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The image impact of mega-sporting events perceived by international students and their behaviour intentions

The image impact of mega-sporting events perceived by international students and their behaviour... Using Shanghai F1 as an example, this research seeks to examine the impact of mega-events on host city image from the perspective of international students. Leisure facilities and service were the most positive image impact perceived by the respondents, followed by affective city images as well as opportunities and convenience. International students tended to disagree that F1 would result in any crime and security problems and were unsure about any negative impact on environment and daily life. Some of the image factors were significantly related to intention to work in the city or the willingness to recommend the city. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship Emerald Publishing

The image impact of mega-sporting events perceived by international students and their behaviour intentions

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Emerald Publishing
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Using Shanghai F1 as an example, this research seeks to examine the impact of mega-events on host city image from the perspective of international students. Leisure facilities and service were the most positive image impact perceived by the respondents, followed by affective city images as well as opportunities and convenience. International students tended to disagree that F1 would result in any crime and security problems and were unsure about any negative impact on environment and daily life. Some of the image factors were significantly related to intention to work in the city or the willingness to recommend the city.


International Journal of Sports Marketing and SponsorshipEmerald Publishing

Published: Jan 1, 2015

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