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Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 38
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 33
American Economic Review, 76
Management Science, 58
Journal of Corporate Finance, 62
Management Decision, 58
The Journal of Law and Economics, 26
Strategic Management Journal, 36
The Academy of Management Review, 3
Journal of Management Accounting Research, 29
Journal of Management, 41
Management Science, 56
Journal of Corporate Finance, 42
Research in International Business and Finance, 59
Management Decision, 54
Management Science, 63
S. Correia (2016)
A feasible estimator for linear models with multi-way fixed effects
Administrative Science Quarterly, 25
Long Range Planning, 51
Journal of Business Research, 139
Journal of Corporate Finance, 62
Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 18
Financial Review
Journal of Financial Economics, 3
Organization Science, 14
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 68
British Journal of Management, ahead-of-print
Journal of Financial Stability, 53
International Review of Finance, 21
Management Decision, 56
Journal of Management, 30
Contemporary Accounting Research, 28
The Journal of Finance, 72
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 61
Research in International Business and Finance, 59
Strategic Management Journal, 33
Management Decision, 59
Econometrica, 71
Journal of Corporate Finance, 17
Journal of Corporate Finance, 13
Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 16
Journal of Business Research, 139
Journal of Empirical Finance, 34
The Journal of Finance, 64
Strategic Management Journal, 35
Contemporary Accounting Research, 34
Journal of Corporate Finance, 68
The Academy of Management Review, 32
Journal of Corporate Finance, 17
Journal of Financial Economics, 86
European Journal of International Management, 14
Journal of Corporate Finance, 70
Accounting and Finance, 61
Journal of Corporate Finance, 29
Academy of Management Review, 9
Journal of Business Research, 135
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 66
Applied Economics Letters, 29
Strategic Management Journal, 30
Journal of Financial Economics, 52
Management Decision, 56
Contemporary Accounting Research, 31
Advances in Accounting, 38
Data Envelopment Analysis Journal, 5
Journal of Business Research, 66
Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 23
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 31
Journal of Management, 47
Academy of Management Journal, 50
Management Decision, 35
Academy of Management Journal, 53
International Review of Financial Analysis, 42
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 48
Journal of Financial Economics, 83
Finance Research Letters, 39
Journal of Financial Economics, 43
Research in Organizational Behavior, 9
European Accounting Review, 30
Journal of Business Research, 79
Management Decision, 59
The Academy of Management Review, 22
Management Decision, 59
Political Science Research and Methods, 6
Strategic Management Journal, 35
Academy of Management Journal, 41
Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 21
International Review of Finance, ahead-of-print
Journal of Management, 17
Journal of Corporate Finance, 52
Business and Society Review, 121
Management Science, 63
Contemporary Accounting Research, 30
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 48
Journal of Management, 37
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 28
Journal of Knowledge Management, 21
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 56
International Review of Financial Analysis, 57
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118
Contemporary Accounting Research, 32
Academy of Management Journal, 26
Journal of Corporate Finance, 70
Journal of Management Studies, 56
This paper examines the role of managerial discretion in the relation between managerial ability on the level of corporate cash.Design/methodology/approachConjoining the upper echelons theory's premises and the theoretical framework of cash holdings, we posit that the managerial ability's effect on cash policy varies with managerial discretion using firm-level data. To test the empirical prediction, we employ a linear regression model with fixed effects with a sample of US listed firms from 1980 to 2016.FindingsThe findings reveal that the positive association between the ability of chief executive officers and corporate cash savings is weakened by firm-level managerial discretion. The results are robust to various additional analyses, namely lagged independent variables regression, reduced form regression and granger causality test. Overall, the findings are generally consistent with the cash holding motives yielding transaction and precautionary demand for money. However, our findings also shed light on whether managerial discretion moderates or exacerbates agency problems related to top executives' cash holding policies.Originality/valueThis work's distinct characteristic is the investigation of the joint effect of managerial talent and discretion on a firm's cash holding, which remains unexplored in the literature.
Management Decision – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 16, 2022
Keywords: CEO ability; Managerial discretion; Business strategy; Cash holdings; Upper echelons theory
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