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New reduced Surviving the Registration Price £39.95 and Inspection Process A Guide for Care Home Owners and Managers Written by a former care homes inspector and registered nurse, this guide will prove A Pavilion invaluable to care home owners, whether they are: new to the field; thinking of Publication extending; or, just planning to improve their services. by Published in a loose-leaf format, the guide addresses important issues and provides practical Judy Allen information on matters relating to registration and inspection, law, administration and care home design. The guide will also prove a useful resource for inspectors, both as a training tool for new inspectors and to provide guidelines to care home owners in need of advice. Format: A4, ringbound manual Product Code: PV82 Call Pavilion Publishing on 01273 623222 to order your copy SUBSCRIPTION ORDERS PAYMENT (Please tick your preferred method of payment and complete the Complete this form and send it to: details as requested) Subscriptions Dept., Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Limited, FREEPOST (BR458), 8 St. George’s Place, Brighton, n n I enclose a cheque for £................................... East Sussex BN1 4ZZ (no stamp required) n n Please invoice my organisation: or telephone 01273 623222 or fax 01273 625526 Name ................................................................................ TYPE OF SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED (please tick) Position.............................................................................. n n Individual (UK) ....£69 n n Corporate..............£115 Organisation ...................................................................... n n Europe ................£125 n n Rest of the World ..£130 Address .............................................................................. n n Organisation Multicopy (10 copies) ......................£575 .......................................................................................... CONTACT DETAILS ............................................... Postcode ........................... Please accept my subscription to Community Care Telephone .......................................................................... Management & Planning (ISSN 0968–9249). Name ................................................................................ n n Please debit my Mastercard/Visa/Access for £................................... from credit card number: Position.............................................................................. Organisation ...................................................................... Address .............................................................................. Cardholder’s registered address .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... ............................................... Postcode ........................... Expiry date .......................... Signature ............................. Telephone .......................................................................... I understand that I may cancel my subscription, in writing, within one month and receive a full Nature of business/interest ................................................. refund and I may cancel at any other time and .......................................................................................... receive a pro-rata refund. 120 CCMP Volume 4 • Issue 4 • August 1996 © Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Ltd
Journal of Integrated Care – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 1, 1996
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