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Kenneth Arnold (1995)
The Body in the Virtual Library: Rethinking Scholarly CommunicationJournal of Electronic Publishing, 1
R. Davies
My 2 sens worth
Electronic Peer Review Internet Conference , 1995
C. Day
The body in the virtual library
Általános tudományok (2010)
Diffusion of Innovations
R. Davies
Re: plagiarism
The Hundred Years War started today: an exploration of electronic peer review
" Don ' t stop the presses yet
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M. Malone (1993)
The Virtual Corporation
G. Wills (1995)
Embracing electronic publishingInternet Res., 6
S. Harnad (1995)
There's Plenty of Room in Cyberspace: Sorting the Esoterica From The Exoterica
K. Humphreys (1972)
The British LibraryJournal of Librarianship and Information Science, 4
Discusses electronic peer review of academic papers on the Internet. Looks at the changes which may occur with the shift from paper to electronic media. Proposes some guidelines for authors, editors and reviewers using electronic publishing.
Internet Research – Emerald Publishing
Published: Dec 1, 1995
Keywords: Electronic publishing; Internet; Journal publishing
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