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This study investigates how attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in entrepreneurs functions through coping schema to affect entrepreneurship-related cognitions. It is proposed that the resource-induced coping heuristic (RICH) bridges the conceptual gap between pathological cognitive executive control/reward attributes and cognitive resources, specifically entrepreneurial alertness, cognitive adaptability and entrepreneurial intent.Design/methodology/approachWith data from 581 entrepreneurs, this study utilizes partial least squares structural equation modeling for analysis. Additionally, a two-stage hierarchical component modeling approach was used to estimate latent variable scores for higher-order constructs.FindingsFindings indicate the RICH mediates the relationships ADHD has with alertness, cognitive adaptability and entrepreneurial intent.Originality/valueThe RICH is introduced as a mechanism to explain how ADHD indirectly influences entrepreneurial alertness, cognitive adaptability and entrepreneurial intent.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research – Emerald Publishing
Published: Apr 2, 2024
Keywords: ADHD; Cognition; Cognitive adaptability; Entrepreneurial alertness; Entrepreneurial intent; Entrepreneurship; Metacognition; Neurodiversity; Resource-induced coping heuristic (RICH)
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