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P.Z. Adelstein
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Bases teóricas del análisis documental: la calidad de objetivos, procesos y resultados / Antonio Bereijo Martínez : Reseña bibliográfica
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P. Adelstein, J. Reilly, D. Nishimura, C. Erbland (1995)
Stability of Cellulose Ester Base Photographic Film: Part IV—Behavior of Nitrate Base FilmSmpte Journal, 104
P. Adelstein, J. Reilly, D. Nishimura, C. Erbland (1992)
Stability of Cellulose Ester Base Photographic Film: Part I — Laboratory Testing ProceduresSmpte Journal, 101
C. Pascual (2003)
Reseña de Bereijo Martínez, Antonio. Bases teóricas del análisis documental: la calidad de objetivos, procesos y resultados. Madrid: Universidad Carlos III, 202, 319 p
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Picture Research: A Practical Guide
This article is one of two concentrating on the conservation of audio‐visual materials. This first one focuses on the conservation of one particular form of A‐V material, motion‐picture and film media. An outline of the main landmarks in the historical development of film conservation is given, followed by an examination of both the composition and the most common pathologies of film. Finally the environmental and other conditions for effective preservation are described. The companion piece to this article focuses on the conservation of magnetic materials, and should be read subsequent to this first paper (see Library Review , Vol. 53 No. 7).
Library Review – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 1, 2004
Keywords: Conservation; Environmental management; Audiovisual media; Film
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