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A review paper on organizational culture and organizational performance
The purpose of this study is to map and analyze the academic production regarding the relationship among organizational culture (OC), corporate social responsibility (CSR) and organizational performance (OP), based on 240 papers listed in the Web of Science (WoS) database.Design/methodology/approachThis research was performed based on a bibliometric analysis supported by the VOSviewer software, followed by a content analysis of 37 prominent publications.FindingsThe results make it possible to identify the geographical and institutional profile of the production, the level of collaboration and interaction between the researchers and their theoretical base of reference, and to consolidate the main characteristics, trends, and future directions of research in this field.Practical implicationsThis study propitiates a vast and practical repertoire that addresses business issues involving the relationship among OC, CSR and OP aiming to help the managers to interpret their local realities and challenges, especially due to positive impacts that such relationship can generate in the business.Originality/valueA systematic literature review involving specifically the themes of OC, CSR, and OP in a scenario of gradual growth in the number of publications and interest in these themes.
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness People and Performance – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 6, 2023
Keywords: Organizational culture; Culture (organization); Corporate social responsibility; Organizational performance; Performance management; VOSviewer
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