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PurposeThe purpose of this study is to draw concepts from marketing and information systems research and integrate them in the context of M-commerce. The authors develop a conceptual model of technology readiness (TR) affecting perceived ubiquity (PQ) (of smartphones) and PQ affecting M-commerce adoption (MA) incorporating the moderating effect of privacy concerns (PC) on the relation between PQ and MA along with the constructs perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEU).MethodologyThe conceptual model was formulated using a set of qualitative research procedures (four focus group discussions) and tested using two questionnaire-based surveys (with 372 and 431 respondents each) in India. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted followed by structural equation modeling for the quantitative data.FindingsResults from the quantitative study indicate a significant effect of TR on PQ, PU and PEU. All three latter constructs had a significant effect on MA. A significant moderating effect of PC on the relation between PQ and MA was also observed.Research implicationsThe study findings enhance the literature on the antecedents of successful adoption of M-commerce and establish the role of PQ as a significant influencer of MA.Practical implicationsThe study findings would enable service providers with a new and relevant model of M-commerce adoption.OriginalityThe major contribution of the study is the development and validation of a model that has attitudinal variables related to technology usage and their relations to M-commerce adoption.
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 14, 2017
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