanks, vice presi­ Committee on Labor and neering [moving genes dent and managing director, Human Resources, after two from one animal to anoth­ weeks of intensive telephone New England Region, Arthur D. er]. Thus we can (poten­ Little, Cambridge, MA. negotiation between Winston tially) created a bee which and JBS. 64 | Journal of Business Strategy Journal of Business Strategy Emerald Publishing

The Last Word

Journal of Business Strategy , Volume 14 (3): 1 – Mar 1, 1993

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Productivity: A Bee in Our Bonnet Productivity. A word man y promise but few delive r upon. To get a handle on one of strategic planning' s hottest but­ tons, we cast a wide net and found a range of defi­ nitions: "Productivity is a measure­ ment of the efficiency of production; a ratio of out­ put to input (e.g., 10 units per man-hour)." Jerry M. Rosenberg, Ph.D. pro­ fessor, Graduate School of Management, Chairman produces honey with a "America is suffering from Department of Business higher sugar content. Right overwork. We propose that Administration, Newark (NJ) now the biggest threat to a 6-hour day/30-hour week College of Art & Sciences, Rut­ productivity is the African­ be made the new standard gers University. ized bee coming up from for full-time work.' This South America." new policy would not only "The corporation takes John Harbo, research entomol­ give America's workers inputs, processes them, ogist, Honey Bee Breeding more time to devote to their adds value to them, pre­ Genetics and Physiology families, friends, and per­ sumably, and produces out­ Research Laboratory, Baton sonal and community lives, puts. If everybody is doing Rouge, LA. but would also provide ben­ his or her job correctly, the efits to employers in value of the outputs will be "Managing productivity is increased efficiency and greater than the value of an essential part of being productivity, reduced the inputs." competitive. Yet too often, accidents and absenteeism, F. Michael Hruby, president, productivity improvement improved morale, lower Technology Marketing Group, efforts are measured only turnover, and better reten­ Acton, MA. by output per labor hour, tion of valuable employees." and rewards constitute Barbara Brandt, political orga­ "To increase productivity such things as walnut-and- nizer, Women for Economic we look at a heritable char­ brass plaques displayed Justice, Boston, MA acteristic (such as honey between Softball trophies. production, pollination, Real productivity requires "No comment." resistance to mites and dis­ active top management Kevin Winston, aide (Labor and ease), find it, pull it out, support to survive and to Human Resources) to Senator breed for it or possibly move forward." Edward M. Kennedy, chairman, work with genetic engi­ David C. Shanks, vice presi­ Committee on Labor and neering [moving genes dent and managing director, Human Resources, after two from one animal to anoth­ weeks of intensive telephone New England Region, Arthur D. er]. Thus we can (poten­ Little, Cambridge, MA. negotiation between Winston tially) created a bee which and JBS. 64 | Journal of Business Strategy


Journal of Business StrategyEmerald Publishing

Published: Mar 1, 1993

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