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This paper aims to explore the role of ethical climate as an antecedent of polychronicity, then in turn the effect of polychronicity on frontline employees’ service innovative behaviours (SIBE) and error strain and the moderating role of organization mission fulfilment in these relationships in a hotel job context in Penang, Malaysia.Design/methodology/approachIn the current study, the data were collected from 312 frontline employees in the survey premises. A partial least square approach of the structural equation modelling technique (PLS-SEM) was used to test the associations among study variables.FindingsThe study findings reveal that ethical climate had positive impact on polychronicity. Significantly, polychronicity made positive influence on SIBEs and negative influence on error strain. Organization mission fulfilment was found to boost the influence of ethical climate on polychronicity. Finally, while organization mission fulfilment was found to boost the positive influence of polychronicity on SIBEs, on the other hand, buffers the negative impact of polychronicity on error strain.Practical implicationsThe present study procures implications for practitioners in terms of establishing ethical climate in work environment and maximizing the frontline employees’ SIBEs while minimizing error strain. In addition, this research procures valuable implications to apply efficient managerial tools and improve job results in the lodging industry context of Peninsular Malaysia.Originality/valueThis study by investigating the untested associations such as the influence of polychronicity on frontline employees’ SIBEs and error strain contributes to the related literature.
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Sep 4, 2019
Keywords: Hotel; Polychronicity; Ethical climate; Organization mission fulfilment; Error strain; Service innovative behaviours; Hotels
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