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This study aims to examine the impact of the outsourcing of hotel departments on service quality measured through online customer reviews.Design/methodology/approachThree models were developed, considering three important online tourism reputation websites, to establish the relationship between the outsourcing of hotel activities and service quality.FindingsThe results show that in the three databases, hotel outsourcing has a negative influence on online reputation. A higher level of outsourcing reduces service quality, the percentage of recommendations and the value perceived by customers who carry out online reviews of these hotels. In addition, different models were established for each type of department.Originality/valueTo the best of the authors’ knowledge, this paper presents the first empirical study to analyse the relationship between the impact of process outsourcing and customers’ online reviews. It is also the first empirical research to consider the relationship between outsourcing and ratings by hotel end-customers as a performance measure.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Dec 1, 2021
Keywords: Outsourcing; Customer reviews; Online tourism database; Service quality; 外包; 顾客评论; 在线旅游数据; 服务质量
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