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Innovations can bring desired benefits to organizations if implemented successfully. Managers are a critical factor for influencing employee attitudes and behavior for adoption of innovations. We study employee (n=237) attitudes and behaviors for 13 different manager influence tactics in the innovation implementation phase of an e-learning system, which is regarded as the knowledge management system, in a manufacturing company in Taiwan. With regard to attitudes toward using the e-learning system, the influence tactics of apprising and collaboration were significantly associated with increased attitudes, while exchange and pressure were significantly associated with decreased attitudes. With regard to two separate behavior outcomes of the number of e-learning courses taken and the number of times online, the influence tactics of coalition, collaboration, and pressure all had significant increased associations; while ingratiation, inspirational appeals, legitimating, and rational persuasion all had significant decreased associations. Also, the influence tactics of apprising and persistence had significant increased associations only for the number of e-learning courses taken. Managers attempting to adopt innovative practices should consider the importance of influence tactics when adopting innovative practices in the corporate workplace.
International Journal of Innovation Science – Emerald Publishing
Published: Dec 1, 2014
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