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Judith Grant, Peta Tancred (1991)
Un point de vue féministe sur la bureaucratie étatique, 23
Gladys Symons (1986)
Coping With the Corporate Tribe: How Women in Different Cultures Experience the Managerial RoleJournal of Management, 12
J. Hearn, P. Parkin (1983)
Gender and Organizations: A Selective Review and a Critique of a Neglected AreaOrganization Studies, 4
Joan Acker (1990)
Alvesson M. (1987)
Examines how concepts of gender a primary field of powerarticulation and the gendered office allow us to see and explain thecontradiction that while women continue to move into management incomplex organizations in the industrialized world, occupational sexsegregation and the glass ceiling remain firmly in place.The explanation of the glass ceiling lies in neutral organizationallogic and language. Contrary to dominant organizational logic, women donot bring problems to the office rather, they encounter a longstandingdynamic of domination and subordination. Managerial women demonstratethat the binary gender representation is contextually defined. Theyexpose the fundamentally problematic nature of the opposition betweenmale and female, based on a structure of male dominance and femalesubmission.
Women in Management Review – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jan 1, 1992
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